Even if the walls of the fortress fall, there will certainly be people behind them, and the future of the city, country and humanity will depend on them. World War II swept over Europe like a hurricane. Literally in a matter of months, Hitler subjugated a significant number of countries, but then he crossed the borders of the Soviet Union and found out what a real battle is. Where others surrendered, Soviet soldiers did not even think about escaping. They fought for every meter of their native land, cities were blockaded for months, but did not raise white flags. This put a lot of pressure on the invaders. After the victory in the Great Patriotic War, the country's government decided to award the title of "Hero City" to the places whose inhabitants showed themselves well, fighting alongside the military. The Hero Cities of the USSR are a powerful bastion defending their country.
On regulations
In May 1945, a decree was issued to grant the status of "Hero City" to the area that distinguished itself in the battle against the fascist invaders. According to this order, the first hero cities of the USSR were:
- Stalingrad;
- Odessa;
- Sevastopol;
- Leningrad.
In 1961, this title was given to Kyiv. 1965 The Presidium certifies the position on the status of "Hero City". Almost immediately issued 7 orders. According to regulatory documents, all hero cities of the USSR received the Gold Star medal. In addition to this medal, Odessa, Stalingrad and Sevastopol were additionally awarded the Order of Lenin. Also, according to the issued order, the immortal title of "Heroes" was awarded to Moscow and the Brest Fortress.
In 1980, the position on the status of "Hero City" was slightly corrected, now it is not a simple title, but the highest degree of recognition. As a memory of the heroism of the past, a series of badges with the local emblem was made in these cities. In the post-war years, traveling to places that received the highest award, no one returned home without the badge of the "Hero City" of the USSR.

Hero Cities in alphabetical order
The Hero City status is the most noble and highest award for numerous, social heroism. The war brought many losses, but revealed such qualities as the valor and courage of every inhabitant. One has only to remember the siege of Leningrad. For 900 long days the area was in the enemy's cordon, but no one was going to give up. In total, the list of "Hero-Cities" of the USSR includes 12 places:
- Volgograd;
- Kerch;
- Leningrad;
- Minsk;
- Moscow;
- Murmansk;
- Novorossiysk;
- Odessa;
- Sevastopol;
- Smolensk;
- Tula.
To this list you canadd on the Brest Fortress, which was awarded the immortal title "Fortress-Hero". Each of these cities is known for a great feat, which is not forgotten.

This hero-city of the former USSR will surely be remembered for a very long time. The invaders intended to completely destroy the population. Fierce battles began on the approach to the city on 1941-10-07. The enemy had a numerical advantage, both in terms of weapons and in the number of soldiers. 1941-08-09 German troops began to control the Neva, and Leningrad was separated from the mainland.
The blockade of the city continued until January 1944. During these 900 days of occupation, more residents died than the US and Great Britain lost in this war combined. 800 thousand people died from starvation. But every day, half a million inhabitants worked on the construction of defensive obstacles. 35 km of barricades, more than 40 km of anti-tank installations, over 4 thousand pillboxes. In addition, Leningraders repaired and produced weapons. Thus, 1.9 thousand tanks, 225.2 thousand machine guns, 10 million mines and explosive shells, 12.1 thousand mortars were transported to the front zones. More than half a million people received military medals.

Stalingrad (Volgograd)
The Hero City of the USSR Stalingrad survived the most large-scale confrontation of World War II, which went down in the history of military battles as the Battle of Stalingrad. On 1942-17-07, the invaders went towards the present Volgograd with the intention of quickly winning. But this is a fightlasted for 200 days, both the military and ordinary Soviet residents were involved in it.
On August 23, 1942, the first attack on the city took place, and already on August 25, a state of emergency was declared. 50,000 volunteers joined the Soviet army. Despite the constant shelling, local factories continued to function without slowing down in order to supply the necessary military ammunition to the front. The Germans came close on 12 September. 2 months of fierce battles caused significant damage to the enemy army. On November 19, 1942, the Leningraders launched a counterattack. After 2.5 months the enemy was destroyed.

Odessa and Sevastopol
The forces of the Nazis were 5 times greater than the combat power of the defenders of Odessa, but the defense of the city still continued for 73 days. During this period of time, the soldiers of the Soviet army and volunteers from the people's militia were able to inflict tangible damage on the invader's army. However, the city still fell under the care of the Nazis.
The hero cities of the USSR in the Great Patriotic War played their key roles, even if they were besieged, they were an example of endurance, strength and unshakable courage. The defensive tactics of Sevastopol are known on the pages of military history and in tactical exercises, as a standard for long-term and active defensive operations behind enemy lines. The defense of the seaside city lasted more than 8 months, starting from 1941-30-10. Only on the 4th attempt did the Germans succeed in capturing it.

Brest Fortress
It was Brest that becamethe first city that faced the enemy army face to face. On the morning of June 22, the Brest Fortress was under enemy fire, where at that time there were about 7,000 Soviet soldiers. The Nazi invaders planned to seize control of the fortress in a few hours, but were stuck for a whole month. The German army suffered significant losses, control of the fortress was taken a week later, but for another month the Nazis suppressed individual pockets of resistance. The time won by Brest allowed the Union military to mobilize and prepare to repel the attack.
Moscow and Kyiv
Distinguished themselves in the battle with the enemy and the capitals of the two great powers. The beginning of the war was marked for Kyiv by an air strike. The city came under fire from the invaders in the first hours of the war, but two weeks later a committee for the defense of the city was founded. The 72-day defensive operation began. 33 thousand Kyivans joined the ranks of the Soviet troops. They were part of the destruction battalions and gave a worthy fight to the enemy.

The enemy attack was stopped on the first line of the city fortification. The enemy failed to capture Kyiv on the move, but on 1941-30-07 another attempt was made to storm. After 10 days, the enemies managed to break the defenses in the southwest, but the defenders were able to counteract this. After 5 days, the invaders retreated to their former positions. Kyiv was no longer taken by direct assault. 17 fascist divisions took part in the battles near Kyiv for a long time. So the enemy was forced to withdrawpart of the offensive forces that were going to Moscow, and send them towards Kyiv. Because of this, the Soviet troops retreated on September 19.
As for Moscow, the battle for it consisted of two types of operations: defensive and offensive. The Nazi command decided to go towards Moscow. Its capture would have been a devastating blow to the allied army, so the main combat power was thrown at the capital. In turn, the Soviet army was not going to give up so easily. On December 5, the Germans were pushed back from Moscow, and its defenders went on the defensive from the defense, this event was the culminating turn in the war.

Due respect must be given to Kerch, Tula, Novorossiysk, Murmansk, Smolensk, who made a worthy contribution to the battle against the Nazis. The Soviet army fought to the last, and the locals fought with them. All human resources were involved in defensive and attacking battles. Murmansk, Novorossiysk, Leningrad, Stalingrad - thanks to titanic efforts, they were able to stop the enemy's advance, and were not captured. A brutal siege in the Kerch quarries made it possible to delay the advance of the Nazis, but the inhabitants suffered monstrous losses. It was on the Kerch Peninsula that the Soviet Commission began to investigate the crimes of the Nazis.
Twelve, that's how many hero cities there were in the USSR. They were the unbending spirit that remains after the walls of the fortress fall.