How many beautiful places do you know? Undoubtedly, if you start to remember beautiful landscapes, then many pictures from your fantasy will be from the Ukrainian Republic. This most beautiful corner cannot but delight with its beauties, but not only they can capture your attention. This republic has a rich past and you need to know about it too!

General characteristics and assessment
The Ukrainian Republic is a medium-sized state, now part of Europe, located in the southwest of the continent. It is located in the temperate climate zone, which provides stable weather conditions.
The population of Ukraine according to the latest census is about 48 million people. Currently, the Ukrainian Republic is going through hard times: the civilian population is suffering from the civil war, as well as the country's economy. As sad as it may be, one can only hope that the situation will return to normal soon.

History of UkrainianRepublic
The entire history of this republic can be divided into several stages:
- The appearance of the first settlements of the Slavs on the territory of present-day Ukraine. It happened by the fifth century AD. This period was characterized by the power of the Kaganate in the Dnieper lands
- Liberation of land by Prince Oleg in the ninth century. Literally immediately after that, Kyiv became the capital of the Old Russian state.
- The division of Russia into principalities. This period is characterized by frequent Polovtsian raids on Kyiv.
- As a result of numerous wars, the unification of Russia took place, and the Ukrainian lands again became part of it.
- In the era of modern times, the Ukrainian nation was formed as a completely separate one.
- Ukrainian SSR became part of the USSR.
- At the end of the 20th century, Ukraine again separated from Russia and became an independent independent state.
A bloody civil war is going on in Ukraine these days.