Ranking of universities in the world: the best and most prestigious educational institutions

Ranking of universities in the world: the best and most prestigious educational institutions
Ranking of universities in the world: the best and most prestigious educational institutions

Every employer appreciates a good education. In our time, it is not very difficult to get into a foreign university, you just need to prepare well for admission. It is in order to choose the best suitable university that ratings are compiled.

world university ranking
world university ranking

How rankings are made

The rankings are based on the same sources, but the results tend to differ. This is due to the fact that the tasks of the compilers of the rating are different.

Criteria for evaluating universities:

  • Student reviews.
  • Research quality.
  • Entry requirements and average passing score.
  • Number of students per teacher.
  • Inventory costs.
  • Students who completed the course.
  • Career prospects.

All data is run through many filters, and you should not refuse a suitable offer just because of a line in the rating.

100 best universities in the world

In the top 2015 top 10 places are occupied by US and UK universities. The ranking of world universities was compiled by an independent commission, the survey was conducted in 9 languages.

So, one hundred best universities in the world are opened by Harvard University. This is a very old educational institution, opened in the 17th century. Many US presidents have come out of its walls.

ranking of the best universities in the world
ranking of the best universities in the world

The second place is occupied by the University of Cambridge. It is the oldest university in existence today. It was founded in 1209.

Third place goes to Oxford. This educational institution, like the two previous ones, is very old and has a worldwide reputation.

All these educational institutions have been known for a very long time, have an impeccable reputation, and after graduating from one of the universities you can count on one hundred percent employment.

Russia occupies 25th place in this ranking - this is Moscow State University. This is pretty good, but St. Petersburg State University was previously on this list. And now Russia is represented by only one Moscow university.

The list includes universities from both Europe and Asia. At the last, hundredth place on the list is the University of Massachusetts. Thus, the list closes and opens the US university.

Of course, to choose a top university, you need not only big cash injections, but also basic knowledge and knowledge of the language of the country where the educational institution is located.

Top Technical Schools

Technical speci alties are in demand and are popular along with the humanities. IT speci alties are especially valued.

Ranking of technical universities in the world is headed by the Massachusetts Technical University in the USA. Its peculiarity is that students learn by doing, rather than cramming boring theory. Therefore, the university is a leader in intra-university research. It is worth noting that the competition for this university is unrealistically high, and to get there, you need to try very hard.

ranking of prestigious universities in the world
ranking of prestigious universities in the world

The top five includes the Indian Institute of Technology. This is a real forge of personnel for the IT-sphere. There is no clear specialization at the institute, and students study about 40 disciplines. International students receive a scholarship as part of the exchange of cultural experience.

The top ten includes Imperial London College. Education in it is relatively inexpensive - 12 thousand pounds a year. But there will be big expenses for housing, because the college does not have a hostel. And in London, real estate prices are high.

The top twenty includes the Australian University of South Wales. Teaching principles are very similar to the University of Massachusetts.

Russia ranks 66th among the world's technical universities. This place is Lomonosov Moscow State University.

Top Medical Universities

Oxford is in first place in the top medical schools. As you can see, it is not only included in the ranking of universities in the world, but also the best among the teaching of medicine.

Harvard University comes second.

Cambridge is in third place.

ranking of the most prestigious universities in the world
ranking of the most prestigious universities in the world

Fourth place went to Imperial London College.

Finishing the top five is Stanford University, which is located in the USA.

As in the ranking of the bestuniversities in the world, among medical schools, the championship is given to universities in the USA and Great Britain.

But Russian universities are not included in the ranking of medical universities in the world.

Top Global Business Schools

Business schools are usually part of large universities, and very rarely exist separately. After graduation, graduates become managers of different levels.

Harvard is number one among business schools.

Second place went to the University of London and its business school.

The third place goes to the University of Pennsylvania.

In addition to America and the UK, the ranking includes business schools from Canada, Australia, China, South Africa, Singapore, India and European countries.

Ranking of prestigious universities in the world, according to the U. S. News

U. S. News is an old American rating agency that was formed in the early 1940s. Their ranking of universities in the world includes many more American universities than their peers.

In first place, as in almost all rankings, Harvard University.

2nd place goes to MIT.

Third place went to UC Berkeley.

British university appears only in fifth place - the University of Oxford.

ranking of technical universities in the world
ranking of technical universities in the world

In general, the first twenty positions are represented almost exclusively by US universities. Then you can meet the universities of Japan, Canada, China, Australia, Singapore and European countries. But most of all there are universitiesAmerica. Therefore, there are fears that the agency's experts out of patriotic feelings may slightly overestimate the educational institutions of their country.

But Russian universities were not included in the ranking of the best universities in the world.

Ranking of world universities by speci alty

In addition to the overall rating of higher education institutions, ratings of speci alties are compiled. This is done so that the applicant can choose the most suitable university. Because not all universities have each department or department equally strong. A university may be in the top ten of the overall ranking, but after admission, it turns out that in a less well-known institute, it is in a certain speci alty that knowledge is given deeper, more interesting than internships, and so on.

Lists are made up of six areas:

  • humanitarian;
  • engineering and technical;
  • biosciences;
  • physics and chemistry;
  • medicine;
  • social direction.

Rankings of speci alties are compiled according to the same principle as the overall ranking of universities.

MGU took several positions in different areas at once: 35th place in the direction of "Linguistics", 36th - "Physics and Astronomy", in the speci alty "Computer Science and Information Technology" entered the top hundred. In addition to Moscow State University, St. Petersburg University is in the top 100.

The first positions in this ranking are traditionally occupied by American and English universities.

Russian universities in international rankings

In Soviet times, education in our country was considered the best in the world. During the years of perestroika and during the 90s, the leveldecreased slightly, but now the ranking of Russian universities in the world has begun to grow upwards.

ranking of Russian universities in the world
ranking of Russian universities in the world

According to the QS agency, which analyzes all higher education institutions in the world and makes a rating, Russian universities are in the following places:

  • In 114th place, Moscow State University. Lomonosov.
  • On the 233rd - St. Petersburg State University.
  • On the 322nd - MSTU im. Bauman.
  • Novosibirsk National Research Institute ranks 328th.
  • From 400th to 500th place are Peoples' Friendship University, National Research Nuclear University MEPhI, St. Petersburg Technical University, Tomsk State University.
  • From 500th to 600th places - Tomsk Polytechnic University, Higher School of Economics, Kazan University, Ural University. Yeltsin, Saratov State University.
  • Southern Federal University, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Far Eastern Federal University and Voronezh State University are ranked from 600th to 800th.


When choosing a suitable educational institution, you need to focus not only on the ranking of the most prestigious universities in the world. This is a very conditional indicator, various ratings are marketing tools, and their compilation may be unknown to a simple layman. Of course, there is no reason not to trust popular agencies, but when choosing a university, it is better to focus on your interests.

ranking of medical universities in the world
ranking of medical universities in the world

The most useful rankings are university rankingsby speci alties. It is more informative and will clearly show in which educational institution the training will be most productive.
