Institute of USA and Canada RAS: photo, address, foundation and staff

Institute of USA and Canada RAS: photo, address, foundation and staff
Institute of USA and Canada RAS: photo, address, foundation and staff

The scientific institution Institute of the USA and Canada at the Russian Academy of Sciences (ISKRAN) was established in 1967 under the direct supervision of Academician G. A. Arbatov. The Institute specializes in a comprehensive study of the countries of North America: the USA and Canada.

ISKRAN: full name, address, contacts

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ISKRAN photo 2

Address of the institution: 121069, Russia, Moscow, Khlebny pereulok 2/3 from 4. The nearest metro stop is Arbatskaya. E-mail: [email protected]. Website address:

Besides Scientific Research Institute:

  • publishes collections, books, booklets, including dictionaries, encyclopedias and many other publications;
  • works with various information technologies;
  • creates and uses all kinds of information databases, information and resources;
  • advises on work in foreign economic activity, including commercial. Solves management issues.

Why the Institute of the United States of America and Canada was born

The first center for the study of the United States of America appeared in 1953 (immediately after the death of I. V. Stalin). It was opened inMoscow at the Institute of History and was called the sector for the study of American history. Its appearance served as a new stage in the history of Soviet education and led to many positive changes not only in the field of science, but also in society as a whole.

The emergence of the center is directly related to the complete changes in relations between the USSR and the United States, because. the new politicians of the Soviet state and the armed forces needed up-to-date and most complete information about the United States.

In 1956, under N. S. Khrushchev, a huge center for the study of Western countries, the Institute of World Economy and International Relations, was organized. From this institute, the so-called "Institute of the USA" was spun off, which was headed by G. A. Arbatov. He specialized in a comprehensive and in-depth study of the United States. The "US Institute" had a strong influence on the relationship between our two countries, because. had access to almost all materials and could comprehensively analyze all foreign and domestic activities and policies of the United States. Later, the institute was named ISC RAS, as it was also assigned to deal with Canada.

Other United States Study Centers

In the 1970s, the problem of interaction between the two countries became more urgent, and there were more and more centers for the study of the United States in the USSR. In Moscow, at Moscow State University, under the leadership of N. Sivachev, a new program begins to work, its name is Fullbright, which refers us to the creator of this program, William Fulbright.

A center headed by A. Shlepakov emerges in Kyiv, which specializes in establishing ties with Ukrainiandiasporas in the US and Canada at the expense of a common language - Ukrainian. Centers for the study of the United States are being organized in other cities.

All this leads to a change in relations between our countries.

In 1972, on the occasion of the arrival of American President Richard Nixon to the USSR, cooperation between Soviet tourist centers and the "Slavic diasporas" in the USA and Canada, as well as with a very large Jewish diaspora in these countries, was established.

The role of ISKRAN in political and economic analysis

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ISKRAN photo 3

From the very beginning of its existence, the institution of the USA and Canada plays a central role in the analysis of the politics, ideology and economy of these countries, influences the definition of the entire foreign policy of the USSR (and Russia) in relation to these countries. He was and remains an indispensable think tank and information collector for leading politicians, economists and the military in the USSR (and now in Russia). Since its inception, the institute has been pursuing a policy of reducing and even removing tensions between countries, agreeing on parity between Russia and the United States.

At the Institute of the USA and Canada, since 2000, on the basis of GAUGN (State Academic University for the Humanities), there is a faculty of world politics. Bachelor's and Master's programs are completed by postgraduate studies, which were accredited in December 2016.

The Institute of US and Canadian Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences offers students the opportunity to study the countries of North America with a focus on maintaining, first of all, the political and economic interests of our state on a global scale. Higher education program"Foreign Regional Studies" trains specialists in the field of both history and economics, politics and culture of the studied countries, introduces them to a practical global analysis of emerging situations, includes the comprehension of two languages. Students study society, politics, religion, geography, culture, economics and more. The main thing for the institute is not just to provide education, but first of all to reveal young scientists and develop their interest in politics and studying the interaction of countries.

US-USSR student exchange

Since 1958, there have been extremely important regular university student exchanges (4 people from each side) between Moscow State University and Columbia University (USA). Mutual exchanges brought and bring a huge amount of information about the United States, used by ISKRAN to inform the Central Committee of the CPSU and the party elite of the country.

First Director of the Institute of the United States of America and Canada

Arbatov photo
Arbatov photo

Georgy Arkadyevich Arbatov is not only the first director, but also the founder and organizer of the work of the US and Canada Institute. He was born on May 19, 1923 in Kherson. His father is a prominent party leader. Georgy Arkadyevich graduated from the artillery school, since 1939 - in the ranks of the Red Army. Member of the Second World War, awarded the Order of the Red Star for military merits, written off as a disabled person of the 2nd group. Member of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks since 1943. Graduated from MGIMO in 1949 with a degree in International Law. Topics of candidate and doctoral dissertations are related to the ideology of state power. Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR since 1974

Partyactivist, prominent American scholar, journalist and editor of a number of magazines and other periodicals, an expert on international relations. He was the initiator of the annual Russian-American dialogues on the development of relations, international security and the resolution of international conflicts. Awarded nine orders of the USSR and Russia and medals.

Conducted a lively advisory and pedagogical activity in GAUGN. He served as director of the Institute for the USA and Canada of the Russian Academy of Sciences from 1967 to 1995. He was an adviser and personal friend of Yu. V. Andropov. He died in 2010 and was buried at the Donskoy cemetery in Moscow.

ISKRAN management and staff

The staff of the Institute of the USA and Canada consists of 55 people, including management. Almost all the leaders of ISKRAN are academicians, doctors of sciences, prominent American scientists. These are G. A. Arbatov, S. M. Rogov, V. N. Garbuzov (acting director of the Institute), V. A. Kremenyuk, V. B. Supyan, S. V. Emelyanov, E. Ya. Batalov, E. A. Ivanyan.

Horns photo
Horns photo

The latest speech by V. N. Garbuzov, Director of the Institute for the US and Canadian Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, at an expert discussion on global security in the current conditions of nuclear uncertainty was published in the news of the Institute on February 7, 2019.

What do ISKRAN employees do

Garbuzov photo
Garbuzov photo

Scientists working at ISKRAN thoroughly examine the political course pursued by the United States in different parts of the world, analyze all aspects of Russian-American relations, analyze in detailconcepts of foreign and domestic policy of this state. New political processes, the internal politics of the state, public opinion and American political culture are especially closely studied.

The institute's research is closely linked to the military interests and strategic position of the Russian armed forces in Europe and the world, because Institute scientists work in close contact with representatives of the Russian Air Force. The structure analyzes the systems of various economic relations in the world, especially Russian-American.

ICSRAN's Canada department deals with Canadian foreign and domestic policy and the economy of Canada in the same areas.

Latest events in ISKRAN

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Trump photo
  • ISKRAN is the leader of the world ratings (as of February 7, 2019).
  • January 22, 2019 - speeches and answers to journalists' questions by ISKRAN Director V. N. Garbuzov and ISKRAN Head of Science V. B. Supyan at a press conference.
  • January 31, 2019 - speech by Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences S. M. Rogov and Ph. D. P. S. Zolotareva at the round table on current issues of the INF Treaty.
  • February 12-13, 2019 - holding a scientific conference on the activities of Donald Trump as President of the United States. Following the results of the scientific conference, a separate issue of the journal "Russia and America in the 21st century" will be published.
