It's no secret that economic speci alties have always been in demand in the labor market, and at the moment there is no reason to assume that this demand will decrease. On the contrary, in the modern world, the ability to properly manage, and, most importantly, manage financial resources is gaining more and more importance. This applies to a greater extent to large companies that have a multi-million dollar turnover, and, of course, are always in search of competent specialists in the field of economics.
Features of the economy
If we talk about economics as a science in general, we must not forget that this is a very multifaceted system that simply cannot be fully studied, no matter how much time a person spends on it. However, in order to be a sought-after specialist, it is necessary not to memorize tons of information, but to be able to properly manage it. This is the main reason that higher education in our time is a very important step in the life and professional development of any person.
Why is higher education needed?
Getting higher education, a person not only learns a lot about the field in which he will work. Primarily,he learns to independently get out of difficult situations and find solutions to problems that are directly related to practical activities. This is the main difference between higher education and school education.
If we talk about the economy, it should be understood that the ability to put into practice the acquired knowledge is the main criterion for success in this matter. State universities in Moscow (economics) can teach this. When choosing a university, it is necessary to carefully analyze all the options in order to choose the most suitable one and get exactly the education that will be useful in the process of professional activity. This article details the best economic universities in Moscow.
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation

This financial institution is one of the leading universities in the country. It is rightfully included in the rating of economic universities in Moscow. The university has a long history and throughout its existence has produced a huge number of highly qualified specialists in various sectors of the economy.
The University was founded back in 1919, earlier than all other economic universities in Moscow, and has been successfully operating to this day. It is rightfully considered one of the oldest Russian universities.

In 2015-2016, the university entered the list of the 200 best universities in the BRICS countries. In addition, there is a rating that determines how much graduates of a particular university are in demand amongemployers, and in this ranking, the financial institution ranks 5th.
Often this university is called a financial academy, which is also true. Speaking about the areas of training, it is worth noting that there is a very wide choice of different faculties, which are somehow connected with economic speci alties. Among them:
- Risk analysis and economic security.
- Public administration and financial control.
- Management.
- International economic relations.
- Accounting and auditing.
And other faculties.
The Financial Academy is legally located in Moscow, but there are a huge number of branches of this university throughout the country. The list of branches includes 18 cities, including Yaroslavl, Krasnodar, Vladimir and others.
Famous Alumni
Among the well-known graduates of this university there are such people. like:
- Mikhail Prokhorov is a Russian politician, entrepreneur and billionaire, founder of the Civic Platform party.
- Anton Siluanov - Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation.
- Lev Kuznetsov - Minister of the Russian Federation for the North Caucasus.
- Bella Zlatkis is the current Deputy Chairman of the Board of Sberbank.
As well as other well-known politicians and entrepreneurs.
The university has the opportunity to obtain the highest level of economic education MBA in 10 different programs. Not all economic universities in Moscow provide such an opportunity.
The Financial Academy isone of the best economic universities not only in Moscow, but in Russia as a whole.
National Research Institute “Higher School of Economics”

HSE has been one of the most prestigious institutions for many years and surpasses many economic universities in Moscow in terms of education. This university provides training in completely different specializations in almost all areas that are somehow related to business, whether it is organization management or web design.
The institute is located in Moscow, but in addition to the main building there are also branches in St. Petersburg, Perm and Nizhny Novgorod.
HSE is a fairly young university, while other Moscow economic universities have much more experience behind them. The university was founded in 1992, and in such a short period of time managed to become one of the leading in the country. In many respects, this was facilitated by the fact that in 1996 the institute became state-owned, respectively, the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia was directly involved in its development and financing.
The post of rector is occupied by Yaroslav Ivanovich Kuzminov, who, by the way, stood at the origins of the university. It is largely thanks to him that the Higher School of Economics has reached the level of development it is at now.

A distinctive feature of the Higher School of Economics is its youth. According to the Times Higher Education rankings compiled byby a fairly reputable rating agency, HSE University is in the world's top 50 universities under 30 years old.
Among the partners of the Higher School of Economics, you can meet more than a hundred universities around the world, which means that students have ample opportunities to study abroad in a variety of areas.
Of course, the main direction is economics, and all faculties are somehow connected with it. That is why the Higher School of Economics is included in the list of “The Best Economic Institutions in Moscow”. However, it also has a faculty of law, design, fashion, physics and many other interesting areas.
The Higher School of Economics is rightfully considered one of the leading economic universities in the country, so it will be an excellent choice for those who plan to build their career in this area.
Lomonosov Moscow State University
Listing the best economic universities in Moscow, we should not forget about Moscow State University.

Probably every applicant knows this university, and almost everyone dreams of studying there. This is really the best university in the country, which has a huge number of faculties and areas of study. In each direction, many specialists graduate annually, and, of course, MSU offers several faculties related to economics to choose from.

MGU occupies a leading position in the overwhelming majority of Russian ratings. It is included in the rating of economic universities in Moscow, however, foreign agenciesalso appreciate the institution. Moscow State University appears in almost all world tops in various speci alties.
Entry requirements are quite high, but the result is worth it. The level of education at Moscow State University is very decent, and after graduation, it will be easy for a student to find a job.
In conclusion
Moscow's state universities - economic, legal or technical - are always a guarantee of the quality of education. These were the 3 main universities in economic areas in Moscow. Each of them has its advantages and disadvantages, so the final choice should always be conscious and depend on the needs of a particular person. However, it is necessary to understand that these Moscow economic universities are among the best in their field.