If necessary, to improve the level of knowledge, educational centers and tutors come to the rescue. But this format of education will not always be useful for those guys who strive for independent development and want to get an education online.

Foxford - school of interactive online learning for schoolchildren
Today, on the Internet, you can easily find a huge number of different learning resources. How to find exactly what you need?
Here I would like to mention the Foxford online school. Feedback from parents indicates that their children, attending school classes, can easily solve any educational problems. Each student has the opportunity to take a basic or advanced course of study, as well as to fully work in individual lessons with a tutor.
History of Foxford School
In 2009, the best teachers of one of the leading Moscow universities organized 8 after-school courses for school students - this was the beginning of the story of the Foxford online school. Today, the database includes more than 80 courses in the main disciplines of the general education program.schools where a student can not only receive a full-fledged education, but also effectively prepare for the Unified State Examination, GIA and Olympiads.
To date, more than 10,000 schoolchildren in Russia have been trained at the Foxford online school. All of them received not only full knowledge in the main disciplines, but also the opportunity to become students of the country's leading universities.

It should also be said that here everyone can choose their own teacher, and this is a definite plus of the Foxford online school. Reviews about the resource also confirm that all students of the service get the opportunity to fully gain knowledge in the chosen subject in an interactive form.
Foxford Tasks
In the modern world, without quality education, absolutely nowhere. So what kind of educational resource will be useful for both schoolchildren and their teachers at the same time? The answer suggests itself - the Foxford online school. Reviews on the Internet confirm that it is better not to find this site. On the Foxford website, examples of open classes that are relevant throughout the school year are available for free use, and on the official YouTube channel, everyone can find useful video materials for themselves.

The courses and olympiads that have a state license have brought popularity to the Foxford online school. For each student, the teacher develops an individual learning plan, and this, in turn,makes it possible to study exactly those subjects that will be necessary for a future applicant to enter the leading universities of Russia. Immersing themselves in the learning process, students not only deepen, but also improve their knowledge while preparing for exams - and all this thanks to the Foxford online school.
How does the resource work?
Online courses at the school are held in pre-formed groups and include not only theoretical materials, but also homework. Training is divided into express courses and annual courses. It is important to note that all courses of the platform are also divided not only by disciplines, but also by learning objectives, namely, basic or in-depth study of the material, preparation for the Olympiad or testing.
For example, anyone can join annual courses at any time by paying an annual or monthly fee. It should be noted that this learning platform also offers free trial classes at the Foxford online school. Training is conducted by teachers from leading higher educational institutions of the country.
On the official website, anyone can sign up for open classes, but you need to do this in advance, since all meetings take place only at the appointed time.

To help schoolchildren, teachers of the school created an interactive free textbook, which makes it possible to repeat the material on basic school disciplines with the help of video lessons and test tasks. The tutorial can be found in the public domain in the official applicationschool website on the AppStore, Windows Store or Google Play.
Foxford, an online school from grades 5 to 11, opens its doors for students. Preparation is not a dry reading of theory or boring video lessons, it is first of all the opportunity to constantly communicate with the teacher, receive comments from him on the mistakes made and advice on completed homework. And for thorough preparation for the final and entrance exams, the school website is constantly updating up-to-date information.
Preparing for the Unified State Examination and Olympiads at Foxford
There are a huge number of preparatory courses for the Unified State Examination today, but it is Foxford that can give each student a comfortable and successful preparation for the final exams. Why?

Alumni reviews testify in favor of Foxford online school:
- Here every student gets the opportunity to study without leaving home, from the best teachers in the country.
- To repeat and consolidate the material heard, each student receives lessons in a video recording.
- Foxford e-library has textbooks for all school subjects.
- Control of homework is carried out in two ways - automatically by the program and by the teacher, the presence of online tips will help to prepare homework in a quality manner.
- At Foxford online school, the cost of courses is much cheaper than the services of tutors - from 190 rubles per hour.
Foxford preparation methods
The teaching staff of the school prefers only the most modern effective methods of preparing their students, which bring the very desired result:
- Visibility - all school material is decorated with pictures, graphs, tables and diagrams as brightly as possible
- Accessibility - educational material is presented in accordance with the age and level of development of the student.
- Mobility - each student has the right to choose for himself the most convenient time for classes and study anywhere where there is access to the Internet.
- Versatility - all students of the school are equal and can receive the necessary knowledge, starting from the level of their preparation.
- Accurate - Teachers use only verified teaching material taken from reliable sources.
- Creativity - the entire educational process takes place only using modern educational technologies.
- Stepwise – based on the identified needs of the student, the school develops a clear curriculum for each student.

Education can rightfully be considered the most important element in the development of every modern person. It follows from this that it is necessary to make the right choice of platform for learning. The Foxford online school will help bring each student closer to the cherished dream, and the reviews of those who have already managed to learn from it and gain the necessary knowledge base only confirm this.