The main task and goal of science

The main task and goal of science
The main task and goal of science

Science is a system of knowledge that is in continuous development. It explores the objective laws of nature, thinking, formation and activity of society. Knowledge turns into direct production resources.

purpose of science
purpose of science

Approaches to characterization

Science can be viewed in many ways. It can be characterized as:

  1. A specific form of social consciousness based on the knowledge system.
  2. The process of knowing the laws of the objective world.
  3. A certain type of division of labor in society.
  4. One of the key factors of social development.
  5. The process of generating knowledge and putting it into practice.

Science: subject, tasks, goals

Knowledge obtained through simple observations is undoubtedly of great importance for a person. However, it will not reveal the essence of the phenomena, the connections between them, allowing to explain the causes of the occurrence of a particular phenomenon, to predict its subsequent development with a certain degree of probability. The correctness of scientific knowledge is determined not only by logic. It is essential to test it in practice. What is the purpose of science? It consists in the study of the laws of nature and society. The results obtained are used to influence the environment for beneficial benefits. Each study has its own subject. The purpose of science is the study of phenomena in order to find answers to the questions posed. The problems formulated by the researcher are determined by the topic of knowledge. The goals and objectives of science are being implemented in stages. The study begins with the collection of facts, their analysis and systematization. The information is summarized, separate regularities are revealed. The obtained research results allow building a logically ordered system of knowledge. On its basis certain facts are explained, new ones are predicted. The main goal of science, therefore, is to obtain information to describe the existing reality, to build models of its future development.

goals and objectives of science
goals and objectives of science

Knowledge process

The goal of science is achieved through the transition from live observation to abstract thinking and further to practice. The process of cognition involves, among other things, the accumulation of facts. At the same time, they should be systematized, generalized, logically comprehended. Without these actions, the goal of science cannot be realized. The systematization and generalization of facts is carried out with the help of simple abstractions. They are concepts that are the key elements of science. Definitions that have a broader content are called categories. These include, for example, the concepts of the content and form of phenomena.


Realizing the goal of science, any scientistuses axioms, principles, postulates. Under them understand the initial provisions of a certain direction of knowledge. They are considered the basic form of systematization. Laws are the most important link in the system. They reflect the most stable, essential, objective recurring connections in certain phenomena (natural, social, etc.). As a rule, laws are presented in the form of a certain correlation of categories and concepts. One of the highest forms of generalization and systematization of information is theory. It is understood as scientific methods and principles that make it possible to logically comprehend and cognize processes, analyze the influence of various factors on them, and suggest options for their use in practice.

the main goal of science
the main goal of science


They are methods of theoretical research or practical implementation of a certain phenomenon or process. The method is a key tool to achieve the goal of science - to discover and substantiate the objective laws of reality. Any theory within which the nature of any processes is explained is always associated with a specific particular method of research. Based on general and special methods, the scientist receives answers to the initial questions: where to start studying, how to treat the facts, how to generalize them, how to come to conclusions. Today, the role of the quantitative method of studying processes and phenomena is becoming increasingly important. This is due to the rapid development of computers, computational mathematics, cybernetics.


They are used whenwhen the scientist does not have enough material to achieve the ultimate goal of the study. A hypothesis is an educated guess. It is formulated to explain the phenomenon and can be confirmed or refuted after verification. The hypothesis is often the original description, the "draft" of the law.

science subject matter goals
science subject matter goals

Communication with production

The development of science, the implementation of its tasks acts as a starting point for revolutionizing practice. The results obtained in the course of research make it possible to create new branches of production. Science today acts as the driving force of society. This is due to the following factors. First of all, many types of production and technological operations initially originate in research institutes. Formation of chemical technologies, atomic energy, production of specific materials is by no means a complete list of advanced achievements of scientific research institutes. Of no small importance is the reduction of the time between the opening and its introduction into production. Relatively recently, this gap could stretch for decades. Today, for example, several years have passed from the discovery of the laser to its practical application. It is also worth mentioning that research is developing quite successfully in the production sphere itself, and the network of scientific and industrial institutions is expanding. The creative cooperation of scientists, workers and engineers has become topical today. In addition, the professional level of the staff has sharply increased. Employees of enterprises are widelyput scientific knowledge into practice.

what is the purpose of science
what is the purpose of science

Types of studies

Scientific activity, depending on the intended purpose, can be theoretical or applied. In the first case, research is focused on the development and formulation of new principles. As a rule, they are called fundamental. Their goal is to expand the knowledge that society possesses. Basic research contributes to a deeper understanding of the laws of nature. Theoretical developments are mainly used in the further development of new areas of knowledge. Applied research is focused on the development of new methods for creating equipment, materials, technologies, etc. Their goal is to meet the needs of society in the development of a particular manufacturing industry.

the purpose of science is the study
the purpose of science is the study

Applied Development

They are short-term, long-term, budget, etc. Their goal is to transform research into technical applications. The end result is the preparation of material for practical application. As a rule, this is done by special design bureaus, experimental, design production. In this case, the work is carried out according to a certain scheme. At the initial stage, the theme is formulated. It can be a specific scientific and technical issue. An important stage in the development process is the substantiation of the topic. The final stage is the implementation of the research results and testing their effectiveness.
