The Ministry of Education constantly pleases teachers, students and parents with various innovations. One of the latest was the need to compile a portfolio of a primary school student. Most of the parents faced this task for the first time. Therefore, teachers were immediately bombarded with many questions. And really, what is a portfolio, what should it consist of and why do it at all? These are just the main "misunderstandings" concerning an unknown topic. Let's try to deal with the problem in the current article.
What is it?
Most people, when they hear the word "portfolio", immediately imagine the activities of artists. Indeed, in most cases, it is artists, photographers, and models who bring it as a characteristic of the professionalism of their work. But what can a student bring? It's one thing when he really has something to brag about. For example, a child has been involved in gymnastics since early childhood, learns foreign languages, or likes to solve complex mathematical problems.tasks. And if a schoolboy is a funny child and the joy of his parents. Should he feel worthless by submitting an empty portfolio?
Perhaps someday our ministers will think of this. But while there is no single standard for designing an elementary school student's portfolio, you can approach work creatively. And put in the portfolio any information that characterizes the child. We'll talk more about sample content later.

Some schools, faced with an unknown task, chose to order ready-made portfolios for the entire class or even the school. Then distribute them to students and parents so that they fill in the required fields on their own. However, in reality, such an approach is wrong. It does make the job a lot easier though. But since the purpose of a portfolio is to help a child to know himself better, to reveal his creative abilities, to introspect his life and learn to present himself in a winning light, which can be useful to him in adult life when applying for a job, you cannot fit different children to the same standards. Accordingly, it is very important to complete the task on your own. Psychologists are also convinced that such actions will help the child evaluate himself, increase self-esteem and, most likely, motivate him to achieve new goals. In addition, it will help students get to know each other better, find common interests, build friendships on them.
Another important nuance to note also applies to elementary school student portfolio templates. They should be avoidedalso because this work helps to get closer to children and parents. After all, a child may forget about some of his achievements or not consider them as such. Parents, on the other hand, will help to understand the situation, not to lead, but simply to suggest what should be emphasized.

What do you need to compile?
Earlier, we have already mentioned that there is no single standard for the design of the work under study. However, traditionally, elementary school student portfolio samples are a stationery folder. Its dimensions are determined individually. Depending on the amount of information that the student wants to share or boast. For the beauty of the design, it is necessary to prepare files and A4 paper. Everything else varies. After all, you can decorate your portfolio according to your own taste. Someone may need colored pencils or felt-tip pens, others will be limited to a printer, others will “fold” their lives out of colored paper or sculpt from plasticine.
Therefore, before starting work, it is necessary to discuss with the child exactly how he presents his portfolio of an elementary school student.
Sample content
To date, indicative sections have already been established, which must be in the portfolio. If desired, they can be supplemented or diversified with various information. But the content and order must still be maintained as follows:
- Title page - the "face" of the student.
- Contents - list of all sectionswork.
- "My world" - personal data.
- "My school" - school life.
- "My progress" - achievements.
- "My teachers about me" - reviews and wishes of teachers, which they will write after the presentation of the portfolio.
This is a required information about the student. If desired, you can talk about what the child can do, what he dreams about, what he plans. You can also imagine his daily routine, a story on the topic "How I spent the summer", reading technique, final marks - a report card.

The main task of a child when completing a portfolio of an elementary school student is to tell about his life using graphic means of expressing information. Therefore, together with the parents, you should select photos, pictures, drawings, etc., suitable for the section. Text should be as small as possible! It is important. Otherwise, the work may not be counted. Yes, and it will be completely uninteresting to perform it.
Title page
Since the task is creative, it is not necessary to design the title page as required for abstracts, reports, and even more so for term papers and diplomas. Therefore, you can safely take a ready-made template for the “face” of work, or you can come up with and make your own with your child. The main thing is to indicate the following data on it.
- Title. In this case, you should write: “Portfolio of an elementary school student of the 1st grade of school No. _”. Or more senior class. The word "portfolio" should be the largest on the page.
- Surname, name and patronymic of the child. Must be written in the parentcase (of whom?). For example: Antipov Anton Georgievich.
These are mandatory fields. Additionally, you can specify the date and place of birth, the duration of writing the work, using the items “started” and “finished”, the full name of the class teacher. It is also acceptable to place a photo of a student on the title page. An example of the design of a portfolio of an elementary school student (title page), see below.
Title page design example

We remind you once again that the work under study is creative. Therefore, it is strictly forbidden to evaluate a child by comparing him with others. This applies not only to teachers, but also to parents. However, it is important to convey the importance of the validity of self-assessment. So that the child can competently and truthfully assess his personality, without overestimating or underestimating his dignity.
In addition, explain how important the appearance of the portfolio is. Of course, this must be done before the start of the task. Then a ready-made portfolio for an elementary school student is not required. And the child, together with his parents, will be able to independently come up with and draw, print on a computer, present the title page as an application. For example, you can use the idea presented in one of the photos posted above.
My World
In this section, you should indicate all the information that is important for the student. For example, you can be guided by the following plan.
- Date and place of birth, age, home address and phone number.
- Meaning and origin of the name, famous namesakes, whythe child was named that way. Maybe it was Grandpa's idea?
- Short story with photos about family members. If desired, you can compile and add a family tree.
- Where does the student live, when and by whom the city was founded, what sights are there and the like. Some guys add a path from home to school, highlight dangerous places.
- List of friends with photos, common interests, interesting memories.
- What the child is interested in, what he likes to do, what circles he attends and so on.
As we mentioned earlier, the work being studied is creative. Therefore, it is highly not recommended to carry out a portfolio of an elementary school student according to a template. The child must tell about himself. It is quite easy to do this. And it's impossible to do this task wrong.
Approximate section structure

You can decorate this part in different ways. Some separate the information into paragraphs. For example, in this way:
- date of birth: May 2, 2010;
- place of birth: St. Petersburg;
- age: 8 years old;
- home address: Rybatskoye metro station, Slepushkina lane, building No., apartment No.;
- phone: 8--;
- Victoria's name means "victory";
- famous namesakes: Victoria Beckham, Victoria Pierre-Marie, Victoria has been a British queen since 1837;
- Grandma suggested the name because she really likes the song "Happy Birthday, Vika" by the Roots group.
Another example of a primary school student's portfolioschool means the presentation of this information in the form of a story. You can also compose it in poetic form.
My school
This section is necessary to paint the school life. For example, enter:
- photo, school address and phone number, principal's name, start year;
- number and class letter, add a cool photo;
- name and photo of class teacher and additional teachers;
- list and importance of school subjects;
- how the child participates in school life;
- School Impressions - A short story with photos of any activity the class has attended.
My progress
For many children, it is this section of the portfolio of an elementary school student that causes difficulty. How to arrange it is understandable. But what to write, many do not know. Therefore, it is important for parents to help the child, if necessary, to guide him. You can be guided by the following plan.
- Educational achievements. Where can I place the best compositions, independent and other works done with excellence.
- Creative success. Where they add elements, crafts, drawings and more. If the work is voluminous, it can be photographed.
- My praise. Feel free to copy or paste the originals of certificates, diplomas, letters of thanks and other things.
- What I'm proud of. This part is still empty. After the presentation of the portfolio, the student must select their best work in order to present them in the next similar work.

My teachers about me
This section does not need to be decorated too much. Ideally, you should just line the sheet. After all, it is here that teachers will write their comments, reviews, parting words and wishes. However, you should not be afraid. They will not praise or scold the contents of a student's (_) elementary school portfolio. They will only appreciate how diligently and thoroughly the work was done. Of course, if the task was completed without a hitch, most of the information was copied from the Internet, there are no photos, you should not set the child up to receive laudatory reviews.
How big should a portfolio be
Many children and even some parents tend to “cram” a whole ton of information into a prepared folder. And all because they are convinced that the child must certainly appear in the best possible light. However, the size of the work does not show this at all. Indeed, in this case, quality is much more important than quantity. In addition, the portfolio is the "face" of the student. It should include really good works, important events, memorable events and so on. It is not necessary to describe all the tenants of the apartment building who are the child's neighbors. It is also worth considering that the student is given at most five minutes to present information. Because there are a lot of children in the class and everyone should speak. So that the child does not get confused and confused in the heavy and voluminous "labor", parents need to help minimize it, leaving only the most important points.
Primary school student portfolio samples and templates vary in size. And this also proves that there is no standard work size.exist. However, each family must approach the task objectively. After all, another goal of the task is to teach the child to highlight the main thing.

We hope that parents and students will understand that the work being studied is serious, but creative and interesting. Therefore, there is no need to be afraid of her, just as you should not thoughtlessly look for information on the Internet.