In the period from 1714 to 1719, by decree of Peter I, a regional reform was carried out, within which new separate subjects were identified. On the basis of this decree, the Nizhny Novgorod province was removed from the Kazan province and made an independent unit with the center in Nizhny Novgorod.
Stages of formation
Administrative division in 1708 led to the annexation of Nizhny Novgorod to the Kazan province. Six years later, its northwestern part was separated into a separate independent province of Nizhny Novgorod. Only three years after its formation, it was again attached to the Kazanskaya. It received its final independence on May 29, 1719 by decree of Peter I. In the period from the seventeenth to the eighteenth centuries, various crafts actively developed here. The effective plowing of new lands, the establishment of a social division of labor, the development of a commodity-money economy brought the province to a new level.

Local crafts
Most of the inhabitants were involved in the production of potash. This chemical was used at that time in soap making, manufacturingglass and paint, as well as in the manufacture of gunpowder. Arzamas district was the center of its production. The villages of the Nizhny Novgorod province were also famous for their skilled blacksmiths and carpenters. The inhabitants of Balakhna mainly worked on shipbuilding and were engaged in s alt mining. The villages of the Nizhny Novgorod province included several villages. So, for example, the village of Bogorodskoye included nine villages at once, each of which was famous for its noble tanners. The industry also developed rapidly in the region. At the beginning of the eighteenth century, a large anchor factory was built on the territory of the Gorodetsky volost. In the middle of this century, the iron and iron factories of Demidov began their work. The main industrial center was Nizhny Novgorod. Here they were engaged in rope production, shipbuilding, metalworking, leather dressing, brewing, m alt, brick and steel production, and much more. Also, the province was famous for good merchants who delivered supplies to various cities and even reached Siberia.

Composition of counties before the revolution of 1917
In 1779, the government decided to create the Nizhny Novgorod governorship, which would include thirteen counties. In 1796, the governorship ceased to exist, so the Nizhny Novgorod province was formed. Such a change led to the abolition of the Knyagininsky, Makaryevsky, Sergachsky, Pochinkovsky and Pyanskoperevozsky counties. Eight years later, the first three were under restoration. As a result, at the time of the 1917 revolution, the Nizhny Novgorod province consisted ofeleven counties. The largest of them was the Nizhny Novgorod district with a population of 90,053 people. Arzamas and Balakhna districts were also in the top three with 10,592 and 5,120 people, respectively. Then came the Gorbatovsky, Sergachsky, Vasilsursky, Semenovsky and Ardatovsky counties. The smallest were Knyagininsky, Lukoyanovsky and Makaryevsky counties.

Post-revolutionary life of Nizhny Novgorod
After the revolution of 1917, the Nizhny Novgorod province was enriched with new counties. Counties were not only added, but also partially renamed. 1918 is the date of renaming Gorbatovsky district to Pavlovsky. At the same time, Voskresensky uyezd was formed. Two years later, as a result of the renaming of Makaryevsky, Lyskovsky district appeared. 1921 led to the formation of three more - Vyskunsky, Pochinkovsky and Sormovsky. Also this year, Balakhna County became known as Gorodetsky. A year later, the Nizhny Novgorod province took under its wing two counties and 6 Kostroma volosts, almost the entire Kurmysh county from the Simbirsk province, as well as four volosts that previously belonged to Tambov. Such large-scale territorial changes led to the creation of the Kanavinsky working area. The emergence of new counties contributed to the abolition of the old ones and their annexation and unification with larger ones. So the Pochinkovsky, Kurmyshsky, Knyagininsky, Voskresensky, Vasilsursky, Varnavinsky and Artdatovsky counties went down in history. The Krasnobakovsky district appeared this year. In 1924 four voloststransferred to the Mari Autonomous Region. The North Dvina province expanded by one volost, which seceded from the Nizhny Novgorod province. As for the formation of new subjects, they were the Rastyapinsky and Balakhna working districts. Also in 1924, Somovsky uyezd was transformed into a working district. As a result of post-revolutionary changes, in 1926 the Nizhny Novgorod province included eleven counties and four districts.

Interesting fact
Nowhere in the Russian Empire was there a more developed handicraft industry than in the Nizhny Novgorod lands. In pre-revolutionary times, there were a huge number of publications describing this activity. The most striking and significant for history is the three-volume book "Nizhny Novgorod province according to the research of the provincial zemstvo". His second volume thoroughly describes all the subtleties of the handicraft industry in this part of Russia. Attracts not only the content of the book, but also its execution. Flipping through the pages, the reader encounters a huge number of unique illustrations. They depict most of the handicrafts, from the primary burning of coal to the most complex creations of skilled blacksmiths.

Memo to a contemporary
Today, almost every contemporary is trying to collect the maximum amount of information about his origin. Find out if a person born in the current Nizhny Novgorod region belongs to the nobility, or if his ancestors were simpleartisans, helped by the genealogical book of the Nizhny Novgorod province. You can find out online through the "United Center of Pedigree", or contact the local archive. Genealogical books describe employees of various structures. From here you can find out what position the ancestor was in: a doctor or a postman, a judge, or maybe a forester. The data on the site are presented in 1847, 1855, 1864 and 1891. You can also look for information about your origin in address books and calendars.