The problem of adapting first-graders to new learning conditions is particularly relevant. Quite a lot of attention is paid to its study by child psychologists, teachers, doctors and scientists. Having studied the issue comprehensively, the experts came to the conclusion that one of the factors influencing the success of the adaptation of a first-grader in society is the continuity in the work of kindergarten and school.
Creating a holistic learning environment

The time of preschool childhood is a favorable period for the formation and development of fundamental skills and abilities. The leading activity of a preschool child is play. The development of basic mental processes - memory, attention, thinking, imagination - also occurs actively during the preschool age. When moving from kindergarten to school in the body andthe psychology of the child is undergoing a restructuring. The transition from play to learning activity is associated with the emergence of some difficulties in the child's perception of the learning process itself. Continuity in the work of kindergarten and school implies the creation of a special, holistic educational environment between these links of continuous education in a single system. The main goal pursued by educational institutions in organizing such a unified educational environment is the reasonable development of a unified approach to training and education.
Mechanisms for creating a system of continuity between educational institutions

Before starting to solve the problem that ensures the continuity of the kindergarten and the school, the administrations of both educational institutions should conclude a cooperation agreement, on the basis of which the process itself will be carried out. Given the difference in the specifics of the functioning of educational institutions, it is worth developing a joint project to create favorable conditions for the transition from one system of education to another. The first large-scale joint event that ensures the continuity of the kindergarten with the school should be monitoring the adaptation of children to different conditions of the educational environment. Monitoring research begins during the child's stay in a preschool institution and continues in the school society. A complex of joint activities by specialists of both institutions is planned taking into account the primary data of monitoring studies.
The main directions of creating a unifiededucational community

When creating a unified educational space, it is necessary to take into account a number of factors, first of all, the fact that all participants in the educational process should be involved in the system. The first direction of creating a system of a single society between educational institutions will be work with teaching staff. Next will be working directly with preschoolers and their families.
Main tasks of cooperation
The first and main task facing the teaching staff is to create favorable conditions for the process of transferring a child from kindergarten to school. Recently, there have been quite a lot of disagreements about the structural components of the child's intellectual readiness for the learning process, so the joint work to improve the preparation for schooling of six-year-old children is also quite an urgent task. At the same time, special emphasis is placed on the formation of children's interest in school life. Helping parents understand their role in accompanying their child during the transition from one institution to another is a key challenge for both school staff and kindergarten teachers.

The essence of methodical work is to ensure continuity
Since methodological work is planned and carried out directly with teaching staff, it is carried out throughholding analytical and practical events, joint pedagogical readings, thematic pedagogical drawing rooms. The topics of the event are planned in advance, the indicative directions will be: “Continuity of kindergarten and school: difficulties and prospects”, “Main problems of first-graders in the first weeks of education”. It is advisable to plan and conduct mutual visits by teachers of classes and matinees. This will enable teachers to pay attention to the existing difficulties in children and plan future learning activities, taking into account the problems already identified.
Cooperation of educational institutions with families

An important role in the organization of cooperation between the family and the educational institution is played by the formation of ideas of teachers and parents about each other. The perception of educators by children is somewhat different from their perception of the teacher, due to the specifics of the teacher's activity. The continuity of the kindergarten and the family in organizing the educational impact on the child begins at the moment the child enters the preschool institution. The teacher is perceived by the child as a second mother, provided that the teacher has all the necessary skills of empathy and professional skills. Consequently, the parents themselves are ready to listen to the advice and recommendations of the educator, implement them, seek help if necessary.
A primary school teacher with a first-grader finds himself at some distance, incomprehensible to a child who is used to the fact that the teacher is a close person andfirst assistant. Correctly and in time to rebuild the child's perception of the teacher is a joint task of family members and employees of educational institutions. This direction is being implemented through holding general parent meetings, meetings of parents with future teachers, and the work of clubs for parents. Provided that all planned activities are carried out professionally, the continuity of the kindergarten and the family contributes to the maximum to the formation of an adequate system for the perception of the school and school teachers by children.
Supporting pupils during the transition phase

The main direction of the work of educational institutions, providing full-fledged continuity in the work of kindergarten and school, is work with children. Implementing this direction, teachers set themselves the task of expanding the children's understanding of school, school life, training sessions, the specifics of which are somewhat different from the specifics of conducting classes in kindergarten. A child, when moving to the next stage of education called "school", should not feel that he is entering an absolutely new environment for him, but continues to be in a single system "kindergarten - elementary school". Continuity is carried out through trips to the school with a familiarization purpose. Students get to know their future teachers. The continuity of kindergarten and elementary school is more successfully implemented in those educational institutions where pupils are in contact with students at play and entertainment events.
Adaptation classes for seven-year-olds at school
To familiarize children with the specifics of school life and conduct introductory training sessions, school teachers conduct introductory lessons for future first graders for some time before entering school. Attendance by children of such classes, as experience shows, has a beneficial effect on the formation of adaptive processes in the child's psyche. Children who attended adaptation classes in the system more easily perceive the change of play activity for learning, adapt faster in a new team. At the same time, they also cope well with the new social role of the student, they perceive the new teacher positively. The continuity of the kindergarten and the school in this case is realized through the joint attendance of school classes by pupils together with the teacher.
School of the future first grader

Preschool institutions, for their part, provide support for graduates at the stage of transition to a new level of education, organizing the work of the "School of the Future First Grader". Such a school operates in a kindergarten approximately from October to May of the academic year. At the first meeting, held under the theme "Kindergarten - Primary School: Continuity in Work", teachers of future first-graders are necessarily invited, where the first acquaintance of the educator who graduates the children and the teacher who receives the kids takes place. Subsequent meetings of the school are held taking into account the diagnosis of children,parent surveys. It is desirable to acquaint future teachers with the results, thereby ensuring the continuity of the kindergarten and school. The work plan of the "School of the Future First Grader" is drawn up in advance and agreed with the administration and teaching staff of educational institutions.
Prevention of psychosomatic disorders
The state of his physical he alth speaks first of all about the favorable course of the child's adaptation to school life. Medical specialists note the growth of he alth disorders and the occurrence of diseases in the first period after the child enters the first grade. This gives grounds to assume a psychosomatic basis for such disorders, especially in cases where the child had no symptoms of the disease before. In those educational institutions where the teaching staff comprehensively organized the succession of kindergarten and school, psychologists ascertain the minimum number of psychosomatic he alth disorders in first-graders. Therefore, the organization of cooperation between kindergarten and school in order to ensure continuity in the work of educational institutions helps not only to improve the quality of the educational process, but also to maintain the physical he alth of students.