Exams have always been the most frustrating part of the learning process. With the introduction of the USE, a lot of heated debate flared up. Some are categorically against such a test of knowledge and demand the return of the traditional exam. Others, on the contrary, consider the results of the Unified State Examination to be a more impartial assessment. And only graduates year after year are interested in the same question. Is it difficult to pass the exam? Let's try to figure it out.
Required subjects
Each student will have to decide on his own which subjects to take for the exam. However, two disciplines remain mandatory. This is the Russian language, as well as mathematics.
The Ministry of Education has long been planning to increase the number of compulsory subjects taken in the form of the Unified State Examination. Information has already appeared that from 2020 history will be added to the list of compulsory disciplines. The president himself spoke in favor of this subject. The knowledge of schoolchildren, in his opinion, remains at a low level. And it is necessary to know the history of the state. That's what the president thinks.

Another required subject under review. It can be social science or physics.
Such innovations will force students to take much more subjects. Not everyone will need history or physics to get into college. If earlier the student was free to choose subjects, now the ministers decide which disciplines to take in order to get a certificate.
Given this perspective, the question “Is it difficult to pass the exam” can be answered in the affirmative. After all, with an increase in the number of exams, the burden on schoolchildren will increase, who will need more time and effort to prepare.
USE in mathematics
Difficulties in preparing for a single exam are not only related to the need to learn the subject. It is important to carefully familiarize yourself with the structure of the exam. This will allow you not to get confused even in a stressful state. Correctly filling out the form is important. Indeed, due to ridiculous mistakes, a student, even brilliantly knowing the subject, can underestimate the final score.

For the first time faced with the need to enter answers in a special form, the student may get confused. That's why it's better to use a draft. This will avoid strikethroughs and corrections. A good option is to take a trial exam. This will allow you to identify difficulties, practice filling out the form and work on mistakes. Such thorough preparation for the exam will certainly bring the desired result to the student.
Is it difficult to pass the exam inmathematics? It largely depends on which option the student chooses. Now this subject is divided into basic and profile. Needless to say, the second option has an increased level of complexity and is intended for those who plan to enter a technical university. A high score in specialized mathematics will allow you to bypass other applicants.
How to pass the exam in physics?
Exam preparation should include not only the study of the subject, but also the solution of organizational issues. On the exam in physics, 3 hours 55 minutes are allotted. The student must complete the allotted time. That's why it's a good idea to use a timer when doing training tasks, which will allow you to estimate the time spent.

Smartphones and other equipment cannot be taken to the exam in physics. Only a ruler and a simple calculator that does not perform complex calculations are allowed to be brought in.
- Preparation for the exam should include the analysis of tasks of varying complexity. Quite simple questions that test basic knowledge can be caught on the exam. If you do not pay enough attention to them in preparation, you can get confused.
- It is important to be familiar with common mistakes and avoid them. It is curious that schoolchildren show inattention in simple arithmetic calculations. Perhaps it's the excitement.
- Experts recommend not to waste time on difficult tasks. If you don't know the answer, skip the question. If you have time, you can return to it.
- Stop using cheat sheets. On theExaminations are subject to rigorous testing and video surveillance. Using a cheat sheet in such conditions is unlikely to succeed. And if the clues are found, the student can be taken out of the classroom and banned from retaking the exam this year.
Compliance with simple rules will allow you to successfully pass the exam in mathematics or another subject.
Experts recommend starting to study the material as early as possible. There is no need to hope that 4-5 months before the upcoming exam, you can turn a three-year student into an excellent student. Some centers advertise expensive short courses promising brilliant results.
A more reliable option is to start preparing as early as 10th grade. Don't drag it out to the end. After all, in addition to physics, you will need to take a few more final exams.

If the student has a small stock of knowledge, in preparation, the main attention should be paid to tasks of the second level. By systematically working through typical exercises, the student increases the likelihood of scoring a higher number of points.
After thorough preparation, you will confidently answer “no” to the question “Is it difficult to take the exam.”