The Jordan River is located in the Middle East. She is revered all over the world, because many important historical events are associated with her. The Jordan River itself begins at Mount Hermon, which is located in the northern part of the Syrian Golan Heights. Due to the abundant rainfall, the reservoir is full of water.
Rain and snow fall regularly on the slopes of Hermon, and through its cracks, melt and rainwater find their way out in the form of springs.

A bit of the history of the name
The Jordan River got its name many centuries ago. Most historians and scientists are still arguing about why it was called that way. The main opinions boil down to the fact that the name comes from the Hebrew word "yered". Translated into Russian, it means "descent", "fall". This is mentioned in the source Dan.
In general, the etymology offers enough options for translating the name of the river. All of them come from Semitic languages. Most of the variations mean "ditch" or "noise". Some scientists are convinced that the name has Indo-European roots. This opinion is alsoV. V. Ivanov. His supporters are convinced that the Indo-Iranians, who once visited its source, named the river.
Numbers and river
The Jordan River has a length of 252 km, and the area of its basin exceeds eighteen thousand square kilometers. It is believed to be non-navigable.

Source and channel
When wondering where the Jordan River is located, first of all, they mean the location of its source. It was located on the Golan Heights, where the territory of Syria is now. Three main sources can be distinguished: Hermon, or Banias, Lejan, or Dan, and Nahr Hasbani, or Snir.
The most impressive source is called Dan. It is believed that it is he who mainly fills the river. The area where it is located is now the Tel Dan National Park. It got its name largely due to this spring. And the source itself began to be called so in honor of one of the 12 tribes of Israel.
As soon as three springs join in the Jordan River, forming a channel, it flows into Lake Hule. Very often you can find other names for it, for example, Meer or Hula. Flowing further, the river flows into the Lake of Gennesaret. It is also sometimes referred to as Kinneref, Sea of Galilee, Kinneret or Lake Tiberias.
Its area reaches 167 square kilometers, and the volume exceeds four billion cubic meters. The lake itself is quite interesting. Its water is considered drinkable, but its taste is somewhat s alty. The lake itself is located approximately 213 m below sea level.
Next body of wateron the way of the river is the Dead Sea.

While wondering where the Jordan River is located, the diversity of its tributaries is often meant. The largest of them are called Yabbok and Yarmuk, which flow in from the east bank, as well as Harod - from the west.
Jordan River Israel feeds and waters. It has always been the main artery of the country. Once its pool was distinguished by impressive vegetation, and was also rich in fauna. Now, unfortunately, the East has become a desert. The once rich territory of the basin includes exclusively reed groves, less common are eucalyptus and date palms.
During the hottest months of the year, all vegetation dries up under the scorching rays of the sun. However, despite everything, the Jordan River is extremely important for the entire Middle East.

Sacred River
For every believer, the place where the Jordan River carries its waters is sacred. The baptism of Jesus Christ, according to legend, took place here, although not all historical sources agree with this statement.
The river itself is regularly mentioned in the Old and New Testaments. In Torah, the place where the Jordan River flows is often a miraculous place. The baptism of Jesus took place on its banks, and history says that John the Baptist acted as the baptist. The event itself happened near the city of Jericho.
Where the Jordan River flows, you can constantly meet numerous pilgrims. People believe that the waters concealmiraculous power, so they come from all over the world. Here they carry out the procedure of ablution.

History and Politics
It should be understood that the Jordan River, the photo of which can be found below, plays an important role in the Middle East. Its value also lies in the historical and geopolitical sense. That is why the desire to seize the right to own its waters often led to numerous conflicts, which sometimes escalated into full-fledged wars.
The first mention of the Jordan River was recorded in the thirteenth century BC. This document was the Papyrus Anastasi. Also, the ancient Roman historian Tacitus paid special attention to her. He clarified that the Jordan River is extremely important, and Mount Hermon is its father.
In ancient times, the river often represented a kind of natural border of Canaan in the east. Somewhat later, such states of the king of Bashan as the kingdoms of Og and Sigon were formed. And then the river began to represent a kind of border between them. After some time, the territory was given to the tribe of Menashe, Reuben and Gad. Thus, the river became not only an interstate, but also a tribal border.

The story goes that the Israelite tribes gained territory on both sides of the river. However, all bridges and possible crossings over it were important places, which often had military significance. Their capture often became decisive in the battle. It is in this way that Gidondefeated the Midianites, Ehud over the king of Moab, Yiftah over the tribe of Ephraim.
To this day, many sources have come down that mention Jordan. One of these was the Mosaic Map. It was created in the distant sixth century. It is an image of the river itself, the ferry crossing, the city and numerous details. Now you can see her in Madaba.
Interestingly, the Jordan River was not always considered the place of the baptism of Jesus Christ. Previously, this was Eizariya, which is located nearby. However, archaeological sources have refuted this. It is specified that Jesus crossed through Eizaria and went to the place where he was baptized.
He was also mentioned in numerous writings written by pilgrims traveling to Holy places. It was a distant time when the Byzantine Empire was at its peak. All sources mention a Greek column and a cross on its top. It is she who marks the place where Jesus Christ was baptized. This symbol was established during early Christianity.
However, the place itself was not discovered immediately. This required numerous archaeological studies. It should be remembered that the Jordan River changed its course somewhat in the fifth century. It happened at the confluence of the Dead Sea. Scientists have discovered the baptismal site many years later.
The base of the column was also found. It was located near the eastern bank of the river at a distance of about 40 meters, which is fully consistent with historical sources and writings.pilgrims.
The remains of three churches were also found here. All of them were erected on the site of the baptism of Jesus Christ in the fifth and sixth centuries. They were built by an emperor named Anastasi. All churches are named after John the Baptist.

Tourist Tips
Tourists come to the Jordan River not only for pilgrimage purposes. Very often they are driven by simple interest. If you wish, you can ride a kayak on a turbulent river. This entertainment cannot be called the cheapest, but it will give a lot of vivid emotions.
In the Jordan you can meet wild ducks and sophisticated swans. They are not at all afraid of people, so you can feed them or photograph them as a keepsake. In addition, if you visit the banks of the Jordan, you can enjoy amazing picturesque views, as well as a variety of cypress groves. The exception is the hottest months of the year.