Cool statuses about women for everyone

Cool statuses about women for everyone
Cool statuses about women for everyone

It's hard to imagine social networks without various statuses and jokes. It is they who fill the profiles with meaning and invite them to stay on their personal page for a long time. Cool statuses about women, men and children are relevant and often used. To express what you want as much as possible, you should choose the appropriate sayings.

cool statuses about women
cool statuses about women

Bright and funny statuses about women

Of course, women often behave unpredictably, incomprehensibly to men and very strange. In this regard, cool statuses about women with meaning are popular with the strong half of humanity. After all, those moments in which women and men differ attract and cause surprise and awe. Examples of such statements can be read the following.

  • Women sometimes cannot understand themselves. As soon as they see a campaign for a blouse, they don’t rush anywhere right away, they don’t run anywhere. They can stand in line for hours, although they were late for something five minutes ago.
  • Only a woman canpainting nails, applying makeup, looking for clothes to wear while talking on the phone with a girlfriend.
  • Men will never understand how there can be nothing to wear with a full wardrobe.
  • When two females meet, they always discuss the third, which is not with them.
cool statuses about women with meaning
cool statuses about women with meaning

Such special women

  • You need to apply makeup as if today you will meet the man of your life, all your friends and relatives on this day.
  • Only when you go out with a slick ponytail, slippers and no makeup, you can meet everyone you haven't seen for several years.
cool statuses about women laugh
cool statuses about women laugh

About women in poetry

Sometimes cool statuses about women from several lines do not allow you to open all the emotions. Therefore, it is necessary to speak in poems. The beautiful half of humanity is worthy of many words. You can use the following ideas as a basis.

  • Being a woman is wonderful.

    They are never bored.

    If sadness finds them, They can be silent.

    But in the head then time, Miracles work, Think up a lot, When they close their eyes.

    Women always have adventures, And even when they are at home. In the dreams of your bright, familiar

    And even on the phone.

  • Women whose wardrobe is full

    There is always nothing to wear in it.

    It is very, very difficult for men, Understanding all this, do not be shy. They are a hundred cases in the sametime, Know how to do, Wonderful things.

    And no matter what a woman says, She always thinks

    That's right.

  • Women are like a mystery.

    Cute when they sleep sweetly.

    There are different moods, They cry, they laugh without forgetting.

    Man if he asks something, Don't know what answer to expect.

    Women are wonderful, interesting

    And leave a beautiful mark.

  • They are beautiful without a doubt, And no need for many words.

    Thought out in sayings, For such a man is ready for anything.

  • Bright lips, beautiful eye makeup.

    Only because of this they will not hide unnecessary phrases.

    Men are shocked by their riddle, Because often they are not very sweet.

  • Funny and cool statuses about women driving

    cool statuses about women behind the wheel
    cool statuses about women behind the wheel

    Very often men are humorous about ladies driving a car. Therefore, they often set out cool statuses about women on social networks, the laughter from which does not stop even for a minute.

    • She is driving, having just bought a license.
    • Monkeys are more predictable than a woman driving.
    • Women behind the wheel look like stars. They never see you because they are above.
    • You can't get close to a car driven by a representative of the beautiful half of humanity. You never know what a lady might have forgotten at home.
    • Buying a driving license should be considered because you can buy everything, but that doesn't mean you can use it.
    • Beauty- this is a very terrible force. And if this power is behind the wheel, then it is doubly scary.
    • Girls can perfectly see the lack of makeup in the far-view mirror. But they can never see the cars ahead.
    • The ability to properly park is clearly not invented for women.
    • Putting cars crookedly in the parking lot, women give themselves the opportunity and space to get out of there beautifully.
    • A woman shines especially when she has correctly identified the gas and brake pedal in her car.

    Statuses about relations between men and women

    There are many interesting and funny situations in relationships, which are also often used in social networks. Especially women are very refined in the process of building relationships. The following ideas can be used to express such thoughts.

    • My wife is kind, she always lets me go with friends, but then I don't see her for at least a week. It is very difficult to look when the eye is swollen from a blow.
    • I never fight with my wife. Because even where she's at fault, the fault shifts exquisitely to me.
    • - My loves me, waits and never scolds.

      - Wife?- No, mom.

    • Only women know how to embellish any situation and make a real big scandal out of little things.

    You can talk about women endlessly. They are mysterious and open at the same time. They are funny and serious at the same time. Men are never bored with them. Poems are composed, songs are composed, and there is no end to this.
