De-escalation is the best way to end a conflict

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De-escalation is the best way to end a conflict
De-escalation is the best way to end a conflict

When a fair part of the news is devoted to the relations between states, and the presenters every hour tell the audience about the details of the next conflict, one inevitably has to get acquainted with the terminology. And the most pleasant word for a diplomat's ear is "de-escalation". Beautiful and sonorous, she rarely appears in reports, as she is usually associated with a peaceful settlement of issues important to the participants in the confrontation.

What's with the stairs?

The concept has been formed over thousands of years and passed through several language cultures. The first Proto-Indo-European root skand was revealed in a remarkable action:

  • jump;
  • jump.

He pointed to repeated attempts to reach the top. And therefore, over time, it was reborn into the Latin scandere, whose direct translation is:

  • read measuredly;
  • ascending;
  • reach.

It's obvious from here that "de-escalation" is a word directly related to transitions between levels. As a result, the ancient "ladder" scala gradually arose, from whichformed modern English escalation:

  • distribution;
  • outgrowing;
  • expansion.

However, the prefix de- indicates the opposite direction of movement. It implies some kind of limitation, a reduction in the occupied area or a reduction in voltage.

Forces of law and order - to de-escalate crises
Forces of law and order - to de-escalate crises

What is the usage practice?

The term is quite bright, it allows you to show off your erudition and knowledge of the situation, referring to a specialized lexicon. It is impossible to overestimate the importance of de-escalation, therefore it refers to the conduct of a book style with a political bias. Sociologists in their research, diplomatic workers and employees of military departments in their reports, international journalists often resort to a capacious concept. And the key meanings are called:

  • narrowing down;
  • decrease;
  • weakening;
  • end escalation.

Sometimes the word "conflict" is paired to make the situation more specific. Although it can be used in various aspects of life. So, the definition will be appropriate when talking about relationships between lovers. It is not necessarily about the fatal fading of feelings with subsequent separation. Classical de-escalation is a departure from ardent passion to calm, without excess cohabitation. For example, within one successful family.

romantic relationship
romantic relationship

What is there, in everyday life?

Despite the wide range of uses, more talk about a collisioninterests. It doesn’t matter whether it’s between countries or neighbors, this state of affairs is very favorable: people stop swearing and agree to make concessions in order to end the quarrel. When emotions aren't clouding your eyes, coping is easier!
