Economic part of the diploma (example)

Economic part of the diploma (example)
Economic part of the diploma (example)

There are not many options to write a diploma: we write ourselves, we take from a friend, we choose from whom to buy. The last two options are undeniable examples of the cost economy. Who needs knowledge that produces costs rather than profits?

The student's decision to buy a diploma speaks for itself. For the future employer, this will be a signal: there will be no benefit from such a specialist. Instead of useful knowledge, there is a firm rule to do everything at the expense of others and to attract costs into the business that were not there yet.

Classic variants of the economic part

The easiest option is the organizational and economic part of the diploma. There is a small enterprise or production site. Conveyor or workshop of CNC machines, united by one remote control. The work team and the system of sequential tasks leading to the finished product.

In the thesis, all aspects of the organization of work are considered in detail and appropriate conclusions are made. Moving on to economics, the student compares the current production option and optimizes the organizational aspect for all indicators that were considered in the diploma.

Organizational and economic partdiploma
Organizational and economic partdiploma

A more complex option, when the emphasis is not on the organization of work, but on equipment. In this case, the technical and economic part of the diploma determines the range of technical characteristics and already on them the student determines the real economic effect that the proposals that he substantiated in the thesis give.

Real Options When Questions Arise

With any topic of the diploma, there is every reason to benefit from the application of knowledge. If it came to the economic part, it means that there is a fact of having knowledge and skills. The provisions with which you can go on defense are formulated. It remains to describe how useful the application of the results of the work performed in real practice in the current socio-economic environment.

Creating a robot, developing a website, substantiating research methods, etc. There is something here that, in a certain way, can bring profit or cost savings. But not all theses are in the realm of direct economic benefit.

Theoretically, research in philosophy, psychology, linguistics, design, etc., does not provide direct options for developing the economic part.

But with the advent of programming and information technology, almost any area of human activity has become economically promising. Perhaps the topic of the diploma does not give grounds to calculate the economy. But the diploma was written, and this gives reason to believe that the information processing cycle took place and there is a result.

Formal basis of utility

Not all theses havedirect relation to the economy, its laws and deep theoretical foundations. The economic part of the diploma does not require a deep understanding of finance, accounting, technological knowledge in organizing production or marketing products.

The economic part of an economist or financier diploma is their bread, but economics for a philosopher or programmer is their problem.

The economic part of the engineering diploma
The economic part of the engineering diploma

If the meaning of a philosopher's activity is the manipulation of words and the creation of information, then why not direct this process to a socially useful cause, for example, a diploma on (randomly chosen) topics:

  • Personality in the era of social catastrophes.
  • Ontological side of the main question of philosophy (what is primary and what is secondary - matter or consciousness).
  • Information technology as a means of transforming human daily life

Easily fits into a great economy that will not only attract the attention of the protection commission, but also enable the student to go further in their professional and economic development.

An engineering degree is much easier. Almost any technical specialist learns to create equipment, processes, robots, websites and other real objects. Each object has useful properties - this is an axiom, since a diploma has already been written before the economic part and the provisions for defense have been formulated. This means that the relevance, novelty and availability of new knowledge created by the future engineer are proved.

Programming ismirror of the human mind, here the economy is always obvious. It is a matter of technology to qualitatively show this evidence so that the commission for the defense of the diploma can see it.

Objective rationale for necessity

The indisputability of the fact that sites offering to write a diploma for money are growing in quantity, like modern inflation - in volumes, means the indisputability of the fact that the knowledge produced from modern educational institutions is falling, and the need for modern and high-quality knowledge in all speci alties is growing.

A diploma is a prerequisite for graduating from a higher educational institution, it must be written personally by the student. The main part of the diploma is relevance, novelty and personal contribution.

It is in the novelty that the differences between the existing process, phenomenon or object, from what the author proposes, are hidden. By simply listing them in their current state and in the proposed version, after studying the problem and conducting research, you can perform a comparison and get an accurate answer to the question of how to calculate the economic part of a diploma.

Economic indicators

Enterprises and businesses exist in multiple implementations. Trade, commercial educational and medical institutions work. Recreation centers and travel agencies. All these implementations differ significantly in the parameters used and their application. The range of options is not so much vast as it is growing rapidly.

How to calculate the economic part?
How to calculate the economic part?

The diploma does not require the development of economics in the full sense of the term. It is enough to outline the basic scheme andshow how exactly the results of the thesis result in its usefulness and real economic efficiency.

In the literal sense, you need to show how profit is formed, how costs are reduced, how time is saved to complete work, etc.

Economic effect is an absolute indicator of the company's activity, but a rare diploma is dedicated to the whole enterprise. Most often, the theme is much more modest and simple.

For example, the economic part of an engineering degree, an example of a general plan: "using a robot in production." Here the economy will be based not only on a net increase in production efficiency:

  • robot works much faster, more reliable, more accurate;
  • no need to pay sick leave;
  • no food costs;
  • no social conflicts in the team;
  • no salary costs.

When using the robot, costly moments will appear:

  • high cost of the robot;
  • fixed electricity costs;
  • required maintenance;
  • cost of consumables and spare parts.

In each specific diploma project related to the use of robots, the economy will be built on very specific positive and negative points. An accurate list will allow you to calculate the difference between cost and income items. The dynamics of this difference in time will give an understanding of the economic efficiency of the thesis.

An example of the analysis of the application of the robot from an economic point of view will determine the economicindicators of a specific graduation project, and not abstract indicators from economic theory in general.

The economics of process automation

Classical engineering tasks have long migrated from the field of manual machines and mechanisms to the field of CNC machines. In this case, the economic part of an engineering degree (an example of the topic "engine control algorithm") will create significant difficulties for the author.

Motor control problem is usually acceleration and deceleration inertia. The tasks of compiling a reliable algorithm are outwardly primitive, but the work of the robot arm depends on their quality: the speed of cutting metal, the quality of cutting fabric, the time spent by the laser over the material, that is, the exact execution of the production task for the device that uses the engine and the developed algorithm.

Economics of the control algorithm
Economics of the control algorithm

To determine economic indicators and build a high-quality economic section of the thesis, we will have to transfer the "algorithm quality" to real cost indicators.

For example, the cost of a counterweight, the need for which is justified by a diploma, a decrease in the power of the engine used, or another engine model. Changing the trajectory of the output to the working line, reducing / increasing the cost of electricity, the use of pulsed power and the need for an additional signal generator.

Thus, the scientific and practical results of the thesis can be translated into a list of economic indicators and offer a rationale for the economic efficiency of the thesisproject.

Features of technical systems

There are many technical and engineering professions that do not require new product development, process optimization, work execution, or problem solving.

There are systems that “live” their own lives and cannot be changed, created or optimized: the internal combustion engine, the braking system, the steering. Anyone can just go to the service station, but how many times will it have to be done again?

Features of technical systems
Features of technical systems

The scientific organization of labor at the service station is the real economic part of the diploma of an auto mechanic. Diagnosis and treatment of "disease" - as in medicine. The task is simple: the client cannot be dismantled, he needs to be cured so that he does not come a second time and remains “satisfied” with the speed and quality of treatment.

The economic part of the diploma in the field of technical systems is somewhat more complicated than the classical approach. The thing is that the internal combustion engine cannot be dissected. He must work. It is necessary to identify the problem when the system is a single whole. Disassembly is not a problem, but it is time, money and a bad economy.

Accurate and quick diagnosis and spot treatment is a guarantee of a brilliantly executed economic part of the diploma, when the main part scrupulously analyzes all the options and methods for diagnosing the system, and makes an informed decision on exactly how to make the correct diagnosis.

Philosophy and programming

In philosophy topics (see above) the economic part of the diplomalies in the palm of your hand. The public consciousness is accustomed to seeing in philosophy the queen of all sciences and a science very "far" from worldly life. But the development of information technology allows you to take a different look at things that have long been too familiar to be true.

The economic part of a programmer's diploma is an example of an unsolvable problem when it comes to knowledge. Indeed, how to program knowledge? Since the 80s of the last century, outstanding programmers have created a lot of artificial intelligence languages, but who remained in the era when the name of Charles Babbage became famous (17th century, and today it is already the 21st).

Meanwhile, the crown question of philosophy is what is primary and what is secondarily easily transferred to the economy. There is a real observation and an objective data on this.

Philosophy and programming
Philosophy and programming

Few people don't know the name of Oracle, but even leaving the leader aside, other developers of modern high-performance databases have been creating knowledge and gaining experience for many decades, and as a result, today people can use all the delights of working with information through hundreds of products of various functionality that implemented the required functionality.

Few people don't know that any two children in kindergarten can get in touch with each other perfectly and solve all informational issues without using hundreds of software products from the information technology leader.

Economics of Philosophy
Economics of Philosophy

The idea of active knowledge appeared in the 90s of the last century, it is not new, but not implemented untilso far. If you count how much money has been spent by IT leaders on materials, equipment and wages from the 80s to the present, the economic impact that has been missed in all this time becomes quite obvious.
