Ecological education for preschoolers and schoolchildren in Russia. Development of environmental education

Ecological education for preschoolers and schoolchildren in Russia. Development of environmental education
Ecological education for preschoolers and schoolchildren in Russia. Development of environmental education

The ecological problem of nature and man is currently relevant. In addition, the impact on the environment of human society is taking on serious proportions. Only the joint activity of people, which is carried out on the basis of full awareness of all the laws of nature, can save the planet. A person must understand that he is part of nature, and the existence of other living beings depends on him. To realize the importance of human activity, environmental education should begin from preschool age.

environmental education
environmental education

The importance of environmental education for preschoolers

Preschool institutions have switched to new federal education standards, which involve the formation of an ecological culture in children. The new generation should look objectively at human economic activity and take care of nature. Environmental education of preschoolers involves the formation of such skills.

Psychological and pedagogical characteristics of ecological development

Pre-school childhood is important for the further development of the child. It is in the firstseven years of life, the formation of the personality of the baby takes place, his mental and physical parameters are continuously improved, the formation of a full-fledged personality takes place. In the preschool period, the foundations of interaction with the living world are laid. The environmental education of preschool children implies the formation of the value of the living world in them, this task is solved by the kindergarten teacher.

environmental education of preschoolers
environmental education of preschoolers

History of the development of environmental education

Educators at all times have given an important place to nature as a means of development and education of preschoolers. The Polish educator Ya. A. Kamensky considered the living world to be a real source of knowledge, a way to develop a child's mind, a means of influencing the senses. Russian teacher K. D. Ushinsky suggested "introducing children into the world of nature", communicating the useful and important properties of the living world, while forming the communication skills of kids.

Pre-school environmental education has gained particular importance since the middle of the last century. It was at this time that methodologists and teachers distinguish as the main method - the formation of knowledge among preschoolers about the world around them. The development of environmental education in preschool children continued in the 70-80s of the 20th century. At the end of the 20th century, new teaching methods appeared, and the close attention of methodologists and teachers was again paid to the environmental education of preschoolers. The content of preschool education has become more complex, new theoretical knowledge has been introduced into it. New standards were conceivededucation that would contribute to the effective mental development of preschoolers.

Psychologists A. Wenger, N. Poddyakov, A. Zaporozhets theoretically substantiated the importance of environmental education of children, the importance of accessibility of visual-figurative education.

environmental upbringing and education
environmental upbringing and education

The theory of environmental education received its maximum impetus at the end of the last century. The new educational space became impossible without constant environmental education. In the Russian Federation, a special concept of permanent environmental education was developed, and the field of preschool education became the primary link in this system. This period is characterized by the acquisition of emotional perception by children of nature, the accumulation of ideas about various types of life. It is up to 5-6 years that the formation of the primary basis of ecological thinking takes place, the laying of the initial elements of ecological culture.

Author's programs created by psychologists and educators are aimed at forming in kids an aesthetic attitude to the surrounding reality and nature.

environmental education of schoolchildren
environmental education of schoolchildren

Sample programs for preschoolers

The program of S. G. and V. I. Ashikovs "Semitsvetik" is aimed at the cultural and environmental education of preschoolers, the formation of a rich, self-developing, spiritual personality in them. According to the authors of the methodology, it is the environmental education and upbringing of children that teaches them to think, to feel the world around them, to perceive the value of the living world. ATThe program assumes joint activities of preschoolers and adults in kindergarten, family, children's studios.

As they learn, preschoolers expand their horizons, moral and aesthetic qualities are formed in them. It is the ability to perceive the beauty that exists in nature that successfully implements the environmental education of children. The program contains two main themes: "Man", "Nature". The section "Nature" introduces the four kingdoms that exist on Earth: plants, minerals, animals, and humans. As part of the theme "Man", kids are told about the ascetics of culture, national heroes who left a good mark on Earth.

environmental education theory
environmental education theory

Nature is Our Home program

Ecological education and upbringing of preschool children is also possible under the program of E. Ryzhova "Our home is nature." It is aimed at the formation of a creative, active, humane personality of a 5-6 year old preschooler who has a holistic view of the surrounding nature, an understanding of the place of an ordinary person in it. Such environmental education of preschool children helps kids to get a detailed understanding of the relationship in nature, to acquire basic environmental knowledge. Educators teach their wards to be responsible for he alth and the environment. The program is supposed to develop in preschoolers the initial skills of competent and safe behavior in everyday life and nature, the practical participation of kids in the environmental work of their region.

The program assumes 10 blocks. Each has its own educator andtraining components in which different skills are developed: respect, care, the ability to see beauty. More than half of the program is connected with inanimate nature: soil, air, water. Three blocks are completely devoted to wildlife: plants, ecosystems, animals. There are sections in the program concerning the interaction of nature and man. The methodology of environmental education also has support in the form of developments on the formation of a developing environment in the DU, there are also special recommendations for conducting classes.

The author places special emphasis on the danger of waste produced by mankind. In order for the kids to be interested in the classroom, a special place is given to environmental tales, unusual stories about wildlife.

environmental education theory
environmental education theory

Young Ecologist Program

This course was created at the end of the last century by S. Nikolaeva. The first theory and methodology of environmental education proposed by the author has two subprograms. One part is devoted to the ecological development of preschool children, and the second part involves the advanced training of kindergarten teachers. The program has a full theoretical justification, the methods of environmental education used are indicated. Particular attention is paid to the practical part, introducing children to the care of plants and animals. Kids, doing a variety of experiments, will find out what conditions are needed for the growth and development of plants. They learn about the structure of the solar system, the laws of nature. Ecological knowledge, as conceived by the author, should become a means of forming love for nature,the inhabitants of our planet.

Ecological education of schoolchildren has become popular in many regions of the Russian Federation. Thanks to the joint work of ecologists and teachers, methods are emerging that take into account the social and natural local conditions, allowing the preservation of folk traditions.

Pre-school educators understand the importance of instilling an environmental culture from early childhood.

Observation in environmental education

Any education, including environmental education, involves the use of certain methods. The upbringing and comprehensive development of preschool children is carried out by a variety of methods. The most effective is the acquaintance of children with nature. Kids are interested in all natural phenomena: snow, rain, rainbows. The teacher must develop the skill of observing natural phenomena. It is his responsibility to cultivate a love for observations, the formation of skills in caring for animals and plants. The teacher should explain to his wards the importance of caring for living organisms, intolerance to damage to plants and animals. The essence of observation is the knowledge of natural objects with the help of visual, tactile, olfactory, auditory sense of smell. Through observation, the educator teaches children to distinguish various signs of natural objects, to navigate in the connection of animate and inanimate nature, to distinguish between animals and plants.

Observation involves activities organized by the teacher, aimed at a long and active study of natural phenomena by children.

The purpose of observation is the development of skills, additionaleducation. The environmental direction in many preschool institutions is chosen as a priority, which is a direct confirmation of its importance and relevance.

Psychologist S. Rubinshtein believes that observation is the result of understanding a natural phenomenon seen by a child. It is in the process of observation that education and ecological perception of what is seen takes place. K. D. Ushinsky was sure that it was the visibility that characterizes the observation process that gives it such efficiency and effectiveness. A variety of exercises offered to children of 4-6 years of age, based on observation, contribute to the development of logical thinking, observation, concentration. It is difficult to imagine any preschool education without observation: environmental, moral, artistic.

Teacher E. I. Tikheeva believed that it was classes that implied observation that helped shape the speech of kids. In order for the educator to achieve his goal, he uses special techniques that allow him to organize the active perception of pupils. The teacher asks a question that involves research, comparison, establishing a connection between different phenomena and vows of living nature. Thanks to the inclusion of all children's senses in the work, observation allows you to fully perceive the necessary knowledge. This process implies concentration of attention, and therefore, the educator is obliged to clearly control the volume, time, content of the study.

It is through observation that preschoolers learn nature, remember its objects. specific, bright,memorable images, the child perceives faster. It is this knowledge that he will use in his later life: in the classroom, during hikes.

environmental education of children
environmental education of children

What is the importance of observation for the environmental education of preschoolers

This method demonstrates to kids the naturalness and diversity of the living world, the relationship between its objects. With the systematic use of observation, children learn how to look at details, notice the slightest changes, and develop their powers of observation. This technique allows you to form an aesthetic taste in children, to influence their emotional perception of the world. The teacher in working with children uses various types of observation. Recognizing observation is used to:

  • to form an idea in kids about the diversity of the world of animals and plants;
  • to teach to recognize objects of nature;
  • to introduce the features, qualities of an object of nature;
  • to form ideas about the development, growth of animals and plants;
  • learn the features of seasonal natural changes

In order for the method to be as effective as possible, the teacher prepares additional handouts. Creating applications from individual parts, modeling animals, help to realize the knowledge that was obtained by a preschooler during observation.

Long-term observation is suitable for children 5-6 years old. The guys analyze the growth, development of the plant, highlight changes, identify similarities and differences between the initial and final plant species.

Long-term observations involve a detailed study of the relationship between plants and their environment, as well as an analysis of morphofunctional fitness. Without constant monitoring and help of the educator, this option of observation will not bring results.

Modern preschool education: environmental, moral, artistic, chooses the preschool itself. Some kindergartens allocate their own direction of development for each group, or use several directions in their work.

If the emphasis in a preschool is on the ecological development of kids, a program is selected. It involves setting clear goals and objectives. The goal is set specifically, taking into account the age characteristics and physical development of children.

The tasks should take into account the cognitive nature, focus on the mental activity of preschoolers, the need to look for answers to specific questions posed by the teacher during the classes.

Studies conducted by child psychologists have confirmed the importance of systematic environmental education. Toddlers who got acquainted with the living and non-living world at the age of 3-4 quickly adapt to learning at school, do not experience difficulties in communicating with their peers, have good speech, memory, and attention. The knowledge gained in kindergarten, preschoolers deepen, supplement, systematize in the classroom in elementary school. GEF, introduced in preschool education, involves the formation of elementary concepts in children about wildlife.

To achieve a similar result, variousmethods of ecological education of kids.

Observation techniques for preschoolers

A weekly course for familiarizing kids with seasonal natural changes was created by S. N. Nikolaeva. The author suggests observing the weather every month for one week:

  1. Analyze the weather daily.
  2. Examine trees and shrubs, cover the ground.
  3. Watch the animals in the living corner of the kindergarten.
  4. Fill out nature's calendars daily.

Method of S. N. Nikolaeva assumes a shift of "weeks of observation" every month by one week. As a result, a weather map is compiled, according to which the guys analyze changes in the animal and plant world. While observing the weather, kids identify specific phenomena, determine their intensity. When studying the weather, they pay attention to three parameters: determine the state of the sky and the type of precipitation, the degree of heat or cold, the presence or absence of wind.

The teacher organizes such daily observations of changes in the weather in a varied, lively way so that the interest of the kids does not decrease, but increases. Such an "ecological week" is a great chance to instill a love for nature, to form ideas about the seasons and their characteristics.


Those information about the environment that will be obtained by kids during the simplest observations, conclusions, experiments, will help children understand the diversity of the living and non-living world. Ecological classes, conducted taking into account physiological, psychological characteristicspreschool age, will help kids get acquainted with natural phenomena, understand their importance, purpose. A child who from early childhood gets used to love and appreciate nature will never cut down trees and bushes, torture animals, and pick flowers. Environmental education is an important part of preschool education. A variety of techniques developed by child psychologists and ecologists help to instill in future first-graders a love for trees, flowers, birds, animals, and fish. Many preschool institutions have created their own living corners for environmental education. Caring for their inhabitants contributes to the formation of an ecological culture.
