The formation of general educational skills in modern society is an urgent issue. The reason is the increasing demands on the part of society for the preparation of modern man. The child spends a huge amount of his time preparing homework.

The task of the school
Currently, educational organizations are tasked with the formation of general educational skills and abilities of students. The teacher does not just transfer scientific knowledge about modern reality to children, but teaches them to independently acquire knowledge. Within the framework of the new educational standards, each child has their own (individual) development trajectory. The teacher only controls the formation of general educational skills and, if necessary, corrects the self-development of the student.

The formation of general educational skills and abilities is an eternal problem of pedagogy. The success of its resolution directly depends on the professional level of the teacher, the motivation of the child himself, as well as on the material and technical base of the educational organization.
Currently, learning activities include setting goals, selecting actions, evaluation, control, reflection. Nowadays, it is not so much the knowledge itself that is subject to assessment, but rather the tools, the means of independently obtaining new knowledge, regardless of the subject area.

Historical background
The development of general educational skills and abilities, the development of effective methods for their formation - these issues were considered by many researchers in their works. In particular, S. G. Vorovshchikov, A. A. Bobrov, Yu. K. Babansky, E. V. Kovaleva concluded that various types of general educational skills and abilities are interconnected. They established a connection between ZUN and the level of development of cognitive abilities of children of primary school age.
Based on research conducted by educators and psychologists, special methods have been created to identify and develop abilities in children of different school ages.
General educational skills and abilities were covered in their works by the authors of many innovative pedagogical methods designed for the early detection and development of gifted children: V. V. Davydov, D. B. Elkonin, L. V. Zankov. The works of L. S. Vygotsky, A. Z. Zak, E. V. Kozlova.
Despite the fact that general educational skills were considered by the best teachers in the country, teachers and psychologists are currently looking for the best ways to develop the UUN of students. New methods and techniques are emerging, the purpose of which is to increase the motivation of the younger generation for self-education.

Essence of ZUN
General educational skills and abilities are practical actions that schoolchildren will master on the basis of theoretical knowledge obtained as part of the educational (extracurricular) process. Psychologists explain skills as "automatic actions that are developed as part of learning." For skills and abilities, a common feature is the child's willingness to apply the acquired knowledge to solve specific social problems that appear in everyday life.
Skills can be formed through exercises. They are not automatic, they involve a conscious search for a solution to the problem.
Skills are the result of multiple repetitions of specific actions in similar conditions. They involve automatic actions performed at a subconscious level.

First stage of training
General learning skills are a priority in elementary school. The subsequent success of the child directly depends on the quality of UUN awareness at the first stage of education. At present, the general educational skills and abilities of schoolchildren are highlighted in elementary school inseparate block. After the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard in Russian schools, UUN became one of the sections of the requirements created for the level of preparation of elementary school students.
To cope with the task assigned to elementary school teachers, it is possible only with the use of a student-centered approach.
Universal general educational skills and abilities are ways of obtaining and using knowledge by schoolchildren. Unlike subject ZUN, which are specific to each subject area, UUN are the same for any discipline.

Classification of general educational skills and abilities
Currently, there are four types:
- educational and organizational;
- educational-intellectual;
- educational and informational;
- educational and communicative.
Let's look at each type in more detail, identifying the distinctive characteristics.
Teaching and organizational skills
It is difficult to count on high results in the educational process without the ability to organize your school activities. These general learning skills allow the child to do the following:
- organize work;
- adjust and analyze your learning;
- to monitor the implementation of the task.
Among these skills, it is necessary to note the organization of the workplace, planning the current work, targeting a specific task, conducting self-control and introspection, cooperation with classmates. These skills will enable the guys to be successful after in an educational organization.
In elementary school, a child should learn the following activities:
- define individual and collective learning objectives;
- choose the optimal algorithm for a specific task;
- compare the results with the target;
- have different forms of self-control;
- evaluate your learning activities, as well as the work of classmates;
- to identify the shortcomings of their work, to establish their causes;
- set self-education goals.
Logic skills
They are shaped by the child's personal experience. That is why the versatile development of schoolchildren, the motivation of their creative activity from the first grade is so important.
General educational and special skills should be formed at the first stage of education. Reading, listening, observing are skills that are aimed at orienting the child in the educational process, understanding certain material.
Logical thinking allows the child to transfer theoretical material to specific situations. Educational and intellectual general educational skills and abilities:
- determination of objects of synthesis and analysis;
- setting features of an object;
- revealing the ratio of individual components of an object;
- carrying out different kinds of comparisons;
- formation of causal relationships;
- operating with judgments;
- use of evidence components;
- selecting a problem and identifying solutions.
The degree of intellectual development of primary school students is characterized by the formation of the following skills:
- compare phenomena, facts, objects;
- classify theoretical material;
- to summarize;
- abstract;
- highlight the main idea;
- highlight analogies, cause-and-effect relationships;
- apply research skills (put forward a hypothesis, select methods, set tasks, solve them, draw conclusions).

Educational and informational skills and abilities
They guarantee the student the search, processing, application of information for the successful solution of the educational problem. Among them are the following:
- work with textbook sections;
- use of additional and reference literature;
- correct application of different literary styles;
- selection and arrangement of material on a specific topic;
- mastery of various storytelling forms;
- drawing up abstracts, taking notes;
- review;
- owning different types of comments;
- thinking the abstract;
- application of observation;
- description of the analyzed object;
- simulation.
Educational and communication skills and abilities
They give the student the opportunity to collaborate with peers, adults, and lead joint projects. Among these skills are the following:
- the ability to listen to other people;
- mastery of basic techniquesrhetoric;
- mastery of public speaking skills;
- culture of speech;
- the ability to lead a discussion.
Formation of UUN
This process requires a whole range of psychological and pedagogical conditions:
- positive motivation;
- taking into account individual and psychological characteristics;
- independent cognitive activity;
- teacher's interest.
The main condition for the formation of a successful graduate of a modern school is the creation of positive motivation for self-development and self-learning. Only in the case when the child himself, his teacher, parents work in the same "team", can we talk about achieving the desired result - the student's self-development.
Within the framework of the new state standards, design and research activities have become a prerequisite in all academic disciplines, at all levels of education.
To implement the tasks set by modern society for educational institutions, it is important to take into account the intellectual and psychological characteristics of students. The state of the nervous system, fatigue, independence - all these qualities should be taken into account by the teacher when selecting educational material.
The independent cognitive activity of schoolchildren is also important. It is built on the basis of the following elements: creating incentives, setting goals and main tasks, planning, consulting, forming tools (guidelines, recommendations, programs, didactic manuals), results monitoring system.
The basis for the formation of a child's desire to acquire new knowledge is the teacher's personality, his attitude to his subject, the desire to captivate pupils with it.
That is why, as part of updating the content of domestic education, special attention is paid to the professional growth of a teacher, his mastery of innovative techniques and methods of teaching and education.
The system of continuous professional development (training in courses, seminars, participation in professional competitions), the exchange of experience with colleagues within the framework of subject methodological meetings are the main ways of self-development of the teaching staff of domestic schools.
The formation of general educational skills and abilities is the most important pedagogical task. Purposeful, special work in this direction is important. In the course of learning activities, the child processes and transforms the options for learning activities that the teacher offers him.
The task of the mentor is to control such activities, building an individual educational trajectory for each student. The use of skills, abilities, knowledge that children receive at school in everyday life is an opportunity for self-affirmation, awareness of the importance of additional training.
In each academic discipline there are specific (subject) ZUN, the development of which allows students to cope with the requirements developed for each academic subject.