When it comes to a smart person, the imagination imagines a mathematician who solves questions incomprehensible to most, able to solve a problem in his mind so quickly that an ordinary person does not even have time to write it down. This represents the traditional idea of the mind as a unique skill associated with abstract thought.
In 1994, psychologist Howard Gardner came up with an idea that changed society's typical understanding of the mind: the theory of multiple intelligences. According to her, there is not one, but 8 types of intelligence that develop differently in each person. "This is the main challenge to education," says the psychologist.

Types of intelligence are divided into 8 categories:
- Linguistic.
- Logico-mathematical.
- Visual-spatial.
- Musical.
- Body-kinesthetic.
- Intrapersonal (existential).
- Interpersonal (social).
- Naturalistic.
According to the types of intelligence according to Gardner, a person hasan innate tendency to do certain things. This determines what type this or that person should be attributed to.
So some people are very smart in math but may not be so good when it comes to interpersonal relationships. An exceptional musician may not be as gifted at expressing himself through words.

Educators need to understand students: strengths, weaknesses, vulnerable areas, adaptability, and also take into account which type of intelligence each of them belongs to and build teaching on this basis.
Gardner believes that the human mind consists of a set of skills that allow you to overcome personal problems and cope with difficulties. To solve various issues, it is necessary to understand that the human mind is diverse and it is important to choose the development path that suits a certain type of personality.
Linguistic type of intelligence
These are people who love and know how to "juggle words". They learn to speak, read and write early. They easily understand complex text and are very good when it comes to expressing their own thoughts.
For example, it is easier for people with linguistic intelligence to follow the instructions when assembling furniture if it is presented in text form, and not in the form of a diagram. They are easily given any foreign language, so among polyglots linguistic predominates of all types of intelligence.
In order to develop, they need to read a lot and express their own thoughts on paper. This iscan be anything: diary, blog, Twitter, fiction and non-fiction. Play word games such as crosswords and Word Maker. A great workout would be learning a foreign language.
Career: journalism, law, advertising, translations from other languages, writing.
Logical-mathematical intelligence

People with a predominant logical-mathematical type of intelligence tend to solve abstract problems, make calculations and easily count the number of objects.
For example, when you need to split the amount of the check for lunch, there is always a person in the company who can accurately do this in his mind. It is very likely that this is the owner of just this type of intelligence.
In order to develop, the logical-math type of intelligence can solve sudoku, play games, chess and deal with daily math problems in the mind.
Career: accountant, engineer, detective, analyst, financier, programmer.
Visual-spatial type of intelligence

Its owners are able to navigate the terrain very well, easily understand the drawings and instructions in the form of diagrams.
They are aware of visual details in their environment that other people are not paying attention to. This is especially true of the structure of buildings and their location.
To develop a visual-spatial type of intelligence, it is necessary to make a new route every day (for example, to work) ortry to find your way in unfamiliar terrain with the help of a map, play puzzles and create models.
Careers: Graphic Design Artist, Aviation Specialist, Architect and Surgeon.
Musical intelligence

People with a musical type of intelligence are easily recognizable by the habit of constantly tapping a melody out of their head with their fingers. They easily master musical instruments, memorize and reproduce music.
For development, they need to listen to music, and the more diverse it is, the better. And, of course, you should learn to play a musical instrument.
Career: Movies, creative advertising, recording studio, crooner, music critic.
Bodily-kinesthetic type of intelligence

People of bodily-kinesthetic intelligence have never been accused of being clumsy. They are very aware of their own body, so they have good coordination and are very mobile.
This can be seen in dancers and some athletes such as gymnasts.
To develop this type, you need to dance a lot, study dance, which helps to train coordination or do yoga.
Career: Physiotherapist, actor, circus performer, surgeon, personal fitness trainer.
Intrapersonal intelligence
A high degree of awareness, emotional restraint and the ability to reason rationally characterize such people. Owners of the intrapersonal typeintelligence (which also means the existential type) are distinguished by the ability to deeply perceive their own self. They perfectly understand and control their own emotions, thoughts and motives for actions. Individuals with a strong intrapersonal intelligence type see personal flaws and virtues, which allows them to work on their emotional life, make decisions and set goals in accordance with their own personality.
You need to focus on expressing your thoughts to people with an intrapersonal intelligence type, which means reflecting and writing down your thoughts in a diary, blogging, practicing meditation, reading articles on psychology and about human intelligence.
Careers: coaching, spirituality, ethics, entrepreneurship, politics, philosophy, psychology, psychiatry.
Social Intelligence
The interpersonal type of intelligence, otherwise called social, endows its owners with excellent communication skills. These people are good at understanding others: their emotions, needs, intentions and goals.
They are always in the spotlight, often become leaders and the soul of the company.
For self-development, people with interpersonal intelligence need to take part in group activities that encourage cooperation, such as team sports.
Careers: Education, Human Resources, Social Services, Consulting, Psychiatry, Management, Politics, Mentoring.

Naturalistic intelligence
People with this typeintelligence love and are able to understand nature well, to distinguish, classify, recognize patterns between plant and animal species.
Such qualities are usually found in biologists and people who love gardening.
To develop a naturalistic type of intelligence, you need to read a lot of books on biology, grow plants and take care of animals.
Careers: veterinary medicine, archeology, ecology, tourism, forestry, farming, geology, biology.
There are 4 main points of Gardner's theory of types of intelligence:
- Each person has all the listed types of intelligence. But only one is dominant.
- Most people have the potential to develop in every type of intelligence.
- Intellect works together.
- There are many ways to interpret intelligence in each category.
Despite the fact that a person has a dominant certain type of intelligence, everyone has a tendency to others in varying degrees. Skills can be developed even if you are born with talent for other skills. Gardner's theory also points to the flexibility of intelligence types, which means the ability to change over time for each person.