Siberian State Industrial University (SibGIU): advantages and plans of the university, speci alties, reviews

Siberian State Industrial University (SibGIU): advantages and plans of the university, speci alties, reviews
Siberian State Industrial University (SibGIU): advantages and plans of the university, speci alties, reviews

The birth of the Siberian State Industrial University (SibGIU) took place in 1930. The history of this university began with the opening of the Institute of Ferrous Metals. Every year the educational institution grew and developed. It became a university in 1998. After assigning this status, the university tried to passively conduct educational activities for several years. Today, the work of the university has been corrected. He began to focus on the development of scientific and innovative areas.

Present and future

Siberian State Industrial University is a large technical university operating in the city of Novokuznetsk. Several thousand students study today in a wide range of areas and speci alties. The license allows the educational institutioncarry out educational activities:

  • in 43 undergraduate majors;
  • on 5 speci alties;
  • in 30 master's programs;
  • in 13 areas of training of highly qualified personnel.

In the future, the university plans to become a flagship university. He has a chance to get such a status. This will be not only a privilege for the university, but also a huge responsibility. The educational institution should become a more powerful educational organization, and students should become new generation specialists with quality education.


Available majors

Siberian State Industrial University implements several dozen areas of undergraduate training (the minimum period for mastering educational programs is 4 years). Training, for example, is in progress:

  • on "design and technological support of machine-building industries";
  • on "engineering";
  • on "construction";
  • on "electrical engineering and power industry";
  • on "applied mechanics";
  • on "technological machines and equipment";
  • on "automation of technological processes and production."
Speci alties at SibGIU
Speci alties at SibGIU

On the speci alty, where the minimum period of study is 5 years, only 4 educational programs are being implemented - "mining", "applied geology", "operation of railways", "construction of unique structures and buildings".

In the future Siberian State Industrial Universitywill develop technical speci alties related to his profile. Recently, the first enrollment of students was carried out on "robotics". They do not forget about girls at the university, because, as a rule, young men are interested in technical speci alties. For applicants, SibGIU offers "pedagogical education" (profiles - "social science" and "physical culture"), "economics", "document science and archival science", a number of areas related to ecology, technosphere safety, information technology.

Advantages of SibGIU
Advantages of SibGIU

Focus on practice

It's no secret that it is impossible to train a highly qualified specialist in isolation from practice and production. Employees of the Siberian State Industrial University, realizing this, have established contacts, concluded agreements with many enterprises of the city. Students in organizations undergo internships, internships.

Established connections allow teachers to periodically improve their skills in the form of internships. For example, in 2017, university employees were invited to several leading enterprises and associations of cities in our country (JSC Kuznetsbusinessbank, Energomonitoring LLC, etc.).

Reviews about the Siberian Industrial University
Reviews about the Siberian Industrial University

Interaction with alumni

To work with graduates, SibGIU created a specialized structural unit in its structure - the Institute of Career Planning. It has been functioning since 2014, judging by the reviews of the Siberian Industrial University. The institute has a regional centerpromoting the employment of graduates and career guidance "Career". This center is entrusted with many tasks:

  • interaction with enterprises;
  • building relationships with employers;
  • creating databases with vacancies;
  • holding contact events with employers (career days, job fairs, tours, company presentations).

The Career Center does an excellent job of helping graduates find employment. It occupies a leading position in the ranking of regional centers for the promotion of employment of graduates.

Future of SibGIU
Future of SibGIU

Reviews about the university

SibGIU reviews are most often positive. This oldest university in Kuzbass is famous for its high quality of educational activities and worthy teachers. Applicants say that they are attracted by the dignity of the university. Statistics for 2017 show that 857 full-time students, 166 part-time students and 809 part-time students were admitted to the university.

Getting into some speci alties, as applicants say, is not difficult at all. In 2017, the average score of students admitted to the full-time form for the budget, according to the results of the Unified State Examination, was 57.65. This indicator was almost the same in paid places. Of course, there are speci alties at the university with high passing scores. Information about these educational programs can be obtained at open days or at the admissions office.
