"Pernicious" is about decay

"Pernicious" is about decay
"Pernicious" is about decay

A person explores the world around him with pleasure, tries to benefit from everything. However, not every acquaintance or phenomenon can be useful. Many are dying! Therefore, it is important to remember the meaning of the word "pernicious". This is the definition for all things, contact with which decomposes in any sense. When and how did the concept arise, in what cases is it used?

Disintegration story

First, you need to divide the term under study into morphemes. Then we get two easy-to-understand words:

  • create;
  • decay.

That is, from the verb it is obvious that we are talking about the process of creation. But how is the noun deciphered? Its closest synonyms are:

  • rotting;
  • disintegration.

Sometimes slow burning is added to the list. It turns out that "pernicious" is everything that makes things rot, decay, die.

pernicious influence of the West
pernicious influence of the West

Available etymology

Look in any dictionary and you will find two possible interpretations. The first is considered obsolete, it implies some form behind the adjectivedecomposition accessories:

  • born of decay;
  • creative decay;
  • carrying fading in itself.

Very bleak concept. It hides the darkest aspects of human life. The most illustrative example will suffice: “A corrupting spirit proceeds from the tomb,” which means both the smell of the body of the deceased and the atmosphere reigning around him. The second interpretation is characteristic of high style, it is used only in a figurative sense to indicate any harmful phenomenon.

Life examples

Demanded allegorical meaning can be heard regularly from teachers, representatives of the older generation or from prominent speakers. It's easy to see that "pernicious" is a universal characteristic:

  • "Western influence";
  • famous artist;
  • modern music;
  • computer games;
  • Internet, etc.

To some extent, the definition is a stamp. It is used in the desire to point out destructive phenomena, which, according to the speaker, lead to a h alt in development, to degradation, and even to the gradual destruction of an individual or society.

Today games are called pernicious
Today games are called pernicious

Need to use

How appropriate is it to pronounce the word "pernicious"? It depends on your interlocutor. In a discussion with colleagues, the concept will gracefully fit into the dialogue to indicate the positive and negative manifestations of humanculture.

But if you are planning to lecture the youth or prepare the text of an official speech, get rid of the term. It sounds so beautiful that it has long become a cliché, and causes a backlash from a skeptical audience: from laughter to complete rejection of the idea expressed. He will literally decompose your idea from the inside!
