The Great Patriotic War is getting further and further away every year, there are fewer and fewer veterans, and the great Victory Day is moving away from us. Today, the issue of educating patriotic feelings among the younger generation is very acute. Unfortunately, many children do not understand the meaning of May 9, despite the fact that their great-grandfathers paid for today's peace and freedom with their lives. A sense of respect for this date should be brought up from early childhood. Victory Day in kindergarten is a holiday of peace, a tribute to the courage and heroism of Soviet soldiers in the fight against fascism.

In order for the younger generation to really understand the full significance and feel the spirit of the great victory of the USSR in 1945, educators and methodologists need to put a lot of effort into creating a scenario for Victory Day in kindergarten. It should be imbued with patriotism and some pathos, but at the same time understandable and interesting for preschoolers.
How to spend Victory Day in kindergarten?
This holiday should be held annually in the middle, senior and preparatory age group. Now the types of its implementation are very diverse - these can be:
- Children's matinees for children of middle groups.
- Holidays according to the scenario for middle and older age groups.
- Sports events dedicated to Victory Day in senior age and preparatory groups.

Whatever type of event is chosen, high-quality preparation for its implementation is necessary. I would like to note that it is not worth working on the same scenario every year, because this can cause a feeling of indifference not only among the teacher, but also among the children. And the main task of the holiday is to bring up a child with a real personality.
Unfortunately, there is a category of educators who consider Victory Day in kindergarten a formal event and hold it "for show". Such an attitude of adults will never be able to instill in children feelings of respect, compassion, reverence for heroes, love for the Motherland and its merits, and most importantly, the children will not be able to understand the true greatness of the Victory Day.
Preparing for the celebration
This is troublesome, but worth it. Victory Day in kindergartens is designed to evoke in children a sense of pride and admiration for their country and people. To do this, you need to remember that every child should take part in the preparation of the holiday itself. For example, ask children to draw pictures on the themes "Peace", "Soviet soldier", "Motherland" and then arrange an exhibition of works by May 9.

You need to invite veterans or their relatives to the matinee, for whom childrenread poetry or sing songs. If the guests agree to visit the kindergarten, the Victory Day scenario should include time for communication between the veteran and pupils. At the end of the meeting, the children will give them handmade cards and flowers.
You can show the children a thematic documentary film at one of the classes dedicated to the date of May 9, 1945. Let the children see how people reacted to the news of the end of the war. How sincerely, without hiding tears, they hugged each other, greeted the winners with flowers in their hands.
I would like to note that at preschool age, children do not need to talk about bloody battles and how much death and suffering there were. This can injure the delicate child's psyche. Let the kids perceive the holiday as a joy.
Room decoration
Victory Day in kindergarten is most often held in the music hall. In order to create an atmosphere of festive mood, it is necessary to properly decorate the room.

For this event, despite the solemnity of the event, the decoration of the hall must be kept within the framework of rigor and restraint. For example, let paper flowers be hung on the main wall with the image of the joyful faces of children among them, and under them you need to place a St. George ribbon with the inscription "Victory Day".
If you fulfill all the requirements for decorating the hall in good faith, then May 9 in kindergarten will be memorable and bright.
Most holidays in kindergartencarried out according to the scenario. It should be compiled taking into account the age capabilities of the pupils and include information necessary for the development of the child and accessible to his perception. So, for example, the script for a kindergarten must contain the phrase “May 9 - Victory Day”. This is necessary for the formation of an inseparable connection between these two concepts in children.

Also, when drawing up the scenario "Victory Day - May 9" in kindergarten, you need to remember that the holiday should not be too long. Children 4-6 years old get tired quickly, so the event should last an average of 40-60 minutes. Scenario contests must match the holiday theme.
An event scenario may contain the following items:
- Children enter the hall accompanied by teachers to the music of a military w altz.
- The teacher greets the audience and briefly talks about the holiday. You can prepare your presentation in advance using slides.
- The guys perform the song "Victory Day".
- Children of the older group play the scene "In the dugout".
- Entertainment part of the program. The guys participate in competitions, solve riddles about military equipment.
- Educator's closing speech. Children distribute handmade cards to those present.
Whom to invite to the party
Of course, not a single kindergarten holiday is complete without the participation of parents. On a celebration called "Victory Day" in kindergarten isinvite grandparents. They will sincerely rejoice at the success of their grandson or granddaughter, and the holiday will stir up in their souls memories of a difficult military or difficult post-war period.

Children usually very diligently make invitation cards on a given topic, and the teacher signs them, specifying the time of this event. Not a single purchased postcard can replace postcards made by children, because they are filled with love and warmth of a pure soul.
When to celebrate?
Due to the fact that Victory Day is always declared a day off throughout Russia, it is better to spend May 9 in kindergarten on the last working day before the legal holiday. If parents are invited, it is best to schedule the event in the evening.
Be sure the teacher needs to invite the kids to visit the Victory Parade taking place in your locality. Whatever the holiday in the garden, it cannot replace a real parade and the feelings that arise in every child when he sees young soldiers marching or goes to lay flowers at the monument to the unknown soldier, where the eternal flame burns.
Victory Day in kindergarten and at home
Victory Day in kindergarten is a large-scale mass event held for educational and educational purposes.

But do not forget that every family had its own heroes of the Great Patriotic War. And kids shouldn't look at old photographs likepictures, every child should know about the man who fought for a peaceful sky above his head. He should treat these people with honor and respect.
The event "Victory Day" in kindergartens can tell children about the significance of this event for the country and people. But while there is still an opportunity, the child needs to hear the story of grandparents, great-grandmothers or great-grandfathers about the heroes who fought for their homeland, whom they remember personally. Maybe war trophies or letters have been preserved in the house - show them to a child, invite a kindergarten teacher to make a thematic exhibition for a memorable date.
Principles and rules
Each teacher needs to remember that "Victory Day" in kindergarten is the best time for the formation of such human qualities in a child as love and compassion for one's neighbor, the ability to help in difficult times.
To achieve this, the following principles must be remembered:
- It is impossible, remaining indifferent to yourself, to make a real holiday for children.
- Work together with your parents to help you come up with tons of new ideas.
- Create a special festive atmosphere in the group. Let the children feel the gravity of the event.
- Reveal to preschoolers the full significance of this holiday through classes and exhibitions dedicated to Victory Day.
- Visit thematic expositions and museums with students.
- Explain to the children the meaning of the phrase "No one is forgotten - nothing is forgotten."
Only by making the atmosphere of the holiday emotionally saturated inin terms of knowledge, you can reach out to the minds of children.