Moscow State University named after Ogarev is a higher educational institution located in the Republic of Mordovia, in the European part of our country, therefore it attracts many students from other regions of the Russian Federation. Students and graduates of the university proudly call themselves "Ogarevtsy" and carry this title even after graduation. Being a graduate of Ogarev Moscow State University is prestigious, and being a student is interesting. Student years at the Mordovian University will be remembered for a lifetime.

The university was organized in 1957 on the basis of the Pedagogical Institute of the Republic. In 1970, the university was named after the recognized poet and publicist Nikolai Platonovich Ogarev. The Ogaryov Readings are held annually at Moscow State University. This is a scientific conference that gathers a large number of participants.
The symbol of the university is a monument to N. P. Ogarev, erected in 1984. The grand opening of the new building took place in 2016the main building of the educational institution. The building turned out to be spectacular, the tallest in the city, complementing the views of the Millennium Square. It is beautiful both during the day and at night.

The monument to Ogarev was preserved, somewhat moved, but still occupies an important place.

Since 2010, the University has acquired the honorary title of National Research University.
The University has 29 buildings located in different parts of the city. Moscow State University Ogarev also has two branches: one each in Ruzaevka and Kovylkino. The following study options are offered: full-time, part-time, or evening classes.
There are over 20,000 students at Ogarev Moscow State University. Training is carried out according to state standards of the third generation. At the university it is possible to obtain a bachelor's, specialist's or master's degree. And there are also several speci alties of secondary education. Upon graduation from Moscow State University Ogarev, the graduate becomes the proud owner of a state diploma.

Institutes and faculties stand out in the structure of Ogarev Moscow State University in Saransk. The following institutions are functioning:
- Medical. A structural unit that annually graduates specialists in four major speci alties: pediatrics, general medicine, pharmacy, and dentistry. This institute traditionally attracts students from abroad: young people fromAfrica.
- Agrarian. At the institute, more than 800 students are trained in the areas of the agricultural sector. The Institute is provided with the necessary material base for full-fledged education.
- The Institute of Mechanics and Energy has educational buildings in the village of Yalga, there is also a hostel for students, a canteen, and a sports building. It boasts rich technical equipment, trains professionals in relevant areas.
- The Institute of Electronics and Lighting Engineering prepares unique specialists. For example, lighting engineers trained here are valued in Mordovia and beyond. They are happy to be employed in Moscow, St. Petersburg, and abroad. At the same time, employers note the high level of knowledge of graduates. The following areas of training deserve attention: information security, electronics and nanoelectronics.
- The Institute of Physics and Chemistry has a long history. More than 500 people study here. This year, the training programs implemented here have successfully passed the certification, confirming their quality.
- Another humanitarian institute in the structure of Moscow State University is the Historical and Sociological Institute. It trains future social workers, sociologists, political scientists.
- The Institute of National Culture opens its doors to creative minds. INK graduates easily find jobs in culture and media. In addition to quality education, in the process of studying, students have the opportunity to realize themselves in a dance studio or in numerous national ensembles, fashion theater.

Since 2006, the Interregional Festival of Social Advertising "Nail" has been held every year. Initially, it was intra-university, but thanks to the support of the leadership of the Republic of Mordovia, it became international. It annually gathers students and professionals from major Russian cities. The event is always held flawlessly, collecting rave reviews from the participants. Since 2010, students of the institute have moved to a new beautiful building in the city center, which has everything for effective learning: recording studios, workshops, premises, etc.
Studying at a state university is a guarantee of quality education. Consider which faculties students are trained in:
- Faculty of Foreign Languages.
- Architectural and construction.
- Geographic.
- Faculty of Biotechnology and Biology.
- Economic.
- Legal.
- Faculty of Mathematics and Information Technology.
- Philological.

Such a variety of options you can choose to study at Ogarev Moscow State University. There are different faculties, there are a lot of areas of training: each applicant will find something to their liking.
Teaching staff is strong. There are 280 doctors of sciences in the state, as well as over a thousand people who are candidates of sciences. A significant part of the scientific and pedagogical staff of institutes and faculties are experienced specialists with academic degrees and titles.
Because more than five yearsSince the university belongs to the category of research universities, special attention is paid to the staffing. Teachers are increasingly engaged in scientific work, receive and implement grants, publish articles in international publications, lead scientific circles and schools, involving students in scientific work.

Admission Committee
Interested applicants may have many questions about how to become a student at Ogarev Moscow State University. The admission campaign is carried out every year very actively. The admissions office is located in the building of the INC, it works on weekdays from 09.00 to 17.00. You can come here and get detailed answers to all questions.
If you submit documents to Ogarev Moscow State University, the lists of enrolled applicants are posted on the official website of the university promptly, you can always control the situation with admission. In addition, institutes and faculties regularly hold open days. The schedule is presented on the official website, the schedule is from October to May next year.
Student Life
If a student is active, wants to realize himself in extracurricular activities, then MSU also has a lot of opportunities for this. First of all, you need to contact the Student Council. This organization holds a lot of events of various kinds, it will never be boring here.
The Student Spring festival is held annually, the interest in which is huge. This is a great opportunity to show your dancing or vocal talent, take part in acting productions, etc. In 2015, the Volunteer Center was created, also inThe University has more than ten pedagogical teams. Students in the summer go to children's camps in Mordovia, the Moscow region, as well as to camps on the Black Sea coast.

The sports sector is also on top. MSU students become winners of prestigious Russian and international tournaments. The university has a strong volleyball team, well-developed weightlifting and basketball.
MSU Ogarev has 15 dormitories in Saransk, plus one each in Ruzaevka and Kovylkino. Most of them provide good quality accommodation. In 2015, a dormitory was put into operation on Proletarskaya Street, which became a temporary "home" for almost 500 Ogarev residents.

Comfortable hostel conditions are provided to each non-resident student, for this the necessary documents are collected and submitted. More than 4,500 students live in the dormitories of the university. In 2016, Moscow State University took an honorable second place in the All-Russian competition for the best hostel, where over 450 educational institutions competed.
Corporate identity
Moscow State University named after N. Ogarev has a bright original style. A laconic logo has been developed. The brand name of the university is a stylized letter "M" (the first letter of the name), made in blue.
Any "Ogarevets" is proud of the place of study. Over the years of study, the university becomes a real family for its students, so young people with the symbols of Moscow State University on their clothes are often found on the streets of Saransk.

There are many people who are grateful to Ogarev Moscow State University for its long history. There are a lot of positive reviews about the university on the Internet. Along with the quality of education, graduates and current students celebrate many interesting student events and sports competitions. Each graduate of Moscow State University with trepidation and pride carries the title of "Ogarevets" through life, feeling like a part of the family.
Mordovia State University is a worthy university, within its walls you can get a quality education of all levels, undergo retraining or advanced training. The material and technical base is impressive, nonresident students are provided with comfortable housing within the city. The teaching staff is strong, the team is friendly, they try to instill in students a craving not only for knowledge, but also for scientific work. Therefore, come to study at Ogarev Moscow State University, you will not regret it!