If you do not know the meaning of the word "weak", then this article will come in handy. It reveals the meaning of this word. Examples of usage and synonyms are also given. "Weak" is an adjective. Now we will figure out what it means.
Interpretation of the word
First, let's define what is the interpretation of the adjective "weak". Everyone has heard this word, but not everyone knows how to correctly indicate its meaning. To do this, you will have to use an explanatory dictionary. In it you will find the most reliable information about the meaning of a particular word.
Let's use Efremova's dictionary. It contains the following values:
- one who is sick, weak or decrepit;
- demonstrating weakness or impotence;
- characterized by insignificant power or strength (when talking about natural phenomena or mechanisms).
A person can be weak. Due to age or illness, his vitality may dry up. He gradually weakens, loses the ability to serve himself and perform the simplest actions. Elderly and disabled people are often referred to as infirm(perhaps not the most ethical characteristic). They are often unable to perform certain activities, such as walking long distances.
Some mechanisms or natural phenomena can also be characterized by the word "weak". For example: "At the end of winter, the cold becomes weak. There is no longer such a severe frost, it is gradually getting warmer outside."
Examples of usage

Here are some examples of sentences with the adjective "weak" so that you can remember this word faster:
- This weak man could not get out of bed on his own.
- Remember that we will all become frail old people someday.
- My hands are weak, I feel that my strength is gradually drying up.
- In order to somehow brighten up her weak condition, the patient began to read books.
- After several feeble attempts to crush the rebellion, the government decided to capitulate.
- The sun is gradually becoming weak, the breath of autumn is more and more noticeable.
Synonym selection
And now let's start the selection of synonyms. The adjective "weak" has enough of them:
- Powerless. As you can see, I'm already powerless: sometimes it's cold, sometimes it's hot, sometimes it's completely sickening.
- Sick. One sick woman was fond of vegetarianism and became very younger.
- Weak. The frost was getting weaker and spring was coming into its own.
- Frail. Your car is so badseems to fall apart as it goes.

Now the interpretation of the word "weak" will not be a secret for you. You know its meaning and can pick up synonyms.