One of the main structures in the Russian language is the concept and rule, what is the subject and predicate. They are the very first when getting acquainted with the syntax. It is important to master this material well so that you do not return to it further when studying other topics.
What is a grammatical basis

There is always a certain construction in a sentence. It is called the grammatical basis, it consists of a subject and a predicate. These members of the sentence are connected in meaning, and in a schematic image they are transmitted in square brackets.
The concept of a grammatical basis is associated with a sentence - a syntactic unit of the Russian language. It is the smallest unit of communication. It conveys thoughts and feelings. This is how people turn to each other with a request or a wish.
The grammatical basis includes both main members in a two-part sentence or one in a one-part sentence. Viaquestions "who?" and what?" define what or who is being discussed. Knowing what action is taking place, you can find the predicate.
It is important for children to explain what a subject and a predicate are. Rules are taught in elementary school. The literacy of written and oral communication will depend on how clear the material will be for them. In the classroom, they also get acquainted with different parts of speech, pose questions, consider them in the context of a sentence.
What is the subject?

And now let's take everything in order. In Russian, the noun is the main member of the sentence. It is easy to determine it by the question "who?" or "what?". In order to correctly highlight the main members in a sentence, you need to use the rule, what is the predicate and the subject, how to emphasize them. Let's give examples. There are several ways to express the subject:
- Noun: "Mom is reading".
- Adjective: "Friends invited me to visit."
- Communion: "People talked a lot".
- Numeral: "Two will do the job faster".
- Adverb: "Tomorrow will come sooner if you go to bed".
- Interjection: "There was a loud "eh".
- Pronoun: "They told me about it."
- Infinitive: "To live - to serve the motherland".
- The phrase: "A trio of horses swept past me."
- Term: "Cranberry is a he althy berry".
- Phraseologism: "Your words are filka's letter".
Applying the rule, what is the subject and predicate, we can conclude who is the main member in the transmitted information. The subject is necessary to indicate an object, a living being, or an important action. Emphasize it with a single horizontal line.
What do you need to know about the predicate?

This is the same equal member of the sentence as the subject. The predicate is underlined by two horizontal lines. To determine it, you need to ask the question "what to do?", "what to do?" or "what are they doing?". The rule, what is the subject and predicate, indicates the categories of predicates. They are verbal, compound nominal and compound verbal.
The first kind is the easiest. It is expressed by a verb in a certain mood: indicative, imperative, conditional. It can be defined as a stable phrase and phraseological unit: “I will remember for a long time.”
The compound verb predicate is an infinitive plus an auxiliary word indicating the grammatical meaning: “In five minutes it began to pour warm rain.”
The compound nominal predicate includes a linking verb and a nominal part: “The morning seemed beautiful.”
The rule, what is the subject and predicate, will help to correctly determine the main members of the sentence. They will indicate the main subject, phenomenon and action they perform.
Types of predicate

A simple verbal predicate is a complex form of a verb of any mood, tense and person. For example:
- "I will dance".
- "We will sleep."
- "They will sculpt".
- "You will cook".
- "Let him answer; let him dance".
- "Yes, take it off".
This also includes the infinitive, acting in the form of a verb of the indicative mood, a phraseological verb combination with the meaning of action.
A compound verb predicate is a verb plus an infinitive. They express an action: start, stop, continue. The group contains modal verbs expressing intention, desire, will, ability to be able, strive, manage. they also distinguish a part of speech that expresses an emotional state - love, fear, hatred, courage, habit. These can be short adjectives, state words - can and cannot be, impersonal verbs - should, should, required.
The use of the main members of the sentence: examples

To understand with an example what a subject and a predicate are, consider how the main members of a sentence are determined:
- "The riot of different colors in plants attracts" - here the predicate of the indicative mood in the present tense singular 3rd person.
- "I'll know" - the main member of the sentence is expressed in the indicative mood in the future tense singular of the 1st person.
So learningrules will help to correctly determine the subject and predicate - important components of any text.