In Cheboksary, the capital of the Chuvash Republic, there are more than 20 higher educational institutions. These are universities, institutes, academies, colleges, as well as many branches of Russian universities. The Cheboksary Cooperative Institute is not the last among them.
Cooperative Institute (CHI)
The Institute was established in August 1962 as a functioning educational institution. For almost fifty-five years he has been making a significant contribution to the development of science, culture, education not only of the republic, but also of the country. The Cheboksary Cooperative Institute (abbreviated as ChKI) is considered a higher educational institution in many areas. He qualitatively prepares future personnel (and, if necessary, retrains) in economic, legal, managerial, social and humanitarian speci alties.

ChKI employees themselves define their activities as follows: they train new generations of specialists, forming a progressive worldview, as well as certain qualities(universal and professional), which can help graduates quickly adapt to society. It should be emphasized that throughout the whole time the Cheboksary Cooperative Institute has been constantly improving its work and proceeds from a combination of educational, scientific and innovative processes. Thus, the educational institution is diligently working on creating an educational and research space and preparing competitive personnel.
Cooperative Institute: Cheboksary
It should be noted that the cooperative institute in the city of Cheboksary is just one of the branches of the regional network of the Russian University of Cooperation (RUK). The university formed not only Cheboksary, but also Volga, Kazan, Saransk, Volgograd, Bashkir and Krasnodar. In other words, RUK carries out educational activities in the capital of Chuvashia through the ChKI.

Russian University of Cooperation (RUK)
This university, which celebrated its centenary in 2012, is the main educational and scientific center of cooperative Russian education. Differs in huge accumulated and significant experience in training. RUK and its branches (including the Cheboksary Institute) are engaged in educational activities for:
- secondary vocational and higher education programs;
vocational training programs;
- programs of additional education of the population (adults andchildren).
Tens of thousands of students study at the university and its branches. For example, in Cheboksary, according to the data for the new 2016 academic year, almost five thousand students receive education in various fields.

The University, and hence the Cheboksary Cooperative Institute of RUK, sees a well-functioning system of continuous education as the basis of its activities: pre-university education - secondary specialized - higher education. Teaching staff is also trained in postgraduate and doctoral studies. They also have the opportunity to improve their skills in this institution or undergo retraining.
Graduates of both RUK and ChKI apply their knowledge and find themselves (according to their speci alty) in the national economy, in managing state, municipal and financial structures, cooperatives, etc. Students of the institute show and develop their abilities not only in the development of disciplines, but also get realization in science, creativity and sports - all conditions have been created for this.
It is possible to get an education in this educational institution on the basis of a paid contract. Comfortable conditions in its hostel are provided by the cooperative institute to the applicant. The Cheboksary branch also provides a deferment from conscription for military service for those receiving education in accredited full-time programs.
Rector of the institute - Andreev Valery Vitalievich. Manages the activities of the ChKI under the power of attorney of the Russian University of Cooperation. RectorChKI reports to the rector of RUK in its activities.
Over the years of its work, the institute has released tens of thousands of students into the active world in various speci alties. Some of them did not find the strength to leave the native walls of the institute and remained there to teach and share their experience and knowledge.

Cheboksary Cooperative Institute is proud of its graduates, who were able to find themselves and gained fame, working for the good of their native republic. Among them are Ignatiev M. V. (head of the Chuvash Republic), Vasiliev G. G. (Deputy of the State Council of the Chuvash Republic), Petrov A. N. (Head of the Administration of the Moskovsky District of the city of Cheboksary), Lvov A. K. (Head of the Department of the Ministry of Education and Youth Policy of the Chuvash Republic) and other famous figures of Chuvashia.
Cheboksary Cooperative Institute: faculties
The institute has 3 faculties: law, economics and management. Their activities are represented by the work of 15 departments. Information on the departments is easy to find on the official website of the cooperative institute.
Cheboksary Cooperative Institute: reviews

You can read reviews about the institute. To do this, you also need to go to the official website of the ChKI, which, by the way, harmoniously fits into the global website of the Russian University of Cooperation. On the site, you need to find a tab called "Applicants" and in the menu that opens on the left, select the sections "Reviewsemployers” and “Opinions of students”. On these pages there is enough flattering subjective information from the students themselves and quite objective feedback from employers about some students. However, a hot topic for the country and the republic still remains the employment of the bulk of students not only from the ChKI, but also from most universities. Modern employers are guided by the experience and quality of the work performed. But what rich experience can a graduate who has just left the walls of a university have?! Is that a huge potential, the desire to take place and rich theoretical knowledge. But even this is not so little. All this can spell a good future for a former student.