Geographical objects are everything that surrounds us, that is, they are stable or relatively stable objects with a certain location on Earth that can be described. Our article will tell you how to describe the lake.
Typical plan for describing geographical features
Before you make a plan to describe the lake, you should briefly plan a story about any geographical object. So, you can describe:
- population in a certain area;
- travel;
- natural resources of the country;
- geographic location of the mainland;
- landscape;
- climate;
- natural area(s);
- country;
- agriculture;
- description of the political map.
As you can see from the above list, anything can be described and there is a plan for each object. But if you do not know it, then you can describe the object according to a typical plan, which is the following:
- Define a map that can be political, physical, text, or complex.
- Define scale.
- Familiarize yourself with the legend, i.e. determine what are the objects, conditional images, units of measurement for the expressionquantitative indicators.
- Find a given territory or object and describe it using a legend.
- Sometimes one card is not enough to describe, so it's worth using several to complete the picture.
Lake description plan: where to start
As mentioned above, there are typical types of description, but there is a plan for each object, including for such a water body as a lake. First you need to make a short plan, and then describe it in more detail.

Lake description plan:
- Name.
- Location of the body of water.
- Type of basin.
- Greatest depth.
- Salinity.
- Definition of a sewage or endorheic lake.
- Description of the shores.
In this lake description plan, you can also add a division of s alt lakes by chemical composition, which are divided into carbonate, sulfate and chloride. Lakes can also be divided by nutrients:
- oligotrophic, i.e. few nutrients;
- eutrophic, i.e. where there are a lot of nutrients;
- dystrophic, i.e. poor in nutrients, mainly refers to wetland lakes.
Basic information outline
Description of lakes can be done following the plan described above. It is universal and suitable for the characteristics of any reservoir. But first, let's define it.
A lake is a naturally occurring body of water that is filled with water within a lakebowl and has no connection to the sea or ocean.
On the planet Earth today there are more than 40 largest lakes, which have an area of more than 4 thousand km2. The largest are the Caspian Sea, Huron, Victoria, Superior and Michigan.

Begin the description of the lake with its name. For example, this is where the story of Lake Huron can begin. It is located in North America on the territory of two countries: Canada and the United States. Covers an area of 59 thousand 600 kilometers, has a depth of up to 229 meters.
Next, it is necessary to determine the type of basin, which are divided by origin into tectonic (that is, they are formed in places of fault or shift of the earth's crust); glacial (when the basin was formed by plowing a glacier); river; seaside; failure (formed where frozen soils began to thaw); underground; volcanic; artificial.
It should be clarified that Lake Huron is freshwater, and was formed due to tectonic processes.
According to the same plan, other lakes should be described, for example, the largest in Russia and one of the largest among freshwater lakes - Lake Baikal. Let's look at a few examples.
Lake Baikal
It is worth starting the description of Lake Baikal according to the plan from its location. It is located in Central Asia, in the Irkutsk region of Russia. This is one of the largest lakes in the world, which occupies the seventh position in terms of area and is the deepest among freshwater. Its depth is 1637 meters.
Laketectonic origin. Scientists are still arguing about its origin, since they cannot fully establish the exact date. It stretches for 600 kilometers, and in some places it can reach 80 kilometers in width. The area of the reservoir is 31 thousand km2, like the area of Belgium or Denmark. The coastline stretches for 2100 kilometers, in the west the coast is rocky and steep, and in the east it is more gentle.

Lake Baikal is a drain, more than 300 rivers and streams flow into it, the largest are Snezhnaya, Barguzin, Sarma, and only the Angara River flows out.
The description of Lake Baikal according to the plan can be completed by clarifying the volume of water. They are huge, and there are 19% of the reserves of all fresh water, second only to the Caspian Sea. More than 2 thousand species of plants and animals live in the lake, 2/3 of which are endemic, that is, living organisms that are found only in this reservoir. This abundance is explained by the high content of oxygen in the entire water column.
Lake Victoria
The plan to describe Lake Victoria should start with the fact that it is located in East Africa on the territory of three states, such as Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania. In terms of area, it ranks first on the mainland and third in the world and is 68 thousand km2, the maximum depth is 80 meters, and the length of the coastline stretches for 7 thousand kilometers.
The lake is a sewer, the Kagera River flows into it, and the Victoria and the Nile flow out, but the main source of food is precipitation, notits tributaries.

The shores of the lake are mostly flat and low, heavily indented and swampy.
Lake Victoria - one of the largest freshwater lakes, which ranks third in area. It has more than 200 species of fish, which feed many animals.
Lake Chad
The plan for describing Lake Chad should begin with the fact that it is located in Central Africa on the territory of several states, namely the Republic of Chad, Nigeria, Niger and Cameroon.

The lake is the twelfth largest lake in the world and covers an area of 26 thousand km2 . It is definitely impossible to designate the area, because during the rains it spills and the area increases to 50 thousand km. The maximum depth reaches 12 meters.
In the south, the Shari River, which is one of the sources of food, flows into the lake, in the west, the Komadugu-Vaube River, in the east, Bar el-Ghazali.