The word "overcome" - what is it? Interpretation and synonyms

The word "overcome" - what is it? Interpretation and synonyms
The word "overcome" - what is it? Interpretation and synonyms

Do you know what the verb "overcome" means? It occurs in speech, but not everyone can accurately indicate the lexical meaning of this word. The interpretation of this verb will be discussed in this article. Its synonyms will also be indicated and examples of sentences will be given. The explanatory dictionary will help you find out the interpretation of the verb "overcome". This word has two main shades of meaning.

Overcoming difficulties

The first meaning of the verb "overcome" is: to overcome something, to cope with obstacles. For example, you can imagine the following situation: a student is preparing for an exam. He wants to get an A, so he studies tickets day and night, does not sleep and carefully prepares for the upcoming test. Then the exam time comes, and the student passes it successfully, getting the highest score. It turns out that he overcame difficulties and received a reward for this.

The student overcame difficulties
The student overcame difficulties

Another example: a person is sick. He tries with all his might to recover and overcome the disease. The following expressions can also help in understanding the meaning of the verb:

  • To overcome financialdifficulties, my father works day and night.
  • You can't overcome laziness if you enjoy it.
  • How can you overcome your fear of heights?

Excess and power

The word "overcome" has another interpretation: to exceed something, to be stronger than something. In this case, it refers to the state of mind of a person, his willpower.

Sometimes one feeling crowds out, exceeds another. That is, a person suppresses some kind of obsessive desire and chooses the right course of action.

An example could be given: a climber is climbing a high rock. He rises higher and higher, he is driven by curiosity. But then he looks down and feels a strong fear, because an abyss opens under his feet. And he decides to stop climbing and go back. That is, fear exceeded curiosity.

the word overcome
the word overcome
  • Seriousness overcame teenage maximalism.
  • The feeling of hunger prevailed, and we recovered to the kitchen for a snack.
  • Fear overcame our thirst for adventure, and we abandoned this dubious adventure.

Synonyms for the word

"Overcome" is a verb that can appear several times in the text. It is appropriate to replace it with synonyms.

  1. Overpower. I don't think you can handle this test of fate.
  2. Overcome. Self-esteem overcame, so I fought back the offender.
  3. Overcome. Learn to overcome difficulties so that you can endure all painful trials later.

It is important to know the interpretation of the verb"overcome". It is used in many speech situations.
