Physical Education Work Program: GEF

Physical Education Work Program: GEF
Physical Education Work Program: GEF

The work program for physical education is compiled according to certain criteria established by the educational institution. We offer a sample created for this subject with a teaching load of three hours.

work program in physical culture
work program in physical culture

Regulatory framework

The work program on physical culture was created on the basis of the "Comprehensive Program for the Physical Development of Schoolchildren" by V. I. Lyakh.

Explanatory note

This work program of general basic and secondary modern education is aimed at fulfilling the requirements of the component of the federal state standard for this discipline, as well as the basic part of the combined program in physical culture. In addition to the mandatory minimum content, the work program for physical culture also takes into account the national, climatic conditions of the region. Special attention was paid to the material sports base of the educational institution: an additional part is expected.

The work program on physical culture (grade 5) of the Federal State Educational Standard is designed for a typicala school that has a standard sports base for classes, as well as a traditional set of sports equipment.

Program features

The program takes into account the receptions of standards, the participation of schoolchildren in competitions in basketball, football, volleyball, athletics.

work program in physical culture grade 5 fgos
work program in physical culture grade 5 fgos


The physical education work program (grade 5) of the Federal State Educational Standard is intended for the comprehensive development of the child's personality by instilling he althy lifestyle skills. In the form of terms of physical he alth are considered:

  • excellent he alth;
  • normal level of formation of motor abilities;
  • skills and motives for sports activities.

Ways to achieve your goals

Physical culture work program solves problems:

  • strengthening physical he alth, harmonious development;
  • obtaining motor skills and abilities;
  • obtaining basic knowledge in the field of sports and physical culture;
  • appearance of skills and needs for self-execution of exercises, using them for training, relaxation, strengthening personal he alth;
  • stimulation of the mental properties of the personality.

The work program of physical culture (FGOS) involves a system of physical development, which includes lesson, extracurricular sports and physical exercises.

work program physical culture sport
work program physical culture sport

Meaning of trainingdisciplines

During the lessons, as well as additional activities, not only the physical development of the child should take place, but also the disclosure of his individual and spiritual abilities, self-determination. The work program of the discipline "physical culture" is based on an active and personal approach, involves the optimization and intensification of the educational and educational process. When solving the problem of developing the physical he alth of a child, the teacher focuses on the following elements:

  • spiritual and physical improvement of the student;
  • development of needs for regular physical exercise;
  • strengthening strong-willed and moral qualities;
  • acquisition of communication skills;
  • improvement of humanistic relations.

Working program on physical culture (Grade 1, GEF, Lyakh V. I.) consists of two important parts: variable (differentiated) and the main part. Each student is required to master the basic part of the program for this academic discipline. Without a basic form, a full-fledged adaptation of a graduate of an educational institution to life in society, his effective labor activity is impossible. The basic component is the usual work programs: "Physical Education", Lyakh V. I., recommended by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation according to new educational standards. It is mandatory for all schools, does not depend on the individual abilities of the student, national and regional factors.

Variable work program in physical education (grade 1) Lyakh, GEF (3 hours) with UUD is determinedthe need to form the individual abilities of schoolchildren, includes regional and local features of the work plan of the educational institution. The program has three sections that describe the content of the required standards for physical culture.

work programs physical culture
work programs physical culture

Main Tasks

This academic discipline is aimed at:

  • harmonious physical development, the formation of beautiful posture skills, stimulating the resistance of the child's body to external adverse environmental conditions, the formation of the foundations of a he althy lifestyle, personal hygiene habits;
  • training and development of the main types of motor actions;
  • improving the ability to navigate in space, respond to signals, maintain balance, reproduce movement parameters, develop strength, flexibility, speed;
  • development of a system of knowledge about the impact of physical exercise on the moral qualities of a person;
  • forming the habit of self-study in private time;
  • encouragement of mutual assistance, independence, initiative of schoolchildren;
  • help in mental development.
work program of discipline physical culture
work program of discipline physical culture

Requirements for the level of preparation of graduates of the basic school

The work program of physical culture of secondary vocational education contains a list of requirements for graduates in this academic discipline.

They should know:

  • the history of the formation of physical culture in the USSR andRussia;
  • distinctive features of a particular sport;
  • physiological, pedagogical, psychological foundations of teaching basic motor actions, modern complexes of physical exercises;
  • biodynamic features and special corrective exercises, principles of their application in order to improve he alth;
  • physiological moments of the respiratory system, blood circulation during muscle loads, options for the development and improvement of sets of exercises depending on age;
  • psychofunctional parameters of the organism;
  • own options for monitoring he alth status, changing physical fitness.

Must be able to:

  • correct from a technical point of view to perform motor actions, apply them for personal leisure and competitive activities;
  • carry out posture correction;
  • develop independent sets of physical exercises, select a motor mode, maintain performance at an optimal level;
  • regulate and control the state of the body in the process of doing physical exercises, to achieve a healing effect and the development of physical conditions;
  • manage personal emotions, interact effectively with peers and adults, improve the culture of communication;
  • use modern sports equipment and equipment, use special technical means to improve individual physical education.
work program in physical culture grade 1 fgos lyakh
work program in physical culture grade 1 fgos lyakh

Requirements for motor skills, abilities, abilities

  • In acyclic and cyclic locomotion, move at the highest speed of 60 meters from the lower start.
  • Run at an even pace for up to 20 minutes for boys, up to 15 minutes for girls, after 9-13 steps of the run, make a long jump.
  • In acrobatic and gymnastic exercises, perform a combination of 3-4 elements. It should include somersaults back and forth, handstand and headstand, half split, long somersault, bridge (for girls).
  • Physical fitness should be at the average level of indicators of the formation of the main physical abilities, taking into account the individual and regional capabilities of schoolchildren.

The level of physical culture, which is associated with national and regional characteristics, is planned by local and regional governments. The variable part of the physical education program is selected by the educational institution itself, taking into account the personal preferences and wishes of the teacher.

work program in physical education grade 1 lyah fgos 3 hours with udd
work program in physical education grade 1 lyah fgos 3 hours with udd


The physical education program includes all the basic elements that are typical for other academic disciplines. Particular attention is paid to safety in the program. In the thematic planning for each class, attention is paid to the technique of performing physical exercises. Each lesson the teacher begins with a repetition of the basics of safe behavior onlessons of physical culture, the methodology for performing each individual exercise. The teacher assumes in planning time for reserve lessons. For example, in winter, when the temperature is below 14 degrees, outdoor lessons are canceled, and the lesson is transferred to the hall. In addition, thematic planning provides for reserve time for additional preparation for sports competitions and sports days. Depending on which direction of activity is chosen by the teacher, elements of a separate sport can be included in the planning as a variable part.
