Zhukov Klim is a relatively young historian, but nevertheless quite well-known in scientific circles, and not only. He managed to gain fame in the literary field in the field of fantasy, as well as historical reconstruction. Some of the historical concepts he expounds are of rather great interest. So who is Klim Zhukov - a historian? The biography of this person is detailed below.

Birth and childhood
Klim Alexandrovich Zhukov - a historian in the future, was born on March 29, 1977 in the city of Leningrad (now St. Petersburg). The male ancestors of his father Alexander Zhukov came from the Orenburg Cossacks - the second oldest Cossack army in Russia. But the ancestors of my grandmother from the paternal side from time immemorial lived in St. Petersburg, that is, they were local.
Klim studied quite successfully at the school of his native city. The turning point events associated with the collapse of the USSR took place just when he was in his teens, which to a large extent affected the outlook of the future historian.
After graduating from school, Klim Alexandrovich in 1994 entered the Faculty of History, one of the most prestigious and sought-after in the RussianFederation of Universities - St. Petersburg State University. St. Petersburg State University is the oldest institution of higher education in Russia. It was opened in 1724 at the direction of Peter I, and was named the Academy of Sciences. In 1819, the educational institution was granted the status of a university. Such outstanding Russians as Mikhail Lomonosov, Pyotr Semenov Tien-Shansky, Kliment Timiryazev, Vasily Dokuchaev and others studied and taught there. The real name of the university was acquired in 1991.

Naturally, an institution with such a glorious history and reputation made rather high demands on students, and produced real high-class specialists from its walls.
Five years after entering, Zhukov graduates from this educational institution with a degree in Medieval Studies (History of the Middle Ages). The graduation work of the graduate is devoted to the two-handed sword in Italy and Germany of the XV-XVII centuries. Since then, we can say that Zhukov Klim is a historian.
In the same year, he enters the graduate school of the Institute of the History of Material Cultures in the department that specializes in Slavic-Finnish mythology. This time the topic of the dissertation was devoted to Russian armor of the XIII-XV centuries, and the scientific supervisor was Anatoly Nikolayevich Kirpichnikov, Doctor of Historical Sciences and Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation. It was Kirpichnikov who at one time led the excavations carried out by a group of archaeologists in Staraya Ladoga.
Work in the Hermitage
Simultaneously with admission to graduate school, Zhukov gets a job in the departmentnumismatics of the Hermitage. This is one of the largest cultural and historical museums in the Russian Federation. It is located in St. Petersburg, and was founded back in 1852 as the Imperial Hermitage. Here are collected the most valuable exhibits in the field of culture and history.
In 2004, Zhukov moved to the Arms History Department of Arsenal. In 2005, he became an employee of the Museum-on-Line holding, which operates at the Hermitage. At the same time, he teaches at the Russian Christian Institute in St. Petersburg, and lectures at the Hermitage Student Society.
In 2008, Klim Zhukov retired from the Hermitage to devote himself entirely to literature and cinema.
Participation in historical reconstruction projects
Klim Zhukov, a historian, gained wide public fame due to his participation in various popular science and reconstruction projects.
He is the head of the reenactment club "Sword-bearer", and the inter-club association "Livonian Order". Acts as one of the main organizers of the inter-club association of historical reconstruction "Grand Company", and the Association of Medieval BI.

In addition, Klim Zhukov is the official expert of the Guildhall School of Music and Theater, located in the British capital city of London.
Participation in Internet projects
He is also widely known on the Internet as a blogger, maintains his pages on the Warspot (dedicated to military history) and Red Soviets portals.
Klim Zhukov is a regular memberbroadcast on the Youtube channel "Intelligence Questions", hosted by blogger and translator Dmitry Puchkov, known to a wide range of viewers as Goblin. In this program, Zhukov acts as a historical expert with lectures that are posted not only directly on YouTube, but also on the website of Dmitry Puchkov, as well as on the federal portal "History". One of his most famous video lectures from this cycle is called "Historian Klim Zhukov about the science of history." In it, he says in the words of Yuri Lotman that history consists of two parts: scientific and humanitarian. The scientific part strictly operates with facts, while the humanitarian part interprets them.

In 2016, he took part in a conference organized by the largest scientific and historical portal "Anthropogenesis", where he made a presentation.
Scientific papers
Quite a lot of works were published by the historian Klim Zhukov. The bibliography of this scientist will be discussed below. It is thanks to these works that he claims to be a person who makes a certain contribution to modern Russian academic historical science.
In 2005 - 2008, Zhukov published three books on uniforms and military armor of various times in Europe. One of these books is about the period of the Middle Ages, another about the Renaissance, and the attention of the third work is devoted to European cavalry. He wrote the first two books in collaboration with such specialists as D. S. Korovkin, A. M. Butyagin and D. P. Aleksinsky.
Klim Zhukov also wrote several articles, mainly about armor and militaryarcheology. Among them are the article "Overseas Shells" (2005), as well as the preface to the publication of George Cameron Stone's book on armor (2008). Since then, it has become clear that Klim Zhukov is a military historian, and not a representative of another branch of this science.
Among other things, it was Klim Zhukov who was entrusted by the Astrel publishing house with the scientific edition of the translation of two books by the above-mentioned well-known American weapons specialist of the late 19th - first half of the 20th century, George Cameron Stone. These books were published in Russia in 2008 and 2010, respectively.
Historian Klim Zhukov speaks of science, including history, as an important tool of knowledge that is passed down from past generations to new ones.
In the applied methodology, Klim Zhukov uses various historical concepts when writing scientific papers. But he still makes the main emphasis on historical and dialectical materialism, which are based on the theory of Karl Marx.
This position is also related to Zhukov's political views, which we will discuss below.
Fantastic works
But not only Klim Zhukov is a historian. He is also the author of several fantasy fiction books published since 2010.
The first work of art by Klim Zhukov, which saw the light of the day, was a science fiction novel written in collaboration with Ekaterina Antonenko "Soldier of the Emperor". This book was published as part of the Absolute Weapon series by Eksmo Publishing in 2010. But despite the completefantastic plot, this work had a historical entourage.
Since 2010, Zhukov's creative union with authors working under the pseudonym Alexander Zorich begins. These are writers Yana Botsman and Dmitry Gordevsky. Klim Zhukov met the work of Alexander Zorich in 2006, after reading the trilogy "Tomorrow there will be war." After that, he was truly imbued with literary fiction and became a fan of the talent of the authors.

Klim Zhukov, together with them, worked on a series of fantastic works "Pilot". The action in it takes place in the same fictional universe as the events in the Tomorrow Will Be War trilogy. In 2011, the Astrel publishing house published the first book in the series, Dream Pilot. In 2012 - the remaining three books: Outlaw Pilot, Special Purpose Pilot and War Pilot.
So far, the products of literary creativity of Klim Zhukov have been exhausted, but we will wait for new interesting fantastic works.
Historian or writer?
But do not forget that first of all Klim Zhukov is a historian. Books on fantastic subjects that came out from under his pen, and they smack of historicism, although they have nothing to do with real historical events.
But still, it seems that Klim Zhukov abandoned history for the sake of a career as a science fiction writer. After all, since 2010, not a single one of his scientific works has been published. At the same time, it was in 2010 that he switched tightly to literary activity. His activity as a historian from this period consists only inparticipation in various reenactment communities that have only a tangential relation to scientific history, as well as in lectures in programs such as Dmitry Puchkov's Intelligence Interrogation and in articles on the Internet.

At the same time, it should be noted that after 2012 not a single work of art by Klim Zhukov was published. So the literary career of this certainly talented person is also in question.
But I want to believe that in the future he will be able to find the strength to fully realize all his talents. Let's hope that the time will come when everyone will know that Klim Zhukov is a world-famous historian and an outstanding science fiction writer.
Political views
Now let's look at what we promised earlier - the political views of Klim Zhukov.
According to Klim Zhukov's own words, he adheres to the ideology of communism. But at the same time, the historian is not a member of any party and is not going to join the Communist Party of the Russian Federation or any other communist-oriented organization in the near future. At the same time, it is periodically published on the Red Soviets portal, which serves as a propaganda tool for socialist, communist and leftist ideas.
It should be noted that Klim Zhukov's friend, well-known blogger Dmitry Puchkov, shares similar views.
General characteristics

So, we have studied the biography of the historian and writer Klim Zhukov. As you can see, this person is quite diverse. He writes scientific works, fantasticworks, participates in popular Internet projects, is one of the leaders of the historical reconstruction movement. In each of these areas of activity, he has already received honor and respect as a specialist. But at the same time, it should be noted that, spraying into several areas at once, he has not yet been able to achieve really outstanding results in any of them. But, let's hope that the list of world-famous scientists in the future will still be replenished with such a person as the historian Klim Zhukov. The photo above shows that this is a rather purposeful person, and it is quite possible that if not now, then in the future he will be able to achieve outstanding results not only in one field of activity, but in all areas that he undertook.
We wish good luck in all endeavors to the Russian military historian and science fiction writer Klim Aleksandrovich Zhukov! After all, his work really enriches culture and historical science.