Physical education in schools. Standards in the school for physical education

Physical education in schools. Standards in the school for physical education
Physical education in schools. Standards in the school for physical education

Physical education in schools is a subject that contributes to the formation of a he althy generation. The state is interested in ensuring that children are not only intellectually developed, but also have excellent immunity. The standards at the school for physical education are the requirements of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

physical education in elementary school
physical education in elementary school


There is a division of them into five types according to the formation of certain physical qualities:

  • strength;
  • stamina;
  • flexibility;
  • agility;
  • coordination

Physical education in schools contributes to the all-round development of the child.

Interesting facts

After the students pass the standards, the grades are received, they are transferred to the statistical information processing centers. After averaging the information, a picture of the compliance of students of all classes with the requirements of the proposed program is formed. Then physical education in elementary school is adjusted in the direction of complication or simplification. Physiologists trackperiods of maximum physical development of children, summarize the information. The standards involve not just an assessment, but a whole chain of various data, therefore they are of interest not only to physical education teachers, but also to various specialists.

physical education in high school
physical education in high school

Features of the organization

They were developed for children with the main he alth group. Pupils from the preparatory group surrender only those standards that do not fall into contraindications. A special group involves the release of the child from passing the standards. For such children, physical education in schools is carried out according to special programs.

In spring and autumn, classes are held at the school stadium, in winter (in addition to ski training), the guys are engaged in the gym. All rooms in which classes are held must comply with certain standards: they take into account the number of students, the number of showers and changing rooms, the height of the ceilings, ventilation and heating systems, a variety of sports equipment.

Physical education in schools is also associated with physical minutes organized in all classes of educational institutions. Their main purpose is to relieve tension in schoolchildren during training sessions.

Primary school

How are classes organized for children in grades 1-4? Physical education in elementary school according to the Federal State Educational Standard involves the harmonious development of dexterity, body, and coordination of movements. During this period, the following important skills are taught:

  • correct combination of movement with breathing;
  • high jump skills andlength;
  • basics of sports and team games;
  • throwing the ball at the target;
  • tossing and catching the ball;
  • basic ski training;
  • basic swimming.

It is at this age that the physical activity of children is of particular importance. The harmony of the shape of the figure to puberty directly depends on the development of the body.

physical education in elementary school according to fgos
physical education in elementary school according to fgos

Middle and high school

Physical education in high school is held three times a week. Many teenagers are not limited to school lessons, they attend sections, go in for sports clubs. In order to instill a cognitive interest in the younger generation for a he althy lifestyle, physical education teachers try to celebrate even the most insignificant successes of their pupils, offer them participation in competitions. This contributes to the self-realization of schoolchildren, instilling in them a positive attitude towards sports.

Therapeutic exercise

In ordinary general education schools, this option for improving the he alth of the younger generation is used quite rarely. In most educational institutions, only optional classes are allocated for conducting physical therapy classes. Children with non-standard mental and physical he alth are basically simply exempted from regular physical education classes, despite the fact that they are the ones who need special training. Exercise therapy is one of the areas of work of teachers, undeservedly removed from ordinary schools.

school physical education standards
school physical education standards

Modern Issues

Despite the fact that physical education lessons conducted in general education institutions are aimed at improving the spiritual and physical he alth of the younger generation, teachers often face various difficulties. First of all, this is due to the lack of showers and rest rooms, that is, the conditions for normal sports activities for children.

Also quite often, during the performance of various exercises, children receive injuries of varying severity. Many teachers give grades not for physical skills, but for the presence in the lesson, so as not to “spoil” the average score in the certificate. All this negatively affects the attitude of children to physical education lessons, leads to the unwillingness of schoolchildren to go in for sports.

standards in the school for physical education
standards in the school for physical education

Features of regulations

When setting standards, the age of children is taken into account. Each level of education has its own indicators, according to which the teacher of physical culture evaluates the results of his pupils.

For example, boys of the 1st grade should run 50 meters to the mark "5" in 6.1 seconds, girls - in 6.6 seconds.

In winter, to get "excellent" when skiing 1 km, boys must meet 8, 3, girls - 9 minutes.

A number of standards are added for grade 3 students. For example, in a minute, boys must jump rope 80 times, girls - 90, in order to count on the "excellent" mark. There is at this age and the standard for lifting the body from the positionlying on your back. For boys, "5" is set at 25 times (per minute), for girls at 20 lifts in 1 minute. Children of the 3rd grade should squat: boys - 42 times, girls - 40 times.

With age, the number of standards that students must pass in physical education lessons increases significantly.

In order to reduce the risk of child injury while playing basketball, volleyball, the teacher conducts special introductory briefings. He pays special attention to the warm-up. A set of special exercises, selected individually for each class, helps prepare children for passing the standards, reduces the risk of serious physical injuries to schoolchildren.

The establishment of certain requirements that modern children must meet is not a whim of the teacher, these are the requirements of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.
