What are minor members of a sentence? Definition, addition, circumstance

What are minor members of a sentence? Definition, addition, circumstance
What are minor members of a sentence? Definition, addition, circumstance

In the beginning there was a word… We communicate and consciously form our speech in communication, using certain language units. They will be the subject of this article. To find out (or remember) what the secondary members of the sentence are and how they can appear in the text/speech, let's turn to the basic concepts.

what are secondary members of a sentence
what are secondary members of a sentence

What is the offer?

Let's start with the fact that the word is not the only, but the main structural unit of language. She names things. A set of words, united together by meaning, grammar and intonation, is formed into a sentence. It will be the next language unit. It consists of a set of correct grammatical verbal compounds, in fact, sentence members.

What are sentence members?

From a grammatical point of view, these are important parts (words or their combinations) within one complete phrase. They fulfill their roles and carry a certain meaning. They are divided into main andsecondary. To reveal the answer to the question "what are the secondary members of the sentence?", Let's casually mention the main ones in order to form a general idea.

The main members include the subject and the predicate. Their immediate task is to form a framework, the basis of the proposal. These components are independent of other words. But the forms of other language units may depend on the subject and predicate.

what are secondary members of a sentence
what are secondary members of a sentence

What are minor members of a sentence?

These are all language units, except for the subject and the predicate. Here it is necessary to understand: the secondary terms can be dependent not only on the main ones, but also on each other. That's how difficult our Russian language is!

Minor members of the sentence can define, supplement and explain meaningful words. Let's get acquainted with each language unit in detail. Let's consider them with specific examples and understand what the secondary members of the sentence are: definition, addition, circumstance.

Russian language secondary members of the sentence
Russian language secondary members of the sentence


This minor member of the sentence speaks for itself. It characterizes the quality of an object, its distinguishing property or distinguishing feature. The definition asks questions like “what?”, “what?”, “what?” or “whose?”, “whose?”, “whose?”, “whose?”: “beautiful dress” (what dress?), “hare ears” (whose ears?). Define agreed and inconsistent definitions:

  • The first variety hasagreement with the main word in case and number (if the number is singular, then also in gender). In addition, the agreed definition can be expressed in different ways and be placed before the word being defined. For example, "fluffy (adj.) willow", "your (local) teacher", "first (num.) day", "fallen (adj.) leaf".
  • The second type of definition does not formally agree, but here there is a connection with the defined language unit only by the method of adjunction or control: "a face with freckles", "a man in a coat", "children with apples". The inconsistent definition is expressed in the following possible ways: "weather in Moscow" (noun with a preposition), "flight of a butterfly" (noun without a preposition), "desire to know" (inf.), "a bigger cube" (adj. cf. Art..), "walking" (adv.), "her brother" (possessive place.), "neither fish nor meat" (whole combination).
  • Another kind of definition is an application. As a rule, it is expressed as a noun. The application gives an explanatory description of an object or person, opens it from some new side. It stands in the same form as the noun to which it refers. For example, "The hostess (im. p.), a hospitable woman (im. p.), welcomed them cordially into the house."
definition addition
definition addition


This minor member of the sentence denotes an object, a certain word being explained. All questions of indirect cases will work here. The addition can be expressed by the following parts of speech:

  • A noun in the indirect case with or without a preposition: "He watches (what?) a movie and dreams (about what?) of adventure."
  • Any part of speech that functions as a noun: "They listened carefully to (who?) the speaker."
  • Indefinite form of the verb: "We asked him (about what?) to join."
  • Sustainable combination: "He asks you (about what?) Not to count the crows around and be more attentive."
  • Numeral: "Divide (what?) fifteen by (what?) three".

Addition can be direct or indirect:

  • A direct object in the accusative case without a preposition after a transitive verb or in the genitive case with a negative verb (usually single) "buy (what?) a book", "love (who?) parents", "not pay attention (to what?) to the sign".
  • Indirect - additions in all other cases (there may be several of them): "We (to whom?) will come to you."
  • minor members of a sentence definition
    minor members of a sentence definition


This minor member performs the function of explaining the words and designations of the conditions under which the action itself is performed. It can be expressed as:

  • Adverb: "We walked calmly and measuredly".
  • Noun in the indirect case with the preposition: "They rested on weekends until the evening".
  • Gerential participle:"Smiling, she poured tea into a cup."
  • Indefinite form of the verb: "I called to see how you are."

There are many more types of this category of sentence members than those of definitions and additions. Circumstances of time, course of action, place, purpose, reason, concessions, conditions, measures and degrees are highlighted.

Russian language secondary members of the sentence
Russian language secondary members of the sentence

We mentioned in passing the subject, predicate and examined in more detail the definition, addition, circumstance in order to answer the question "what are the secondary members of the sentence?". This is where the article comes to its logical conclusion, but the topic itself does not end, because each language unit can be analyzed and studied in detail. We hope that this material was useful.
