Parent-teacher meetings in GEF kindergarten

Parent-teacher meetings in GEF kindergarten
Parent-teacher meetings in GEF kindergarten

Parent meeting in kindergarten is a way for the teacher to get to know the parents of the children, a form of transferring important information. We offer several scenarios for holding such meetings.

Initial acquaintance

An introductory parent meeting in kindergarten can be devoted to informing parents about the organization of the educational process in a preschool educational institution.

It is best to hold it at the beginning of the school year, so that dads and mothers get an idea about the work of the kindergarten, there is an opportunity to take an active part in the educational process.

parent meeting in kindergarten
parent meeting in kindergarten

Objectives of the meeting to be organized

The first parent meeting in kindergarten involves the following important tasks:

  • strengthening contact between the family and the preschool educational institution by modeling the prospects for interaction for the school year;
  • development of pedagogical competence of parents;
  • improving the quality of the educational and upbringing process;
  • stimulating the interest of family members in the development and upbringing of their children.

Such a parent meeting in kindergarten is held with the participation of the head of the preschool educational institution, deputies for AHR, VMP, nurse, parents.

First, the teacher tells that a good tradition has developed in the kindergarten - holding a general meeting.

The minutes of parent-teacher meetings must be kept. The younger group of the kindergarten, representatives of the preparatory, senior groups are offered a surprise. The children were first asked the question: "Why do you love your mom, dad, grandfather, grandmother." Those present carefully listen to the answers of the kids, someone manages to recognize the voice of their son or daughter.

The teacher who leads the meeting notes that the most beloved and dear people for any kid are his parents. The child needs their support and understanding. Without the relationship between the kindergarten and the family, it is impossible to create a joyful and comfortable environment for the baby. What should such a union be? What can moms and dads do? How can kindergarten help? The parent meeting, a sample of which is offered to readers, is aimed at getting acquainted with the activities of the preschool educational institution.

kindergarten and parents
kindergarten and parents

Headmaster's speech

It is the parents who are the first teachers. They must lay the foundations of intellectual, moral, and physical development in their children from early childhood. A parent meeting in a kindergarten group is an opportunity to get feedback, to introduceeducational activities of the preschool educational institution, to answer those questions that arise in mothers and fathers in the process of education. The kindergarten operates according to the main educational program of additional education in full compliance with the new federal state standards.

Specialists of preschool educational institutions hold a lot of interesting and educational activities not only for pupils, but also for parents.

Joint activities are necessary, so parents should become advisers and helpers for kids. Further, the head invites the parents to disperse into groups, continue conversations with the teacher.

ways of working with parents
ways of working with parents

Forms of conduct

You can take different topics of parent meetings in kindergarten, taking into account the age characteristics of preschoolers. For example, during the meeting, they compose messages to children in which parents talk about the feelings that they have for them. The educator suggests placing ready-made materials containing not only texts, but also drawings on the stand so that the kids can see that they are loved by their moms and dads.

Parent-teacher meetings in the senior group of the kindergarten are sometimes held by the teacher together with the children, turning the meeting into a real family holiday. Joint activity brings kids closer to their parents, forms mutual understanding between them. How can you think of such a parent meeting in kindergarten? In the older group, kids like active activities. To meet with parents, they, together with the teacher, can prepare a small concert, demonstrating their artistry andacting.

How can I hold a parent-teacher meeting in kindergarten? In the older group, in addition to songs, dances, preschoolers can read poetry, show moms and dads a small puppet show. The response word of the parents will be a fabulous journey through the “country of Pochemuchek”, during which everyone will get acquainted with the rules of conduct in a preschool educational institution.

meeting minutes option
meeting minutes option

Non-traditional meeting option

Parent-teacher meetings in the older group of kindergarten can be held in an unusual way. For example, the educator proposes an event on the theme "All children are real artists." In accordance with the standards of the second generation, the formation of the child's personal qualities, the early diagnosis of talented kids, is a priority in education.

The main idea is to promote the establishment, development of cooperation and partnership between the child and his parents.

Such topics of parent meetings in kindergarten are relevant, as they allow you to solve the following tasks:

  • expand the possibilities of understanding the baby by his parents;
  • improve relationship reflection;
  • help develop communication skills with the child.

How are such parent-teacher meetings held in kindergarten? GEF allows the use of the round table model with some practical advice.

The main purpose of the organized meeting is to familiarize the parents of pupils with the concept of giftedness, the creation of optimalconditions for the realization of the abilities of talented children, stimulation and activation of their creative work.

Event Objectives:

  • involving mothers and fathers in an active discussion of the problem of the influence of adults on the formation of giftedness;
  • analysis of society's attitude towards talented children.

The meeting is preceded by serious preparatory work on the part of the educator. He makes small recommendations for parents, memos related to the topic of the meeting.

For the meeting itself, the teacher makes a thematic presentation in the Power Point program. As souvenirs for the participants of the meeting, the teacher uses ladybugs made by children.

Below is a sample protocol for a parent-teacher meeting in kindergarten. It implies an indication of the topic of the meeting, the number of participants, options for the issues discussed, decisions made on them.

A meeting is held with tea drinking, parents are seated in a circle. The teacher begins the meeting at the Talent Academy with a greeting, presentation of letters of thanks, diplomas to those mothers and fathers, whose work is invaluable for the functioning of a preschool educational institution.

The educator notes that within the framework of the Federal State Educational Standard of the new generation, in the process of educating and educating preschoolers, the priority is the development of personal qualities, with special attention being paid to the search and development of gifted children.

There are no gifted kids in nature, so the task of the teacher and parents is to timely detect in preschoolerscertain talents, assistance in self-development, self-improvement. Someone is interested in mathematics, someone likes chemistry, biology, and some guys from an early age show interest in sports, various travels.

The responsible task of parents, teachers, is patience and love for their kids. Some children are quite shy, so you need to find an approach to them, arouse the desire for competition.

During the meeting, the teacher invites moms and dads to become active participants in games that are aimed at developing the left and right hemispheres of the brain.

You can hold similar parent-teacher meetings in the middle group of the kindergarten. As a task, the teacher offers parents the exercise "mirror drawing". A blank sheet of paper is placed on the table, pencils are distributed. Moms (dads) should simultaneously draw mirror-symmetrical letters and drawings with both hands. In the process of performing such an exercise, relaxation of the hands and eyes should be felt, since the simultaneous work of both hemispheres contributes to the effective activity of the entire brain.

The program of such non-traditional parent meetings in the middle group of the kindergarten can also include the game "Ring". Its essence is that you need to quickly and alternately sort out the fingers, combining the thumb with the little finger, ring, middle, and index fingers into a ring. During the warm-up, the exercise is performed with one hand, then both hands are included.

Discussion on the topic of the meeting

The teacher offers parents an interesting story. On distant islands located in the Pacific Ocean, a boy appeared who has the makings of a genius Mozart. What musical future awaits the baby if there are no musical instruments on the island?

Scientists managed to prove that any activity involves mastering a person with certain qualities. They help to cope with a specific activity, demonstrate the success of a person in this direction.

In psychology, such qualities are called individual psychological characteristics. Capable people are distinguished by the speed of mastering various types of activities, the speedy achievement of the goal.

Specific giftedness

Abilities can be considered a complex formation, which includes not only various psychological processes, but also the harmonious development of the personality.

In general, they provide a fairly easy and productive acquisition of knowledge in various fields of activity, which is called giftedness. It can manifest itself in various fields of activity:

  • training;
  • intellectual;
  • artistic;
  • creative;
  • training;
  • communicative;
  • artistic.

For the development of certain abilities, it is important to create optimal conditions for the child. The sensitive period is the time of maximum opportunities for the best development of some part of the psyche.

Also, for the formation of giftedness one needs perseverance, skillconcentrate as much as possible to achieve your goal.

What else can be included in the parent meeting in kindergarten. The middle group is a great time to form a positive attitude in kids to their unusual abilities, to search for a mechanism for their development and improvement.

In order to help improve giftedness, it is important to give the child freedom in choosing activities, alternating them. Adults should provide benevolent and unobtrusive help and support, but not limit the independence of children in solving certain problems, resolving conflicts that have formed.

It is not necessary to include the full text of the conversation in the sample minutes of the parent-teacher meeting in kindergarten, you can limit yourself to only the abstract.

parent meeting in kindergarten
parent meeting in kindergarten

Useful information

The teacher offers an introduction to the individual characteristics of each preschool age in an unusual way. He issues certain cards to the parents present at the meeting, which indicate the mental and physical characteristics of the children:

  1. At this age, children love to listen to fairy tales.
  2. By the age of five, there are various complaints from children that other kids do certain tasks and assignments incorrectly.
  3. At 4-5 years of age, the growth of a child stops at the level of 4-5 centimeters per year.
  4. Until the age of 5, it is important to protect a child from serious physical exertion, leading to spinal deformity.

Bparent meetings in the younger group of kindergarten it is useful to include a speech by a medical worker, a child psychologist. They will not only introduce moms and dads to the age and physical characteristics of babies, but also give advice on conducting diagnostic tests.

The teacher can tell at a meeting with parents about the importance of children doing simple physical work, small assignments. For example, the baby can mop the floor, dust, or vacuum the carpet in the room.

Scientists have established that it is the first five years of life that are the golden time for identifying and improving giftedness. At the age of 4-5, children learn to respect their elders, build relationships with their peers, leaders are identified among them.

Parents should also be informed that the lens of a preschooler's eye is different in shape from that of an adult. That is why it is so important to pay attention to the lighting of the desktop, behind which the preschooler reads, draws, plays.

To teach a child the rules of behavior, it is not enough just to tell them. It is important that the baby periodically perform such actions, that is, in practice, work out the received theoretical information. Only with the formation of skills, skills, their development, gradual complication, one can count on achieving the task.

What is NLP

A separate topic for conversation with parents of preschoolers may be consideration of the mechanism of neurolinguistic programming.

With it, you can get rid of a significantemotional stress, improve performance, develop thinking, form interhemispheric connections. The teacher asks the parents to do the exercise. They receive a sheet of paper with the letters of the Russian alphabet. Under each letter it is indicated: L, P, or V. The upper letter must be pronounced, L - implies raising the left hand to the left, and P - moving the right hand to the right, B - this is the simultaneous raising of hands up. The complexity of the exercise lies in the fact that such manipulations must be performed simultaneously.

minutes of parent meetings for the younger group of kindergarten
minutes of parent meetings for the younger group of kindergarten

In conclusion

Any parent meeting organized for preschool children is a responsible event for the teacher. It needs preliminary high-quality preparation, a detailed study of the subject of the meeting.

For example, you can pay attention to the analysis of the subject-developing environment organized within the framework of a preschool educational institution.

When conducting a conversation on this topic, the teacher talks about the allocation of four main modules in the preschool educational institution: household, play, free activity, security module.

The preschool education standard includes requirements for the structure of the educational and educational program, as well as the conditions for their implementation. They indicate the conditions for the implementation of programs, including financial, personnel, material and technical. During parent-teacher meetings, the teacher acquaints parents with the content of this document, presents a presentation on its implementation as part of the educationalorganizations.
