For children about professions: games, stories, developing tasks

For children about professions: games, stories, developing tasks
For children about professions: games, stories, developing tasks

Kids start asking their parents pretty early why they go to work every morning and what they do there. Kids reproduce the mysterious world of adults in their games, repairing cars with toy tools or giving injections to teddy bears. This interest must be used in order to tell the child about the profession. For children, acquaintance with various branches of labor activity should take place in a playful way, because otherwise they simply will not be able to perceive the information.

Why does a baby need to know about professions?

Introducing a small child to the work of a driver or a geologist, you should not try to influence his future self-determination. It is much more important to bring him to the discovery: everything that we see around is the result of someone else's work. Toddlers often have no idea how many people worked so that they had toys, clothes, delicious food for breakfast. Carousels, cartoons, ice cream, favorite books are invented and made by someone. The task of parents and teachers is to show the child the importance of work and its benefits for others.

Telling about professions to preschool children, we simultaneously expand their horizons. A doctor, for example, needs to know the structure of the human body. Playing biologists, children study plants, grow seedlings. Turning into builders, you can see all the stages of building a house: from the creation of an architectural project to cosmetic repairs.

builder game
builder game

Simple rules

There are parents who prepare detailed lectures about professions for their children. However, babies are not interested in technical terms, historical facts and long stories. Description of professions for children can be built according to the following scheme:

  1. Name of the speci alty, benefits, actions performed (generalized, without details).
  2. Introducing the child to the place of work of the character, the tools used, overalls. At this stage, it is recommended to use visibility (pictures, presentations, cartoons, excursions).
  3. Emotional living of the profession. Children will be happy to listen to poems or stories that describe interesting cases from the life of geologists, firefighters, pilots, archaeologists. They like to get involved in the story game, cooking a real meal in the form of a chef or doing the dolls' hair.
  4. Description of the end result. For a dentist, it will be a cured tooth, for a seamstress - a new dress, for a farmer - grown vegetables and milkmilk.

Professions around us

Today, 2.5 thousand speci alties are in demand in Russia. Of course, the child does not need to memorize them all. The most understandable for children are those professions that we see in everyday life. These are sellers, educators, drivers, janitors, conductors, hairdressers, cooks, doctors. Usually kids are introduced to them.

children play chef
children play chef

Parents can draw the child's attention to the work of people while visiting a store, clinic, cinema, cafe, post office and other organizations. At home, act out what you see with toys, turning into waiters or circus performers. Use props to keep kids interested: a doctor's kit, homemade road signs, doll utensils, etc.

It is also desirable to tell children about the professions of their parents and grandparents. Photographs taken at the workplace, diplomas, vivid memories will come to the rescue. Explain to your child how your work benefits other people. It’s great if there is an opportunity to go on an excursion to my mother’s office, or at least see on the video how dad works at the machine. Do not forget about family friends, neighbors with whom you communicate closely. It is important for a child to see a real person behind the profession being studied, and not an abstract character in the picture.

Real supermen

Today's children enthusiastically play Spider-Man and other fictional characters who heroically protect the world. However, real people who do not have miraculous devices turn out to be much more courageous. However,they throw themselves into the fire, rise into space, catch criminals and save those in trouble.

extinguishing a fire
extinguishing a fire

Movies and books about military professions for children are much more useful than color comics. Boys' games often turn into mindless running around with shootouts borrowed from action movies. The task of parents is to teach them to build full-fledged stories, to acquaint them with examples of a fair struggle (military exploits, rescuers, stories of brave travelers).

Let the main characters of the games be not vampires or mutants, but firefighters, sailors, scouts, pilots. Save your captive comrades together with your child, put out fires, fight storms, go on a dangerous flight to other galaxies. And at the same time, meet the brave professionals who protect the world from evil in real life.

How is it done?

Children are very curious, and this should be used. Encourage your child to investigate together to find out how a favorite doll, new pajamas, delicious candy or dinner set came into being. Of course, it is not worth going deep into the process. The kid will have enough of the information that is printed in children's encyclopedias. But even this is enough to understand how much human effort was required to create ordinary items.

girl sewing on a sewing machine
girl sewing on a sewing machine

When telling your child about professions, emphasize that the final product is the fruit of the work of many specialists. For example, in order for clothes to appear, you must first grow flax or cotton,harvest, using special machines to process it, dividing the stems into individual fibers. Threads will be twisted from them at the spinning mill. The weavers weave a cloth from the threads. The seamstress will sew clothes that the driver will take to the shops. The seller will help visitors to choose the most beautiful outfit. By taking care of things, we show respect to all the people who worked to make them.

Useful books

Wonderful poets wrote poems about professions for children. For example, V. Mayakovsky "Whom to be?" and J. Rodari "What do crafts smell like?" The poems of A. Barto, B. Zakhoder, V. Mikhalkov, S. Chertkov are devoted to certain working speci alties. This material must be used when working with children.

professions for children
professions for children

Modern publishing houses publish colorful encyclopedias dedicated to the work of adults. So, the publishing house "Foma" published a series of books "Who to be?", the publishing house "Arkaim / Ural LTD" published a series of "Why? Why? Why?" and "When I become an adult." Color illustrations attract the attention of children, allow you to delve deeper into the specifics of the profession.

Development tasks

Getting acquainted with various speci alties, turn on your imagination. Children love puzzles and role-playing games. At the same time, learning takes place imperceptibly. For example, when playing in a store, you have to pay with money for purchases and count change. The builder must build houses according to the scheme, strictly observing it. The future captain is well versed in geographical maps. A journalist can dobeautiful pictures and interviews.

girl playing doctor
girl playing doctor

The profession of a doctor is very attractive for children, they are happy to treat dolls and give vitamins to their mother. But after all, a real specialist should be well erudite and know by heart the internal structure of a person. In the game, such information is easily absorbed. Toddlers are ready to repeatedly make a diagnosis, looking for the correct name of the diseased organ on the diagram of the human body. In doing so, they begin to understand the importance of vocational education.

Play and remember

It is not enough to tell a child about professions. The acquired knowledge must be consolidated. Here riddles, didactic games in the form of cards, posters or lotto, coloring come to the rescue. You can use the following game tasks:

  • Determine the profession by the tools used.
  • Connect a specialist and his place of work (teacher - school, cook - canteen, driver - bus).
  • Show the profession with gestures so that other players can guess it.
  • An adult calls the action, and the child is the specialist who performs it (the doctor treats, the mechanic repairs, the painter paints).
children play profession
children play profession

When talking about professions to children, do not show your negative attitude towards certain speci alties. Also, jobs should not be divided into low-paid and high-paid jobs. Your task is to give out general information and instill respect for other people's work, and not to advertise a prestigious profession to the child. He is still too small to make such an importantchoice.
