"Van beer please", or How to get rid of an accent? 4 effective ways

"Van beer please", or How to get rid of an accent? 4 effective ways
"Van beer please", or How to get rid of an accent? 4 effective ways

Knowing a foreign language perfectly is a very significant skill and will be useful in any field. Delivered speech, an extensive vocabulary and understanding of grammar are what will make you a person who knows the language. But at the same time, there is one detail that is not as important as the previous ones, but nevertheless significant - the accent. Let's find out what it is and whether it is possible to get rid of the accent when speaking in a foreign language.

What is an accent?

Conversation illustration
Conversation illustration

Every person has their own native language. He has been speaking it since childhood. And this means that the brain works with speech, starting from the native language. It affects pronunciation the most.

Every language has sound features. For example, in English, the interdental sound "th" is not equivalent to the Russian "s", but this is one of the most common mistakes. The brain is conservative, it is used to reproducing sounds in a certain way and does not want to change this. This situation affects the pronunciation - it becomes unnatural for the hearing of a native speaker.

We will offer you several ways tosolutions to this common problem. The main thing is to practice them constantly and as early as possible. It is much easier to learn the correct speech right away than to relearn it later because of mistakes.

Cultural aspect

Cultural diversity
Cultural diversity

Culture plays an important role in the theory of accent. Everywhere people speak differently, shades and intonations differ. Even in neighboring areas of the same country, there can be completely different pronunciations of the same words.

So the accent is cultural. So, this is not necessarily a "deadly" flaw. Maybe even this is your "trick". Do not laugh, such cases are not uncommon. A person with his bad pronunciation can play in his favor.

An example is the Russian accent in America, which has gone through a long cultural path and is perceived by foreigners as part of a "mysterious" culture. Of course, mainly due to emigration, but this is just one of many examples. The Irish, for example, tend to "swallow" the endings of words, and the peculiarity of the American pronunciation is the ubiquitous abbreviation.

Such a "chip", however, has its limits. If, because of your accent, the interlocutor can hardly distinguish words, this is bad. In this case, it is better to partially abandon such a “plaque of culture.”

Method 1: practice correct pronunciation

Man tries to speak
Man tries to speak

The main key to how to get rid of an accent is a clear and correct pronunciation. There is no need to rush anywhere. Words should sound slow and correct. Yes, it takes patienceand perseverance, but the result will not disappoint. By pronouncing sounds correctly, you will better speak and understand foreign speech, and most importantly, it will be much easier for your interlocutors to find a common language with you.

Let's get back to the sound "th" [θ]. Let's make a reservation right away that there is no such sound in Russian. Yes, it may somehow resemble “s”, but the difference in pronunciation is always visible. In fact, this is something between "s" and "z". Such a slight mistake can distort the whole meaning of what was said. For example, instead of “think” [θɪŋk] - to think - say “sink” [sɪŋk] - to sink. Instead of "thin" [θɪn] - thin - "sin" [sɪn] is formed - sin. This is the effect of habitual Russian pronunciation.

Also, the ability to separate a voiceless sound from a voiced one also plays a big role. For example, "bad" [bæd] is bad, and "bat" [bæt] is a bat. It is equally important to identify short and long sounds. For example, "live" [lɪv] - to live, and "leave" [liːv] - to leave.

To remember the pronunciation correctly, you need to constantly train: pronounce words slowly and as correctly as possible, clearly denoting each sound.

Method 2: Constantly listen to the speech

The dog tries to listen
The dog tries to listen

This is the ultimate tip for anyone who wants to learn how to get rid of an accent. You just need to listen, try to catch the shades of speech and the details of pronunciation. For this, conversational speech is best suited. The best solution is to spend 30-60 minutes a day listening to speeches.

Any movie works well for this. In them, as a rule, dialogues are conducted in colloquial language. If it's difficultunderstand the semantic part, you can always turn on sub titles. It turns out both teaching and entertainment.

Don't forget the radio. It's the same auditory perception. The disadvantage is the lack of a visual picture, or rather, a speaking person. It is an order of magnitude more difficult to perceive such "impersonal" speech.

Method 3: Practice speaking

Two people are talking
Two people are talking

One of the most effective methods of how to get rid of the Russian accent in English is dialogue. The effect of the conversation is hard to overestimate. Especially if the interlocutor is a native speaker. But this way, unfortunately, is not always possible. Not everyone has a friend or acquaintance in another country. You can, of course, try to meet someone on the Internet or sign up for special courses. Here everything depends on your free time and / or perseverance.

But if there is an opportunity, feel free to grab it. Speaking practice is the fastest way to improve not only pronunciation, but also knowledge of the language in general.

Method 4: listen to music

Listening to music
Listening to music

Oddly enough, it helps a lot. Music activates the work of the brain, and the words “sink”, which means they are remembered. This is not the most effective way to get rid of an accent in English, but definitely the most fun. Regular listening may not give the same effect as talking or listening to speech, but it will definitely allow you to learn with pleasure.

The main problem is that the semantic part of most songs is difficult to perceive. Still, music hasits features, under which the text is adjusted. But this is not a problem at all. With such training, you do not need to literally understand the meaning of the work. It is enough just to relax and listen, and the right words will be remembered intuitively.

It's not all bad after all…

Conversation illustration
Conversation illustration

All these methods are best used together, periodically changing them so that the process does not get bored with monotony. In this case, they will produce the best effect. Of course, don't expect instant improvements. The process of getting rid of the accent proceeds slowly and smoothly. Often, you may not even immediately notice the changes. So be patient, and your efforts will definitely bear fruit.
