In 2019, in the Russian Federation, traffic police officers created a survey for motorists, which showed that more than 80% of people do not know how to calculate their stopping distance at all. This article was created in order to understand how to do the calculations correctly.

About 83% of all drivers in the Russian Federation really do not know how to calculate their stopping distance at a speed of 60 km/h. The rest (17%) are able to do it. Yes, it might be difficult. However, this article was created exactly for this purpose.
Car owners in the survey were asked to answer several questions related specifically to the topic of braking distances. It is worth noting that more than 30 thousand people took part in this survey. Of these, 83% of people could not answer correctly. The exact stopping distance at 60 km/h is approximately 45 meters.

If you listen to official data and sources, then an average car and a normal driver with an average reactionit will take two to three and a half seconds to come to a complete stop at 60 km/h. And at this time, not only the time of fully pressing the brake pedal is included, but also the reaction to the appearance of an obstacle, as well as the transfer of your foot from the gas pedal to the brake.
In one second, a car at a speed of 60 kilometers per hour overcomes 16 meters. Therefore, if you make your braking distance ideal, then its distance will be at least 45 meters. However, this is at best. At worst - 55-60.
According to scientists, the driver's reaction to an obstacle is one second. During this time, a car at a speed of 60 kilometers per hour will travel 16 meters. The braking distance itself from this speed will require at least another 16 meters (according to the laws of physics). Therefore, the minimum distance will be 32 meters. But still, calculations are one thing, but practice is another.
In everyday life in real conditions, it is almost impossible to achieve such effective braking. However, it is possible. Moreover, all calculations are made in such a way that the driver looks carefully at the road and around. And if you smoke in an emergency, chat on the phone or switch the radio - this can not be discussed. In such cases, stopping distance is critical and in many cases you simply won't stop, or you will do so after hitting someone.
Percentage ratio

50% of all survey participants answered that only 30 meters would be enough to bring the car to a complete stop. However, thisnot at all, as it became clear in the material of this article.
30% said 10 meters was enough. Yes, such an indicator is generally unrealistic. For such a short period of time (less than a second, in the best conditions), the driver does not even have time to react, let alone press the brake pedal. We are not talking about a complete stop. Therefore, if you really consider that the stopping distance from 60 kilometers per hour is only 10 meters, then you would rather knock a person to death than stop.
Only 10% of all survey participants answered that the distance would be 80 meters. Yes, in practice this is possible. However, more often than not, cars with bad brakes, on snowy roads, and drivers with complications (poor vision, reaction, etc.)
The last 10% chose the 45 meter option. It was they who remained right - this is the stopping distance at a speed of 60 km / h and you need to completely stop your car. And so it became clear how in the Russian Federation drivers are not able to calculate such simple mathematical problems.
Someone will think that it is not important to drive on public roads. And someone thinks differently - if you don’t know the basics, then you shouldn’t drive a car. And yet, those people who believe that a vehicle can slow down at a speed of 60 kilometers per hour in 10 meters were wrong. This may be, but not in real conditions. Only in games or dreams. Let the stopping distance of the car at a speed of 60 km/h be 10meters, but only under one condition - if your car does not comply with all the laws of physics.
This article de alt with a topic related to the physics of the movement of the car. It became clear what the correct answer was in the very poll that the traffic police had created. And most importantly, the most important question was analyzed in the material: what is the braking distance at a speed of 60 km / h for a car.