Education in Russia. List of institutes in Voronezh

Education in Russia. List of institutes in Voronezh
Education in Russia. List of institutes in Voronezh

The list of institutes in Voronezh can be quite impressive, since this city is considered the student capital of the Black Earth region. At the moment, there are more than thirty state and non-state universities in the city, as well as branches of universities and institutes from other cities.

voronezh state university
voronezh state university


The list of Voronezh universities should be opened with an introduction about the history of higher education in this city, which has more than a hundred years. The first institute in Voronezh was an agricultural institute opened on the initiative of the local community, which is not surprising, since agriculture has long been the backbone of the region's economy.

By 1925, two higher educational institutions worked in Voronezh: VSU and VSKhI, in 1927 a veterinary institute was opened. In the thirties, a series of divisions took place in the region, as a result of which several independent institutes were created on the basis of the faculties of the Voronezh State University, among which were medical, pedagogical and instituteeconomic accounting.

Traditionally strong in Voronezh is education related to agriculture, as specialists in this industry have always been in demand on the local labor market. Today, however, agricultural universities are expanding the list of speci alties offered for study.


List of institutions in Voronezh

It makes sense to divide the list of Voronezh universities into three parts. The first offers state universities, the main branches of which are located in Voronezh. Here is a list of institutions in Voronezh that have state accreditation and administration in Voronezh itself:

  • Voronezh Agricultural University.
  • Voronezh State University.
  • Voronezh Agricultural University.
  • Voronezh Forestry University.
  • Voronezh Medical University named after N. N. Burdenko.
  • Voronezh University of Architecture and Civil Engineering.
  • Voronezh University of Engineering Technologies.
  • Voronezh Pedagogical University.
  • Professor N. E. Zhukovsky and Yu. A. Gagarin Air Force Academy.
  • Voronezh Technical University.
  • Voronezh Institute of State Fire Service EMERCOM of Russia.
  • Voronezh Institute of Arts.
  • Voronezh Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.
  • Voronezh State Institute of Physical Culture.

A list of Voronezh institutes with subjects for admission can be compiled by studying the VSU entrance examination program,which is the largest and one of the most prestigious universities in the city and the entire Chernozem region.

The city's technical universities have a long history and a good reputation. And Voronezh State University has completely become the successor of the traditions of Dorpat University, thanks to which a unique school of classical and general philology has developed in Voronezh.

Each of these educational institutions has its own dormitories, where both Russian and foreign students can live. Polyclinics operate on the basis of medical institutes and faculties of universities, where students undergo practical training, and local residents can receive high-quality medical services.

voronezh agrarian university
voronezh agrarian university

Speci alties

Both the list of available speci alties for study and the list of entrance tests that must be passed to become a student can be compiled based on open data provided by the universities themselves.

Here is a list of some speci alties of Voronezh State University:

  • Biology.
  • Geography.
  • Journalism (creative competition as an entrance test).
  • Foreign languages.
  • Informatics and ICT.
  • History.
  • Literature.
  • Math.
  • Social studies.
  • Russian language.
  • Television (creativity test).
  • Physics.
  • Chemistry.

How to act

For admission to each of these speci alties, you need to passspecific tests. For example, in order to study at any of the university faculties, it is necessary to speak Russian at a high level, which means that you will need to prove this upon admission by presenting high USE results.

For some speci alties of the Faculty of Medicine and Biology, in addition to the Russian language, you will also have to pass biology or mathematics. For majors related to ecology and nature management, you will need to prepare for the exam in geography.

VGTU main building
VGTU main building

Entrance tests

The list of institutes in Voronezh with subjects for admission can be compiled based on the analysis of data from different universities. For example, for admission to technical faculties and speci alties, in addition to Russian, knowledge of physics and mathematics may be required.

To enter the Faculty of Chemistry, you should improve your knowledge of chemistry and physics, and for some speci alties of psychological faculties, you should take care of preparing for the biology exam in advance.

To enter the economic departments of most universities from the list of institutes in Voronezh, an applicant will need to have a high level of mathematics, a good knowledge of social science and the Russian language. For admission to the Faculty of Pharmacy, it is required to present the results of the Unified State Examination in Chemistry, Biology and the Russian language.

The Faculty of Philosophy will be of interest to the humanities, since for admission to the speci alty "philosophy" it will be necessary to pass only the Russian language, history and social studies.

Peoplethose inclined to creative work will be able to find interesting professions at the Institute of Arts, which today trains four hundred students in three faculties: theater, music and painting.

Because Voronezh is a major rail transportation hub and an important logistics center, it is constantly in need of qualified rail transportation professionals. To train such workers, a branch of the Moscow University of Communications was created.

international cooperation
international cooperation

International exchange

Most public universities in Voronezh offer a fairly high-quality education that is in demand on the international market. Technical and engineering speci alties, as well as medical and chemical faculties are very popular.

The growing popularity of Voronezh institutions among foreigners is facilitated by the high quality of teaching, the relatively low cost of education compared to the European one, as well as the openness of the Russian educational system for foreigners. For example, Voronezh State University has been cooperating with students from one hundred and thirty countries for more than fifty years. Thus, the list of institutes and universities of Voronezh is of interest not only to Russian, but also to foreign applicants.

University branches

In Voronezh there are also educational institutions whose administrations are located in other cities:

  • Central branch of the Russian State University of Justice.
  • Voronezh branch of the Russian Academynational economy and public service under the President of the Russian Federation.
  • A branch of the Ivanovo Fire and Rescue Academy of the State Fire Service of the Russian Emergencies Ministry.
  • Voronezh branch of Plekhanov Russian University of Economics.
  • Voronezh Institute (branch) of Moscow University for the Humanities and Economics.
  • Voronezh branch of the Rostov State University of Railway Transport.
  • Voronezh branch of the State University of Maritime and River Fleet named after Admiral S. O. Makarov.
  • Voronezh branch of the Modern Humanitarian Academy.

Non-State Universities

Special mention should be made of non-state universities and institutes that have state accreditation and work in Voronezh. Among the non-state educational institutions operating today are the Orthodox Theological Seminary, the Institute of Practical Psychology, the Institute of Management, Marketing and Finance, as well as the Voronezh branch of the Russian New University.

Many non-state educational institutions are engaged in advanced training, retraining of personnel, and also offer short intensive courses.
