Quite often in different areas of life we come across the phrase "by default". What does it mean? Let's find the answer to this question. And also consider in which industries this expression is used more often than others.
What is "default": general value
This expression is used when talking about the standard (factory) settings of some device, program. They are chosen by developers from the whole variety of possibilities and are characterized by versatility. However, it is not always suitable for every user. Therefore, if desired, everyone can adapt the settings for themselves.

As an example, consider a receiver for a satellite dish. Since most of these devices are made in China for export, the manufacturer does not know exactly what language is spoken in the country where the receiver will be used. Therefore, English is set as the main one, since everyone knows it at least at the level of "my yours understand." The calculation goes to what vocabularyit will be enough for the user to find the language section in the menu and reconfigure it to his native language, or at least a well-known one.
This practice of setting English as the default is common on most menus for appliances sold in European countries. This is one of the universal factory default settings. They are understandable to all consumers, but not always convenient for them, so they are further adjusted.
As translated into other languages
In English, this turnover is denoted by one word default.

Paradoxically, in Shakespeare's language, the term also means "default", as well as various other legal obligations.
Ukrainian uses the corresponding idiom "za zamovchuvannyam". It looks like it was a tracing paper from Russian, just like the Belarusian "pa zmachani". The proof of this is the fact that in other Slavic languages the phrase under study is formed not from "be silent".
To better understand what "default" is, consider the most common synonyms for it. Let's make a reservation that when replacing this expression with a meaning close to it, the structure of the sentence will have to be slightly changed.

For example: "In this photo editor, the tool menu is configured by default. Later it can be changed as convenient."
Studied turnover without loss of meaningis replaced by a synonym for "standard settings". However, with it, the sentence itself will be adjusted without losing its meaning: "This photo editor has standard tool menu settings. In the future, they can be changed as convenient ".
When it comes to parameters in a program, instead of the turnover in question, it is allowed to replace not only "standard", but also "factory", "basic", and "automatic" settings. However, all these synonyms are not one hundred percent and can only appear in a certain context.
For example: "In "Opera" you can set the default search engine "Yandex" both during the installation of the browser itself and after it."
In this sentence, the phrase means that the search engine will always appear when opening "Opera" and the user will not need to waste time entering his address. That is, "Yandex" becomes a standard (automatically configured) search engine. And for this case, all the two listed options can appear as synonyms.
At the same time, the word "factory" is not suitable for this example. After all, if the programmers who created Opera did not initially set Yandex as the base search engine, then it is not included in the "factory settings package" and when the program is reinstalled (or it crashes), it will no longer open automatically in a new browser window.
Additional shade of value
The above examplemakes you wonder: does "default" always mean factory settings?
Not always. Often the expression is applied not to automatic (basic), but to automated settings. To those that were not originally standard, but became so thanks to further "tuning".
Back to the satellite dish receiver example. It defaulted to English as the main menu language. These are factory settings. At the same time, a person who is able to read this article will most likely want to rebuild the device menu into Russian. After that, every time, including the TV and receiver, the inscriptions in it (except for the name, of course) will be automatically played in Russian.
It turns out that one linguistic "default" will change to another. Which leads to another answer to the question, what is "default".
These are automated device settings or just programs. They can be set by both the manufacturer and the user. However, when reinstalling the software or resetting it, the advantage will be on the side of the manufacturer's settings.
Factory and user default
Having de alt with the question of what "default" is, let's talk in more detail about user automated settings and factory settings.
The first is a consequence of the imperfection of the second. As we know, the most common cause of failure of any program is its user. To simplify the recovery process after someone's "crazyhandles", each software (in case of failure) is designed to return to the basic system of behavior - "by default". But, erasing all errors made by the user, returning to the factory settings "kills" useful programs as well.
For example, when you reinstall the "Photoshop" program, all textures, brushes, actions and styles added to it disappear from its memory, since they are not included in the "default" package. In addition to the basic set, fonts remain among the innovations. But only because they are not under the jurisdiction of Photoshop, but in the computer OS. If it is also reinstalled, then they will also be reset to the factory set.
This inability to save not only harmful innovations, but also useful ones, is the main drawback of the basic settings.
To solve it today, many applications and operating systems provide their users with the service of backing up user default settings. So after resetting to factory settings, all other programs that are not related to them will be installed automatically.
What is "default" in a computer?
Although the concept of basic or simply automated parameters is characteristic of all programmable technology, most often the phrase under study refers specifically to computer technology. More precisely, the programs in it.

So, what does "default" mean in a computer? Almost the same as in other related devices (tablets, Smart TV) - a universal set by the developersautomated set of settings. And in this case, it can be both factory and custom.
Meaning of the phrase for phones
Since most mobile phones today are proudly referred to as "smart" (that is, "smart"), for them the phrase "default" has a similar meaning to a PC. That is, the notorious factory settings: melody, screen power, set of applications, etc.

However, with regard to the phone (yes, some people still use cell phones for this purpose), the turnover under study has an additional connotation of interpretation. It does not replace, but complements the main. So, what does "default" mean in a phone?
When making a call, it happens that the subscriber's device is turned off or is out of its network coverage. In this case, the system of almost every mobile operator offers to leave a message on the answering machine, so that the missed call can listen to it as soon as its device turns on.
If earlier it was an additional paid service, today most operators have an answering machine connected to each subscriber by default "free of charge", that is, for nothing.
While this feature seems new today, in a few years you will get used to it, as it used to be with free inboxes.
What does this term mean in jurisprudence
All of the above examples were about technology. However, turnover is also used in other areas. Consider what "default" means in jurisprudence.
This expressionmost often used in oral speech when talking about paperwork in accordance with accepted legal standards. In this case, they play the role of a kind of "factory settings".

The phrase is also interpreted in this area and in the usual sense: they are used when setting up specialized programs for processing documents or organizing existing ones according to a template specified by the manufacturer or user-defined.
Unlike all of the above examples, this jurisprudence has a consonant expression that is often mistakenly correlated with "default".
This is a type of fraud, as not providing all the reliable information when concluding a transaction. In fact, this is not a scam. After all, lies are not told, just some aspects of the truth are not voiced. They are silent.
The most common example is advertising. In it, the promoted product is praised in front of a potential consumer, trying not to talk about its minuses.
Thus, advertising "Claritin" (one of the most popular and effective anti-allergy drugs), its manufacturers are modestly silent that its constituent loratadine (the main active ingredient) can be bought several times cheaper without overpaying for a famous brand.
More often, all information about the composition of the product is kept silent. For example, pay attention to the packaging of any margarine for baking. Among the ingredients is necessarily listed as "fat of vegetable origin." Of course everythingwe sincerely hope that this is sunflower oil, complete optimists are even thinking about olive oil. However, most often it is palm and, God forbid, that it is food, not technical.

And if such petty reticence only causes irritation, then hiding the terms of the signed contract is often many times more expensive.
For example, a scam for pensioners that is insanely popular today. They receive fake messages about winning the lottery, which can be picked up only by ordering goods from the fraudulent company for a certain amount from the catalog. Inspired old people buy junk they don't need at exorbitant prices, but they never get the promised prize.
Yes, and they cannot, in principle, because under the terms of the promotion, a purchase from the catalog is not a 100% guarantee of victory. This is clearly stated in the conditions of the lottery. Here are just a form with these conditions to pensioners all the time "forget" to send, as if accidentally silent about such a "trifle".
In addition to the direct meaning, turnover is also used figuratively.
Let's look at some figurative examples of what "default" means.
This is often said about a person when they want to talk about his original state or a biased attitude towards him based on settled standards of thinking.
- "A silent woman is considered smart by default".
- "Guys with the name Tolyan among the Trudoviks by default have a score one point higher than the rest."

Complete this topic with a beautiful, albeit slightly pretentious, aphorism with this phrase: "The Creator has put love in us by default: love and be happy!"