What is a republic? The definition of this word refers to social and economic geography. Next, we will talk about the meaning of the concept, its essence. We will learn about the history of the emergence and varieties of republics.
Republic: definition and history of the term
The concept itself originated in the Middle Ages in the northern part of Italy. In the 15th century, it was decided to designate the local city-states in this way. They were small independent territories in the form of communes or seigneuries.
At first they were called Libertas Populi, which means "free people". Cities had full self-government and were not included in larger entities. Later, Italian historians designated them with the Latin term res publica, emphasizing that the policy of the city-states was carried out according to the people's decision, and not the will of a single monarch.

At present, the meaning of the word "republic" has hardly changed. A republic is a form of government in which the supreme authorities are elected by special institutions or by the inhabitants of the country. It is often confused with democracy, but they are differentconcepts.
Signs of the Republic
Unlike a traditional monarchy, the citizens of the republic have not only personal, but also political rights. Their direct influence on the political life of the country is manifested in the popular vote during elections for certain public offices.
The main distinguishing feature of the republic is that the president does not inherit power, but is elected to his post. He is considered the first person in the state and represents the executive branch of government. Legislative power belongs to Parliament.

The principle of separation of duties is clearly in force in the republic. Most of the supreme bodies are elected. Their powers have a specific term that cannot be extended. To re-occupy a position, you need to go through the election process again. The powers of the supreme authorities can be terminated ahead of schedule if their work is unsatisfactory.
History of emergence and development
The first republics appeared long before the term appeared. A ramified power structure was already observed in Mesopotamia. The highest bodies then were councils or assemblies. All full-fledged residents could take part in them.
Of course, ancient states differed significantly from modern ones. In terms of their organization, they rather occupied an intermediate link between the monarchical and republican systems. In ancient Greece and Rome, the republic had two forms - aristocracy and democracy. In the first case, power was in the hands of a privilegednobility, in the second - belonged to the national assembly.

In the Middle Ages, forms of government are clearly demarcated. Republican city-states appear in Italy, Switzerland, Germany. The Zaporozhian Sich is formed on the territory of Ukraine, the Republic of Dubrovnik arises in Croatia, and the Republic of Pskov and Novgorod arise in Russia. In Europe, the oldest republic is San Marino. It was formed 1700 years ago and still has not changed its shape.
There are four main types of republics: presidential, parliamentary, mixed and theocratic. Varieties are determined by which representative body has greater powers and responsibilities.
In a presidential republic, the main responsible person is the president. He has the right to submit his laws to Parliament, to appoint and dissolve the government. In world history, the first republic with a presidential bias is the United States. George Washington became its president, combining the position of head of state and government in one person.

A parliamentary republic is a state where the president performs only representative functions. All important decisions belong to Parliament. He forms the government, develops and adopts bills. Under a mixed system of government, power is equally divided between parliament and the president. The government is equally accountable to these two bodies.
A theocratic republic is a special kind of state in which powerbelongs to the religious elite and the clergy. Decisions are made according to religious injunctions, revelations, or laws.
In addition, there are other countries-republics:
- Federal.
- Democratic.
- Folk.
- Islamic.
- Soviet.
- Veche.
The last two do not currently exist.
Republic is the most common form of government. There are 140 such states on the modern political map of the world. They are distinguished from the ancient states by the presence of a special document that completely determines their structure, method and order of interaction between the highest authorities and the people. The constitution is such a document.
The vast majority of republics are representative democracies. The power in them belongs to the whole people, without the allocation of any classes. Representation is manifested in the fact that the people delegate the government of the country to certain bodies (parliament, president, etc.). That is, citizen participation is indirect.
Republics can be both independent and dependent states. They may be part of other states, including monarchical ones. Thus, Russia includes 21 republics (Mari El, Altai, Dagestan and others).
Pros and cons
Historians and philosophers have been arguing about the appropriateness of this form of government for centuries. Like any system, the republic has strengths and weaknesses. Below are some of them.
- Electivityhigher authorities. The people have the right to participate in the fate of the state by choosing worthy leaders.
- Government's responsibility to citizens. If the higher authorities do not properly perform their functions, they may be punished, they risk not being elected for the next term or losing their powers ahead of schedule.
- There are more opportunities for democracy in the republic, since decisions in the state are made not by the will of one person, but by the will of the majority.

A chance to avoid revolution and bloody riots. The government is the representative of the people and expresses their will; if the population is dissatisfied, it is forced to listen to it
- The choice of the people is not always right. Since the composition of the highest bodies is determined by voting, it becomes possible to manipulate society.
- The adoption of government decisions requires certain procedures, so it may be delayed in time.
- Majority dictatorship is possible, when the highest authorities abuse the position.
- Over time, plutocracy and class segregation appear.