As a form of state final certification of general secondary education, the unified state exam (USE) has been used for a number of years. Compulsory subjects are mathematics and Russian. The final certification has general rules that have been repeatedly changed. The latest changes to the general rules will be discussed in this article.

About the rules
USE (mandatory and optional subjects) is carried out using control measuring materials (CMM), which are standard-form complexes with tasks. In addition, there are special mandatory forms to draw up answers to tasks. Compulsory USE subjects, as well as optional subjects, are taken in Russian in writing, if this is not a section of foreign languages ("speaking").
Exams are held in Russia and outside of it according to a single schedule. The organizers are Rosobrnadzor and the executive authorities of those constituent entities of the Russian Federation that carry outmanagement of the sphere of education (OIV). Outside the country, the Unified State Examination (mandatory and optional subjects) is also accepted by Rosobrnadzor and the founders of educational organizations of the Russian Federation, which are located abroad, have state accreditation and implement educational programs of general secondary education, as well as foreign institutions of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, which have structural specialized educational units.
Admission to the exam
Compulsory and optional subjects are taken by students who do not have academic debts and who have fully completed individual or general curricula with grades in all subjects for all years of study not lower than satisfactory.
The state final certification is en titled to be taken in the form of the Unified State Examination (Russian language and mathematics) by children with disabilities and disabled students, as well as students with disabilities studying in educational and educational special institutions of a closed type and institutions where they serve sentences in form of imprisonment.
Students in educational programs of vocational secondary education also have the right to attestation in the form of the Unified State Examination (Russian language and mathematics, as well as elective subjects for admission to a higher educational institution). Students in educational institutions of the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol have the same right.

Recertification and externship
The right to attestation in the form of the Unified State Examination is also available to graduates of previous years (with a document on receipt of a general completesecondary education until 2013), as well as those students who master the educational programs of vocational secondary education and study in educational institutions abroad of the Russian Federation, even if they have valid USE results from previous years.
Can pass the exam and people who have mastered secondary education programs in other forms - family education or self-education, or who have mastered educational programs not accredited by the state. They can externally pass the GIA in an accredited educational organization.
Now the compulsory subjects for passing the exam are Russian language and mathematics. However, changes and additions are planned for 2020. Firstly, according to the head of the Ministry of Education and Science Olga Vasilyeva, an exam in history will be mandatory for everyone. In addition, the compulsory subjects of the Unified State Examination in 2020 may include a foreign language and geography. Indeed, without knowledge of history, the country will not be able to successfully move into tomorrow. Whether geography will be a compulsory subject of the Unified State Examination has not yet been decided, since the entire existing exam system will be revised.
However, English as a compulsory subject in the Unified State Examination (or another foreign language) is likely to be. A number of regions in 2020 will take such a subject in the testing mode. Further, by 2022, the country will be ready to introduce a foreign language into the examination minimum in schools, and now trial tests are being compiled, programs are being developed. History as a compulsory subject in the Unified State Examination is an issue that has already been practically resolved, although this will happen, according to OlgaVasilyeva, not earlier than 2020. This will be the third compulsory subject.

History with geography
Olga Vasilyeva made many statements at the All-Russian Conference on the History of Russia, which was held in February 2017, regarding the development of education in the country. Much has been said about passing the exam in 2020. Required items will be replenished. She clarified that today children only take math and Russian, but the third subject of the exam should certainly be history.
She also stated that she is carefully listening to the increasingly louder-sounding public opinion regarding the GIA, which students take after finishing the ninth grade, in geography. Many citizens advocate the introduction of such an exam at graduation from school. The list of compulsory USE subjects will definitely be replenished. Perhaps geography will be one of them.
For university admission
In 2009, all high school graduates received information about compulsory USE subjects. They became the Russian language and mathematics. At the same time, each eleventh grader must receive a score not lower than that established by Rosobrnadzor. In addition, school graduates choose several necessary subjects for admission to the university. You need to choose from the list of general education disciplines that are included in the USE list. How many compulsory subjects, for example, should an eleventh grader take when they want to go to university? This will depend on the chosen specialization. For example, a future programmer needs ICT andcomputer science.
USE tasks in mathematics can be completed in advance not only completely, but also repeatedly, for this there are official portals with open problem banks. Since this subject is compulsory, graduates do just that. But mathematics is different from mathematics. The same future programmers should not decide the basic version, but the profile one. The tasks of the USE in mathematics at the profile level require, meanwhile, only knowledge of the school course. The website of the chosen university probably has free demo material that you can use for self-study.

Subjects, including compulsory, at the choice of a school graduate for admission to a university:
1. Russian language.
2. Profile and basic mathematics.
3. Chemistry.
4. Physics.
5. Social Studies.
6. History.
7. Information and communication technologies and informatics.
8. Geography.
9. Biology.
10. Literature.
11. Foreign language (English, French, German, Spanish).
To get a high school diploma, you need to take only two compulsory subjects - Russian and mathematics. Further, on a voluntary basis, a graduate can take any subjects of his own choice in accordance with the requirements of a particular higher educational institution. It all depends on the planned direction of training, that is, the speci alty.

Since the country is undergoing not too fast, but cardinal changes, this cannot but affect the education system. The Ministry of Education and Science has accumulated a lot of complaints from the population of the country. Of course, this system of passing exams has its advantages, such as the option of preventing corruption and the independence of the resulting assessment of knowledge. But there are a lot of downsides too. By 2019, it is planned to develop a mechanism for passing the exam in six subjects, as well as to increase the number of certifications for elementary schools. Of course, knowledge needs to be assessed systematically so that students acquire skills that increase responsibility and order.
In the minus of the existing organization of the exam, both parents and teachers put the test nature of the exam. Most students just try to guess the correct answer. This system should have been abolished a long time ago, replaced by a survey form that existed until 2009. Of course, both rehearsals and public opinion polls are needed before anything new is introduced into this system, because, first of all, it is necessary to understand how much each of these changes will improve the situation.
Due dates and assignments
Conducting the exam on the territory of the Russian Federation, as well as outside it, provides for a single schedule. Each subject has its own duration of the exam. In January of this year, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation issues a decree that approves a unified schedule and duration of each exam. It also contains a complete list of resources that will be needed.for training and education and will be used during the exam.
FIPI (Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements) develops examination tasks (KIM), that is, sets of standardized tasks, with the help of which the level of mastering the educational standard will be established. On the FIPI website, you can familiarize yourself in advance with the section of the demonstration versions of the USE for each subject, as well as with the documents that regulate the content and structure of the KIM - with all codifiers and specifications. Tasks can be both with detailed and short answers. The oral answers of the examiners in foreign languages are recorded using audio tapes. This section ("speaking") is still on a voluntary basis.

Information of control measuring materials that are used for state certification cannot be disclosed, since it refers to information with restricted access. Therefore, everyone who will be involved in the conduct of the exam, as well as persons taking the exam during the period of its conduct, are responsible for disclosing the information of KIM in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.
If KIM information is published, for example, on the Internet, this will become evidence of the presence of signs of an offense under articles 13.14 and 19.30 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation; 59, Part 11 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On Education in the Russian Federation".
State final certification, whichare conducted in the form of the Unified State Examination, uses a hundred-point assessment system in all subjects, except for mathematics at the basic level. Separately, for each subject, a minimum number of points is set, and if the examinee has overcome this threshold, then his mastery of the educational program of the general average level will be confirmed.he decides to cancel, change or approve them. Results are approved within one business day after all exam papers have been reviewed.
If an examining high school graduate is not satisfied with the points received, he has the opportunity to file an appeal of disagreement within two days from the date of the announcement of the results of the exam. It is drawn up in writing and submitted to the educational organization that gave admission to the examinee to the exam. Graduates of previous years and other categories of participants in the exam can appeal to the place of registration for delivery or to others that have been determined by the region. The results of the USE for each examinee exist only in the federal information system, and paper certificates about them are not provided. They are valid for four years.

If a graduate of this current year receives a result that is below the established minimum score for any of the compulsory subjects, he can retake the exam again - in a singlethe timetable for this provides for additional deadlines. If, however, any category of the USE participant fails to obtain a minimum score in the subjects that he chose to enter the university, then the retake will take place only after a year.
Since 2015, all students can take the exam in compulsory subjects up to three times (this applies only to mathematics and the Russian language). This is possible either on additional days if only one subject is failed, or in autumn (September, October). In the latter case, admission to the university can no longer take place, since the required deadlines have passed, but the student will receive a certificate.