In the glorious and mighty Russian language there are two special non-conjugated forms of the verb, one of which is known to us as a gerund. It is an independent part of the speech of the Russian language, which serves to denote an additional action with the main one. The gerund combines the grammatical properties of both adverbs and verbs and answers questions like: “what are you doing?”, “what are you doing?”. For example: lowering your eyes, flashing a dagger, loving nature, smiling thoughtfully, trying to do your homework, and so on. Most often it plays the role of a circumstance.

The construction of a gerund with dependent words in a sentence is called a gerund. It denotes additional actions that are performed by the same active object, person or phenomenon as the main actions. It should always be separated by commas on both sides. For example: Flowers, having closed their colored petals, fell asleep. Having closed the colored petals, the flowers fell asleep. Flowers fell asleep, closing their colored petals.
Sentences with adverbial phrasesare most often used in writing than in speech. They are also used in one-part, definite-personal sentences, for example, with verbs in the form of the imperative mood. However, it is also possible to use an impersonal sentence with a participial turnover with the infinitive. Examples: The sun was setting, flooding everything around with red. He listened intently, smiling from time to time.
It should be remembered that a sentence with a participial turnover cannot be used if:
1. An impersonal sentence does not have an infinitive to which a turnover should be attributed, but there is a set of a verb - a predicate with a noun or pronoun as an object.

2. The adverbial turnover refers to passive participles, since in this case the subject of the action, expressed with the help of the predicate, and the subject of the action, expressed with the help of a separate gerund, do not match.
3. If the verb-predicate has the form of the future tense.
In addition, do not forget about the style of the sentence with the adverbial turnover, namely:
- such turns are shorter and more dynamic than similar forms of circumstantial contract offers.
- it is impossible to express the meaning of time, reasons, conditions with a gerund, therefore, if it is necessary to preserve the semantic shade of one of the types of contract proposals, it cannot be replaced by a gerund;

- notit is recommended to start a paragraph or sentence with it, as this increases its volume and gives a dry, stenciled, clerical meaning to the entire text;
- since there is a semantic proximity of participial phrases to contract proposals, that is, the possibility of their interchangeability - this should be remembered. For example: Having worked well in May, you can have a little rest in June. After we did a good job in May, it will be possible to have some rest in June.
- avoid the parallel use of synonymous structures, because this contributes to the diversity of speech, avoids monotony. For these purposes, sentences with participles are excellent.