A species named as a pet and as food for snakes or other reptiles is Rattus norvegicus. White laboratory rats are very common. But manufacturers have developed color variations of these rats. Also often found are black or brown specimens, black with a white belly and other colors and spots on the body. These are simple animals, they are very easy to care for. Like doing tests on rats.

Support in shape
Smart and gentle animals quickly get used to the owner and rarely bite. Red-eyed white rats appear calmer than colored specimens, which can be more aggressive and active. In principle, these are nocturnal animals, but can also be awake during the day. Due to their appetite and the fact that they eat almost everything, rodents become fat faster. Therefore, they need daily exercise to keep fit. What is the difference between a mouse and a rat? The mouse is small in size, not so muscular and strong. Lab rats are rodents characterized by an elongated body, short fur, eyelids and small ears, and not very long but thick fur. Also, they don't have hair on their ears. They have enoughpoor eyesight, so their orientation is largely based on smell and hearing. This is the difference between a mouse and a rat.
The average lifespan of rats is 2-4 years, depending on care, but they can live longer. Females usually reach a weight of 250-300 g, and males - 450-520 g. Rats have a body temperature of 37.5-38 ° C, a breathing rate of 70-115 beats per minute, their heart beats 240-450 times per minute. Rat dental formula: I=1/1, C=0/0, M=3/3. As you can see, rats have no fangs, only incisors and molars. The incisors grow throughout life, they are constantly used in tough food (seeds or others). If necessary, rats gnaw on wood to sharpen their incisors.

Nutrition and water availability
Rats are omnivores, they eat almost everything. Commercially available rodent food pellets provide a complete vitamin complex. It may be similar to dry food (kibbles) for dogs and cats, but more often small amounts of fruits and vegetables are added to the diet. There are various mixtures of seeds and grains on the market specifically designed for rodents. A diet based on whole grains and sunflower seeds may lead to obesity in the rodent, this food is only offered as an occasional snack. Adults should consume about 5-10 g of granules or other food per 100 g of body weight daily. Fresh water must be available at all times. Rats need about 10 ml of water per day per 100 g of body weight. If their diet contains too many soft foods, it is preferable that they always have tree branches, wax,cherries for sharpening incisors.

Families and Pregnancy
Rats reach sexual maturity between 42-65 days. Males have a clearly visible scrotum, making them easily distinguishable from females. In addition, the distance between the genitals and the anus is about twice as high in males as in females, which helps to determine their sex when they are still very small. Also, females have large swollen nipples. Families may include more than one female with a male. But never keep two or more males with females who will constantly fight. Instead, several males can be kept together if a female is available. But in this case, tumors sometimes develop closer to aging.

Rules for buying the right cage
Pregnancy lasts from 21 to 23 days, 6-20 cubs weighing 6-13 grams are born. After about a week, the newborn develops fur. The eyes will open at the age of two weeks. Babies are weaned from the female 21-42 days after birth. Female lab rats become sexually active immediately after birth.
The rat cage must be resistant to abrasion, otherwise they will run away. Typically, rodent cages are made of hard plastic or metal. Very often there are cages with a plastic bottom and the upper part of a metal grid (like a box). For 2-3 rats, the cage should be approximately 60 cm x 60 cm x 30 cm. At the bottom of the cage, sawdust is usually placed in a layer of 2-3 cm. The shavings should be changed 1-2 times a week asneed. This provides urine absorption and warm shelter for future offspring. Suitable temperatures for rats are between 18°C and 26°C. The ideal air humidity should be 40-70%, but other values are supported. Toys, trainers and wheels, tunnels and other devices help keep such an animal as a white laboratory rat in good physical shape.
Experiments and research
White rats have long been used in various laboratories. These smart rodents are used by scientists in experiments. They test new drugs, try out innovative methods of treatment. By the way, many psychoanalysts also use these animals for their experiments. For example, to learn their hierarchy and group behavior. It helps to understand how people will behave in similar situations.
One of the most interesting experiments was carried out in the last century. Six white rats were placed in a large cage. A few weeks later, the scientists realized that they were hierarchically divided into two manipulators and two workers, subordinate to the first group. Another one became self-sufficient, and the last one simply ate the rest of the food for everyone. If you throw six animals from the same faction into one cage, for example, manipulators, then after a few weeks of fights they are still divided into the same groups as in the first experiment.