Any student of a vocational school has an internship. After all, each person learns a specific skill or work from scratch. Practice is a great opportunity to get acquainted with your future work, consolidate your knowledge and gain skills. And there's also a chance. After receiving a diploma, a student can immediately get a job exactly where he did his internship.
From training bench to production
Everything happens for the first time in life. From early childhood, people get used to school walls, teachers, then they begin to study at a technical school or institute. But one day the time comes when you need to come not to lectures and tests, but to a workshop or office. While studying at a university or college, you have the opportunity to get acquainted with your future profession. Training practice will allow not so much to know the work as to make it clear: is it interesting, what benefits can be derived from this business. It is good when the university program is closely connected with the profession. For example, a designer. At the institute, students often have to learn the relevant computer programs. In the office of a design institution, they can let their skills and talents shine to the fullest.

The internship is a kind of internship, but without an officialjob registration. By the way, everything depends on the enterprise, the authorities, so money may or may not be paid for the practice. In the first case, the trainee must come to work strictly according to the schedule, understand that everything is very serious. You can't just run away from work. In the second option, the trainee is not obliged to sit at work from morning to evening, he can come by agreement, getting acquainted with the profession only partially.
First Impressions
How does a student feel when he comes to practice for the first time? Everything is unusual for him, but also interesting. Often, mentors say to their wards: "Forget what you taught and do as I do." On the one hand, it is worth listening so as not to burden yourself with unnecessary worries, and on the other hand, theory will always come in handy. The trainee may see a familiar thing shown by the instructors during the lab. Perhaps he kept some records and research. While working at the enterprise, the situation can be remembered at the right time.

Practice is a period that frees the student from intense study. Often it begins immediately after the summer session. There are pluses to this. When a student studies, after class he returns to his apartment, has a quick lunch and sits down to teach lessons, write term papers. During practice, it is not necessary to run home after work to learn a few subjects by the next day.
What to do in practice?
Always and everywhere, students are sent to work practice by supervisors with a ready plan, direction fromdeanery and so on. The company will definitely appoint a mentor who will get acquainted with the plan for the report, show the work, give the task.
It is important to coordinate all the details and nuances with the management of the enterprise. You need to be able to connect with people. If the trainee does not ask anything, is not interested, this may have a bad effect on his reputation. Management will understand that they will not need such an employee in the future. Therefore, you need to show enthusiasm, but you should not immediately turn into an initiator and activist. This behavior is likewise discouraged. There should be a "golden mean" in everything. Internship is not an activist club, but just an introduction to the profession.
Is practice necessary?
This question is often asked by university students. They ask: "Why do I need an internship if I'm going to be retrained anyway?" The question is fair, because in some companies newcomers are sent for training or internships. But you should not rush to be indignant about this: what if this is your future place of work? It is also worth remembering that during training there are several internships. As a rule, it begins with 2 or 3 courses. And this means that in the second year you can get one job, in the third - another, and so on. Practice is an opportunity to choose, evaluate.

Students during the practice are given a wonderful opportunity to understand all the nuances of the work. In addition, students can learn what discipline needs to be taught in depth and seriously, so that laterhired.
In practice, do not forget about studying
This is the main rule. Often, during the internship, young people forget about their educational institution. You should not do this, because you need to prepare a report. It is recommended to start compiling it from the first days, so that later it would be easier and you would not have to do everything hastily. Practice is the time to get acquainted with the speci alty not in the training mode, but in production. Often, students become more interested in learning when theory is combined with practical skills.
Before submitting the report, you need to check the plan in advance, see if all the points have been considered and studied. If you do not understand, you should definitely ask the head of practice at the enterprise. This is a trump card for those who would like to get a job here in the future.

Hello again
At the very end of the course, in the last year in the second semester, they must undergo pre-diploma practice. In fact, it does not differ from the usual, but more effort needs to be made. Why? Yes, because the student needs to prove himself as a good specialist. Suddenly there will be a vacancy and he will be hired? Undoubtedly, practice will help in this. After training, the acquired skills should remain. They cannot disappear without a trace after a few months.