Primary school is a bright stage in the development of each of us. Despite this, many students had difficulties with the Russian language. And the most difficult exercises were given, where it is necessary to parse the sentence by composition.
Sometimes, the information given by the teachers was not enough. Then mothers, fathers and other kindred spirits were involved in solving tasks. And in order to avoid any difficulties, it is only important to study the composition of the proposal in detail.

The subject is the most important element
As a rule, the main meaning of a phrase is a noun, which is also the subject. The first sign of this member of the sentence is the nominative case. Yes, here you have to remember the declensions of words. Nominative, genitive, dative and so on. Remembered? Let's continue!
The second sign of the subject is a clear agreement with another word - the predicate. As a rule, the latter has the form of a verb, so it is quite easy to determine their relationship. Examples include the following phrases: "Mom washed the window." In this case, the subject is the word "mother", which answers the question "Who?" and agrees with the adjacent verb. In addition, the first word of the phrase carries the primary meaning of the entire sentence. Denoted by one straight horizontal line.

Predicate: standing next to a comrade
In order to correctly parse the sentence by composition, it is important to remember the second main character of the phrase - the predicate. This element reflects the action associated with the subject. That is, in the aggregate, two words can form the composition of a simple sentence. An example is the phrase: "The boy is running." The subject is the word "boy", the predicate - "runs". The first word reflects the sign of the nominative case, and the second - the action in the form of a verb.
Very rarely, but still there are cases when the predicate has the form of a noun, adjective or participle. For example, “I got up early yesterday.” The phrase "get up early" forms a single predicate. Indicated by two parallel horizontal lines.

Minor element: definition
The simplest sentences consist of only two of the above-named components. However, the rich world of the Russian language also contains secondary applications. First among equals is definition.
Addition syntactically depends on the main sources of the phrase or carries a clarifying meaning. As a general rule, the adjective acts as a definition, however, as indicated above, there may be exceptions in the form of a noun. An example of this is the phrase "mother's house". In this case, the second word isdefinition. If, in addition to the subject and predicate, this sentence member is present in the phrase, then it becomes more difficult to parse the phrase by composition.
And a special place in this vast group belongs to articles and numerals, for example, "the twenty-fifth of August." All words belonging to this group are indicated by a horizontal wavy line.

Indication of the place: circumstance
Such a member of a sentence as a circumstance of place does not actually carry a semantic complement. This subject of the Russian language is necessary to clarify the action in a spatial, temporal or thematic framework. In order to single out the analysis of the sentence by composition and highlight the circumstance of the place, you need to mentally ask a question to each word: “How?” or "When?". Of course, no cases are distinguished here.
For many schoolchildren, the most difficult thing is the search for this particular member of the sentence. The circumstance of a place is capable of acquiring a variety of forms, and even philologists, at times, cannot single out the correct phrase in a complex sentence. Nouns, participles and adverbs are the main "hiding places" of the circumstance of the place, which are distinguished by short horizontal lines with a dot between them.
Phrase decoration: addition
Any simple sentences as part of a complex one contain such an element as an addition. The essence of this member of the sentence is to designate a specific person, event or object. Often he wears a qualifier for the subjector (and) predicate meaning.
Very often the object is expressed in the form of a noun. The main feature of this member of the sentence is the indirect case, that is, all declensions, except for the nominative. Choosing words for the questions: “Who?”, “What?”, “About whom?”, “What?” and so on, you are 100% likely to be able to find the addition.
A little less often, this member of the sentence is hidden in the infinitive, that is, in a phrase that answers the questions: “What to do?” or “What to do?”. An example of this is the following phrase: "I was about to go home." “Going home” is an addition that is underlined by a horizontal dashed line. As you can see, parsing a sentence by composition has become one of the easiest tasks for you and your child!