Compare - how is it? Meaning, synonyms and interpretation

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Compare - how is it? Meaning, synonyms and interpretation
Compare - how is it? Meaning, synonyms and interpretation

Of course, one should not think that the ability to compare is something that only investigators or police officers need. A person is always involved in the process of thinking about the facts, their similarities and differences, without even noticing it. We look at the thermometer outside and think about what we should wear to match the weather. Let's discuss the meaning of the word.


Famous detective Lieutenant Colombo
Famous detective Lieutenant Colombo

It is clear that when it comes to global and serious tasks, it is easier for us to catch the operation that is hidden behind the infinitive, because it is more obvious. What's wrong with considering the possibilities of your clothes and the possibilities of the storm that has played out outside the window? However, in depth, at the base, the operation to which a person resorts is one and the same. Evidence, of course, is more interesting to look for than to think about everyday issues, but this is not so essential.

Explanatory dictionary always serves as our support. We hope he will not betray us this time. It fixes the following meaning of the word "compare":“Comparing, correlate with each other to obtain some conclusion.”

The magical connection of phenomena and the ability to compare facts

It's raining
It's raining

Now it is easy for us to judge our ancestors. Maybe not to judge, but we read with pleasure about the beliefs of the ancients, secretly feeling proud that we, of course, are not like that. We are enlightened, we have science, and we own almost all the secrets of the world. And those mysteries that are still unknown, they will definitely be discovered! We believe in scientific methods, and that's a good thing.

What do we have in common with our ancestors? The ability to compare is, perhaps, not the main thing, but it is important in the context of the topic. Only they had a magical or mythological thinking, and we have a scientific one. We know, for example, that rain is preceded by various physical changes in the environment. And the ancient man did not think so. He believed that rain was caused by an appeal to the gods. But here's what's interesting: if an ancient man thought so, then he was convinced of this when he correlated the facts, that is, his practice worked! Science would try to explain it! Now it is clear that the ability to compare is something that has been inherent in man for a long time.


When we realized that we can’t escape from comparison, that our whole life and even the life of our ancestors is filled with it, it’s time to digress and consolidate our new knowledge with synonyms, which we will, of course, give a list:

  • compare;
  • match;
  • match.

The object of study is all these words and a little more. After all, it's not just aboutTo compare, we must also draw the right conclusion. For example, a good detective differs from a bad one in that the former draws correct conclusions that correspond to reality. The bad one, although he compares, will not get out of the forest of delusions to the light of truth. What does it say? The ability to compare is important, in fact, it is key for some professions.
