Superpowers of people - myth or reality?

Superpowers of people - myth or reality?
Superpowers of people - myth or reality?

Superpowers of people is a long discussed topic. And she has a reason. After all, the highest quality of a person that distinguishes him from other living beings is consciousness. But it can't be the top. What will be the further path of development of man, his consciousness?

Superpowers of people
Superpowers of people

It is worth at least remembering the “third eye”. This amazing “organ” is endowed with some children, who are now called in a special way - the “indigo generation”. If we talk about the superpowers of people, then the first thing to note is this generation. Experts believe that children, in fact, are aliens who recently came into this world from another. Babies have open higher chakras, which energetically connect them with the Cosmos. And they are open because his soul has recently been in the astral world. She then chose a body to inhabit. These chakras give a person superpowers. There are very few people who have these chakras open. These are those who have clairvoyance, clairaudience, astral vision and a unique ability called "the memory of former lives." Some parents should be aware that when their child speakssomething like this: “Mom, when you were gone, I saw fairies…”, “I have such an invisible friend who…” and everything that follows is not fiction or his fantasy. It really is. After all, children see a lot, unlike their parents. The indigo generation is one of them, at least at the moment this term has been given just such a definition. Although there is, of course, a synonym - hyperactivity, however, this belongs to another topic.

People with superpowers
People with superpowers

Speaking about the superpowers of people, it should be noted the power of thought. Everyone has heard about it at least once. They say thoughts are things. Or - do not think about the bad … These are not empty words. After all, thoughts really tend to materialize.

There is a story about a materialized thought that has a scientific basis. The young girl decided to commit suicide. To do this, she swallowed a remedy for cockroaches and lay down on the bed. An hour later, she died. However, there is one interesting detail here. At autopsy, it turned out that this poison was absolutely harmless to both humans and insects, since the expiration date of this remedy had expired a long time ago. Also surprising is the fact that the girl died before this powder dissolved. She was simply killed by the thought of… imminent death.

The development of human superpowers
The development of human superpowers

But what about the cases when people coped with a deadly disease, wanting to live? Or come out of a coma? What is it connected with? The superpowers of people actually have no limits, although skeptics can only shake ithead. Regarding such a topic as the development of human superpowers, it is worth noting - here you only need to believe. Faith and thought stand side by side. You need to believe in your own strength, that thought is material. After all, as often happens: what we constantly think about, what we are afraid of, then overtakes us. Or vice versa. What we want soon becomes our property. People with superpowers like the ability to control their thoughts can achieve a lot. But there is one caveat. Need to believe. Believe strongly in yourself.