Cheboksary universities: top 10 ranking institutions

Cheboksary universities: top 10 ranking institutions
Cheboksary universities: top 10 ranking institutions

Cheboksary is an educational, cultural, entertainment, industrial and commercial center of the Chuvash Republic. In this regard, it is not surprising that a large (emphasis on the first syllable) part of higher state and non-state educational institutions is concentrated in this city.

universities in cheboksary
universities in cheboksary

Cheboksary universities: list of institutions by rating in 2016

This article discusses the main higher educational institutions of Cheboksary. They will be given a brief description of the direction of their activities. Such an article will undoubtedly be useful to high school students, applicants and their parents, students, as well as those who intend to get a second (or subsequent) higher education and learn more about Cheboksary universities. The list of institutions will be formed in accordance with the rating of Cheboksary institutions in 2016 in Russia and in the Chuvash Republic. These figures are provided by the Vuzotek website.

It must be said that this list includes universities in Cheboksary with budget places. Thisinformation must be clarified on the spot already in the institution itself at a certain faculty.


The first place in the city and Chuvashia is occupied by one of the republican mastodons of higher education - this is the Chuvash State University named after Ulyanov. In 2017, it will be exactly half a century since it serves science, education and younger generations. Here you can get the first, second (and subsequent) education in full-time, part-time or evening forms at one (or several at once) of 16 faculties. In Russia, ChGU ranks …168th in terms of graduate testing and education quality.

universities cheboksary list
universities cheboksary list


Our list of "Universities of Cheboksary" continues the State Pedagogical University. ChSPU ranks second in the city and 283 in Russia (according to the Vuzoteka rating). In the coming 2017, it will be 87 years since the university regularly fulfills its obligations in training teaching staff and improving their skills. Five general university departments and a dozen faculties are working for the good of the motherland.

law schools cheboksary
law schools cheboksary


Cheboksary universities are even geographically relatively close to each other. Across the road from the main building of the above-mentioned pedagogical higher institution is the State Agricultural Academy, which is a year younger than its previous brother in education. In third place in the city and … at 546 in the Russian Federation. These walls provide our agriculture with professionals andspecialists in their field: biotechnologists, agronomists, livestock specialists, veterinarians, engineers, economists, etc.

universities in cheboksary
universities in cheboksary

And our top-list "Universities of Cheboksary" continues.

Institute of Culture and Arts

The fourth (urban) place on our list is the Institute of Culture and Arts. He is on the 619th place in Russia. This is a relatively young institution, whose activities for the benefit of Chuvashia in 2017 will turn 17 years old. Future actors, performers, singers, directors, conductors and other creative personalities study, practice and gain experience within these walls. Particularly aspiring and successful students become widely known, which undoubtedly glorifies the alma mater.

Cheboksary universities with budget places
Cheboksary universities with budget places

MADI branch

Finishes the top five universities Cheboksary branch of the Moscow Automobile and Road Institute. In Russia, this is 683 place. The Institute itself with almost 90 years of history is located in Moscow. In Cheboksary, since 2000, the Volga branch of this institution has been opened, graduating specialists and professionals in the road transport industry into the big world.

universities in cheboksary
universities in cheboksary


The next place in Cheboksary is occupied by a branch of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation. For almost 18 years, this institution has been skillfully teaching and preparing personnel for the public service for the benefit of the small and large motherland. In the country, this university occupies 816th place.

universities in cheboksary
universities in cheboksary


On the seventhin Cheboksary and at 887 in Russia, a branch of the Russian State Socialist University was established. It consolidated its position on the territory of the Republic and … closed in June 2016. In other words, this branch in Cheboksary no longer exists.

universities in cheboksary
universities in cheboksary


In continuation of our top list of universities in Cheboksary, the next branch is in eighth place in the city (and 942nd in the country). This is the Moscow Humanitarian and Economic Institute. It opened in Chuvashia 19 years ago, during which time over eight thousand students received education within these walls. You can get acquainted with specialized areas by calling this institution or visiting it.

universities in cheboksary
universities in cheboksary

Institute of Economics and Management

Actually, this is the next branch. The ninth (and 1247th) place is occupied by the St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University with a 25-year history, graduating economists, managers and financiers.

universities in cheboksary
universities in cheboksary

Academy of Law and Administration

The Academy of Law completes the top ten universities, which provides education in various disciplines: humanitarian, civil / state / criminal law (legal). Universities of Cheboksary, we remind you, within the framework of this article are listed in accordance with the city and federal rating of this year. It ends with this institution.

universities in cheboksary
universities in cheboksary

It must be said that this is an incomplete list of higher educational institutions in Cheboksary. If necessary, all addresses and contacts of universities can be found in the public domain.