How to prepare for the exam in English: recommendations and tips for preparing, the structure of the conduct and the rules for passing the exam

How to prepare for the exam in English: recommendations and tips for preparing, the structure of the conduct and the rules for passing the exam
How to prepare for the exam in English: recommendations and tips for preparing, the structure of the conduct and the rules for passing the exam

Students often wonder how to prepare for the exam in English, since a foreign language is considered one of the most difficult subjects. Unpleasant associations with this exam are also associated with a typical exam environment: cameras working online, commissions, insufficient time to complete assignments. In addition, unlike all the others, the unified state exam in English includes 2 parts: written and oral. That is why this exam is so difficult for Russian students.

listening comprehension skill
listening comprehension skill

The secret to success in the English exam is proper preparation

Of course, if initially the student does not have a certain base from school lessons, it will be quite difficult to pass the exam. How to prepare for the exam in English? It’s worth starting with the most basic: reading rules, elementary grammar, the necessary vocabulary and training in the perception of English speech in English.hearing.

If you have basic knowledge, you don’t have to worry too much about how to prepare for the exam in English in a year. It will be necessary to focus on the structure of the exam, methods for completing tasks, and work out weaknesses. Since there is a limited amount of time on the exam, you need to bring the necessary skills almost to automatism, especially for grammar, writing and essay tasks.

practice assignments
practice assignments

Structure of the unified state exam in English

The exam involves a comprehensive examination of the knowledge of graduates. It contains tasks in 4 sections:

  • listening (exercises on the listened text);
  • grammar and vocabulary (checks the ability to correctly insert the necessary forms of words and cognates into the text);
  • reading (exercises on the read text);
  • Written response tasks (letter and essay).

The presented types of tasks are included in the 1st part of the exam, the 2nd part tests the speaking skill.

oral speech
oral speech

All sections include 3 tasks each, arranged in ascending order of difficulty, so even a student who does not have a large stock of knowledge can pass the English exam at least for the minimum score.

What tasks does the English exam contain?

Auditing consists of the following types of tasks:

  1. A task in which you need to choose titles for the dialogues you listened to.
  2. Assignment where you need to mark which theses correspond to the contentof the text you listened to / do not correspond / were not mentioned at all in it.
  3. A task that involves choosing one of 3 answers to a question based on an interview.

The lexical and grammar section includes:

  1. Tasks to transform the forms of these words.
  2. Word-building assignments.
  3. Tasks for choosing the right word or set expression corresponding to the text.
  4. fixing the base material
    fixing the base material

Reading consists of:

  1. Assignment requiring the selection of a title for passages.
  2. Tasks for inserting phrases grammatically and lexically corresponding to the missing places in the text.
  3. Tests on the selection of answers to questions based on an unadapted excerpt from a work of art (most often) or other sources.

The part with a detailed answer is an essay and a letter to a friend, where you need to answer questions and ask your own on the proposed topic.

Oral part contains:

  • excerpt to read aloud;
  • a task that requires formulating questions on a specific topic;
  • description of a photo to choose from according to the proposed plan and comparison of 2 pictures according to the plan.

Exam Rules

To know how to prepare for the exam in English, and pass it with a high score, you need to take into account all the nuances.

3 hours for the written exam. It is worth paying special attention to this and learning how to fit in the allotted time, since the forms are collected at the end of the exam. Drafts with assignmentsare checked: if the submitter completed the tasks, but did not have time to fill out the forms, then 0 points are set for the task.

Tasks with a short answer are transferred to the form as a sequence of numbers or letters without spaces.

The part with a detailed answer has clear criteria described in the FIPI. The letter should be written in an informal style and include 100-140 words. The mini-essay is a reasoning with a clear structure and includes 7 paragraphs. Number of words - 180-250.

When writing more words, only those words that fall within the set interval are checked. In other words, if too much is written, for example, the conclusion will not be counted, although it was present in the essay.

literature for preparation
literature for preparation

The oral exam takes place on a separate day and lasts 15 minutes. The graduate works with a special program that controls the time allotted for preparation and response. The dealer can himself move from one task to another and navigate in time, looking at the slider on the screen. As equipment, the graduate receives headphones and a microphone. At the end of the oral part of the exam, it is necessary to check whether the answers were recorded with sufficient quality by listening to the audio file.

How to effectively prepare for the exam in English: developing the necessary skills for successful passing

In general, the only way to feel confident in the exam is to practice a lot, especially in foreign languages. Grammar structures, vocabulary and other typestasks are worked out in the process of an integrated approach to learning, including a variety of types of work.

Listening can be done only if you constantly listen to texts, preferably in the form of the exam: this way the brain will get used to the speed of English speech and the peculiarities of phonetics, it will be easier to catch the general meaning of the texts, even if most of the vocabulary is unfamiliar.

Grammar and lexical tasks are easily given with a decent vocabulary, with frequent reading of English texts. If you study often, regularly, you develop a flair for the language, so that when completing tasks there is no need to remember grammatical rules and ways of word formation. The more you already know, the easier it is to absorb new information.

Reading is determined by the ability to concentrate and quickly navigate the text. Help in performing this kind of exercise will be the constant replenishment of vocabulary and the development of logical thinking.

Essay and writing is determined mainly by the knowledge of a clear structure. When working out these tasks, it is important to rely on the criteria from the official FIPI website.

What should not be forgotten?

It is worth adding that the outlook plays a big role in passing the exam. Wits and awareness in some areas of foreign literature and public life make it easy to understand narrowly focused information.

oral speech training
oral speech training

All tasks, especially advanced ones, require a large vocabulary. Vocabulary is the backbone on which the knowledge of a foreign language is built.language. Words can be gleaned from any source: passive learning of vocabulary occurs both during listening and during reading. It is very important to apply the learned phrases in spoken or written speech, otherwise they are quickly forgotten. Speaking is also a vocabulary activator, that is, it makes you remember everything that has ever been learned.

How to prepare for the exam in English in a month: familiarization with the tasks

If you need to prepare for the exam in a month, it is best to focus on completing the exam options, analyzing mistakes. So the necessary information will be assimilated, and the skill of performing certain tasks will be formed. This will make writing the exam itself easier.

Of course, it is desirable that oral speech and tasks with a detailed answer be checked by an enlightened teacher. However, if this is not possible, you can compare your work with works with a high score and use specialized literature to understand how to prepare for the exam in English on your own.


Speaking, writing, writing - all these tasks require the ability to reason, correctly and consistently formulate your thoughts. People who know their native language well can easily master the structure of other languages, which means they will not tremble at the thought of how to prepare for the exam in English. It is very important to develop the skills tested in the exam in the native language, because a person who is fluent in at least one language can easily understand and master the structure of other languages.

It is worth noting thatIn recent years, there has been a tendency to complicate the tasks of the Unified State Examination in English; it is not for nothing that it is considered one of the most difficult exams. Therefore, it is worth taking full responsibility for the preparation. In addition, it should be borne in mind that the results of the exam are largely influenced by luck, since the exam options are most often different in difficulty. The main task before the surrender is to concentrate as much as possible and not panic.
