I care and cherish. What does it mean to cherish and cherish?

I care and cherish. What does it mean to cherish and cherish?
I care and cherish. What does it mean to cherish and cherish?

Why use obsolete words? Words, like people, come and go. They need to be remembered. For example, "groom" and "cherish". Two words that are close in meaning. They are used to mean: to love something or someone strongly, to care devotedly, to constantly indulge. Today you rarely hear them.

I care and cherish - what does it mean?

Today these two verbs are rarely used:

  • in quotes;
  • at the Russian language class;
  • if you need to enhance the impression of what was said.

Both verbs originated from the Proto-Slavic language. And since then they have been synonymous.

What does it mean to cherish?

careful attitude
careful attitude

Immediately there is an image of something unprotected, helpless. A small child, a cub, a tender sprout. Something with which or with whom it is necessary to handle especially carefully, carefully. And at the same time very carefully and responsibly: "To cherish like the apple of an eye" (the most expensive).

What does it mean to cherish?

  • To lull, rock, caress, gently care. For example, cherish a child.
  • Keep some emotional experience or memories. For example, cherishes thoughtsabout him.
  • Describe some innermost thoughts or memories. For example, cherish the hope, cherish the rumor.

Grooming gives birth to other images. Already more mature, independent, adults.

  • To look after, to bring something to perfection. For example, he groomed his hair, clothes.
  • Keep hope. We understand that we have almost achieved something, we just need to keep hoping.
I cherish and cherish what does it mean
I cherish and cherish what does it mean

In practice

The birth of a child begins with hope, which we nurture and cherish. We draw colorful and happy pictures in our imagination. Paying attention to the surrounding children with their parents, we plan our own parenthood. All our plans and dreams are beautiful, easy. Feeling only joy and great happiness ahead.

And here he is with us. A tiny, helpless miracle. It must be constantly cherished. Immediately, as soon as I received two strips on the test. And then, after the meeting in the delivery room. Monitor his condition, the state of he alth of mom. Visit doctors, courses. Follow their recommendations. Get positive emotions. Choose a place for his birth, clothes, shoes, furniture, toys, strollers … Everything to cherish and cherish the long-awaited happiness.

holding baby's legs
holding baby's legs

Rounding up

Why do we need old words and expressions? Language is a living organism, and it is just as capable of adapting to changing conditions as any other. But…

Have you ever been at a loss for words to express how you feel? And suddenly fromthe expressions of your grandmothers or read from the classics appear in your head from nowhere.

Charmed, groomed, but not groomed. Cherished, cherished, but not cherished. Many processes and emotional states contain a simple Russian expression.
