School time for children is the most wonderful time in life, filled with new friends, knowledge and even difficulties that they learn to overcome. One of these "difficulties" is the performance of various school assignments, such as writing essays. To simplify the task for kids, let's try to learn how to write a description of friends. An essay on this topic is often found in elementary grades.
Preparing the baby

In order to cope with the task, it is necessary to prepare a draft in which we will make initial sketches. Also, to make it easier for the child to cope with the task, take a photo of a friend or classmates whom he wants to describe.
To make the work more interesting, you can make a list of epithets and adjectives by writing them randomly on a separate piece of paper. The child will be ableuse such a hint when writing a description of friends. In this case, writing an essay will be much easier.
Making a plan

The plan for composing elementary grades is quite simple. It consists of 3 items.
- Intro. Starting to compile a "Portrait of my friend" - an essay-description - the child must briefly state the essence of his work, introduce the person he wants to describe. "I want to talk about my classmate Alyosha, with whom we have been friends for two years. This boy has become my closest friend, and I know him very well." The introduction should not be too long - just a few sentences are enough.
- The main part. Difficulty arises when the child begins to make a complete description of friends. The essay in this part should be as open as possible, as well as the idea itself. For example: "Katya has blue eyes and shoulder-length hair. She is very cheerful, although sometimes she is beech. But when necessary, she will definitely come to the rescue, which is why I consider her my closest friend." This part should include as many adjectives and epithets as possible.
- Conclusion is a fairly easy part, because in it the child only has to summarize what is written. "I hope that Nikita and I will never quarrel, because he is a very good person!"
A few tips

It is important to note that the character description of a friend- an essay that does not have a strict framework. A child can include funny situations that happened with his friend in his essay, because this is a great opportunity to make the description more vivid.
When you write a description of friends, the essay should not be "written" entirely by the parent - let the child show independence. Let him think over his actions himself and say what he wants to write out loud. This way you can control the style of the sentences and their meaning.
But we should not forget to help the child. If the student has any difficulties, use the photographs and word lists prepared in advance. Show in the photo any features in the appearance of your child's friend, try to choose the right adjectives together. So the work will go much faster and more interesting.