Methodology of environmental education of preschoolers

Methodology of environmental education of preschoolers
Methodology of environmental education of preschoolers

Ecological education of preschoolers is one of the activities of the GEF. Formation in the younger generation of respect for the nature of the native land, development of water saving skills - all this is included in the system of additional education in our country.

Objectives and concepts

Environmental education of preschoolers according to GEF should help prevent the destruction of our planet. A special program designed for toddlers is used by many preschool teachers.

What is she like? Its main goal is to educate the ecological culture of preschoolers using understandable examples.

A tolerant attitude towards nature contributes to the development of a culture of behavior in preschoolers, their socialization.

Ecological education of preschoolers allows you to change their attitude towards nature. Educators must show some perseverance, use a clear program of action in order to cope with the tasks set for them by the new educational standards.

environmental education
environmental education

Specific work

Environmental education of preschoolers involves the formation of a sense of responsibility for the actions taken, the ability to realize the results of activities.

In order to get the maximum effect, educators use a variety of illustrative examples. With skillful placement of accents, a combination of different pedagogical technologies, active physical activity, we can talk about creating a system of values in the minds of preschoolers.


Environmental education of preschoolers through a combination of different methods originated in the middle of the last century. Soviet psychologists talked about the need to develop a system of interrelationships between various fields of knowledge, aimed at identifying the patterns of processes occurring in nature. At that time, there was no sufficient base: textbooks, books, illustrative materials that would contribute to the implementation of the idea.

After the modernization of the preschool educational institution, a methodology for the environmental education of preschoolers was created, which managed to confirm its effectiveness and expediency.

methods of ecological education of preschoolers
methods of ecological education of preschoolers

Specific activity

Let's consider the main methods of environmental education of preschoolers:

  • Visibility. It involves observations, viewing various illustrations, viewing transparencies, films. It is visual methods that are recognized by psychologists as the most effective in working with children of primary preschool age.
  • Practicalmethods: simple experiments, games, modeling. Children are aware of the connection between individual natural phenomena and objects, systematize knowledge, learn to apply it in practice.
  • Verbal methods: preparing stories, memorizing poems, reading books contribute to the expansion of knowledge about natural phenomena, the formation of a positive attitude towards the living world.


Full-fledged environmental education of preschoolers involves the large-scale use of various methodological techniques.

A prerequisite is to take into account the age characteristics of children. For example, for the smallest, observation of natural objects, accompanied by the stories of the educator, is suitable.

Such methods of environmental education of preschoolers are called types of sensory cognition, they are associated with the direct contact of the child with the studied objects of wildlife.

In an educational children's institution, the teacher organizes a long and systematic perception of natural objects by children in the process of considering a certain topic of the lesson.

The role of environmental education of preschool children is also great for the self-education of their parents, since interest in the introduction of such programs has appeared recently, many fathers and mothers do not have a clear idea of the essence of such education.

Expanding the baby's knowledge of nature leads to a huge number of questions, which is an excellent incentive for parents to replenish their knowledge of natural objects and phenomena. That is why we can talk about the indirect impact of environmental education andon parents of preschoolers.

the role of environmental education
the role of environmental education

Work Forms

What means of environmental education of preschoolers can be considered the most effective? The educator chooses such didactic forms for work that allow considering the topic comprehensively, contribute to consolidating the information received:

  • classes;
  • hiking, excursions;
  • ecological holidays;
  • daily walks.

Let's take a closer look at each form of activity. Classes can be considered the leading form of work. They contribute to the comprehensive development of preschoolers, their acquaintance with the peculiarities of natural processes and phenomena.

Recently, there has been a development of environmental education of preschoolers. In the classroom, the teacher systematizes the knowledge of the kids about the world around them. The preschool educational institution organizes primary, introductory, generalizing, cognitive, complex classes aimed at environmental education of preschoolers.

means of ecological education of preschoolers
means of ecological education of preschoolers

Hiking and excursions

Ecological education of older preschoolers is hard to imagine without the use of this form of activity. During hikes, thematic excursions, he alth improvement, education, training, as well as the development of new aesthetic and moral qualities take place. It is during hikes and excursions that children develop planning skills, because before going out into nature, the educator and parents carefully consider the upcoming event.

In order for preschoolers to form a complete picture of the changes taking place in nature, the environmental education program involves excursions at different times of the year. In the course of such observations, kids learn to compare, analyze, generalize the changes that occur with water bodies, trees, flowers, shrubs.

The main method of environmental education in such a situation is precisely observation, and the task of the teacher is to correct the conclusions that preschoolers make.

Ecological holidays

This form of leisure activities contributes to the formation of a positive response in children to various natural phenomena. With the systematic organization of unusual competitions, competitions, there is a positive impact on the formation of the personality of a preschooler.

Holidays can be dedicated, for example, to the change of seasons. We offer a variant of an unusual scenario dedicated to the meeting of spring.

methodology for environmental education of children
methodology for environmental education of children

Spring is Coming

This event is aimed at forming a positive attitude of preschoolers to the perception of information about the change of seasons. The event is dedicated to the celebration of March 8, involves serious preliminary work on the part of the children and the teacher.

For example, in art classes, kids get acquainted with different colors, create applications from colored paper.

The kids will then give the finished work to their beloved mothers, congratulating them on International Women's Day. At a music lessontogether with the teacher, preschoolers learn songs that mention female names associated with the names of various colors.

In a living corner, kids grow indoor flowers for their mothers, at the same time they learn the rules of caring for them, get acquainted with the features of watering, plant transplantation. To develop fine motor skills from plasticine, preschoolers create original flower arrangements that will become the basis for an exhibition before a festive event.

In addition to the formation of ideas about plants, kids develop the skills of caring for wildlife. They will not only help children adapt to the social environment, but will also be a great way for self-education and self-development. The only nuance that is important to consider when organizing a holiday will be building a program that will use different forms, taking into account the age characteristics of the kids.

An excellent end to the event will be a joint tea party, at which the results will be summed up.

ecological development according to GEF
ecological development according to GEF

Daily walks

They can also be attributed to environmental education, accessible even to kids from the younger groups of kindergarten. Children like this type of activity, they are happy to contact with leaves, water, sand, pets, fruits, berries. With the correct alignment of the walk, preschoolers accumulate some experience, develop observation. They experience true pleasure from direct communication with wildlife. For example, useful andan interesting option for the work of children from older groups will be work in a flower garden or in a small experimental area.

Modern technologies

Among the innovative methods used for environmental education of children in preschool educational institutions, let's single out an elementary search. It is understood as the joint activity of the teacher and children, which is aimed at solving cognitive problems that appear in children in everyday life.

Elementary search not only gives the educator the opportunity to form the basis of logical thinking in his wards, but also contributes to the self-development of the younger generation. Among the most interesting options for elementary search, quests have been increasingly used lately.

When selecting tasks, the teacher takes into account the individual characteristics of the kids, tries to form a humane attitude towards the environment towards them, that is, carries out the moral education of the younger generation of Russians.

Orientation of environmental education

It implies the following consequences:

  • creation of a certain system of knowledge and ideas about ecology among preschoolers;
  • focusing on the ability to understand and see natural beauty, admire it, perceive reality aesthetically;
  • involving children in activities aimed at preserving and protecting natural objects.

All components of an integrated approach to environmental education of the younger generation in a preschool educational institution give the expected result only incase of their close relationship.

Without awareness of the understanding and uniqueness of the surrounding world, it is impossible to talk about educating children in a humane attitude towards objects of inanimate and living nature. The consolidation of theoretical information is carried out in the preschool educational institution during daily walks, during matinees and holidays, caring for animals and plants in a living corner.

Teachers and parents should become for kids the standard of harmonious relationships with nature, only then can they develop a caring attitude towards fragile flowers and plants in children.

ecology in kindergarten
ecology in kindergarten


Features of environmental education in preschool educational institutions are determined by the specifics of the development of children. It is this period that is most favorable for laying the basic qualities of a person, including an ecological culture of behavior. At preschool age, there is a process of forming a positive attitude towards nature, the world around.

Showing a certain emotional and value attitude to living objects, the baby begins to realize himself as a part of it. That is why knowledge about the rules and norms of interaction with nature, empathy with it, showing genuine interest in resolving certain environmental situations that are relevant for preschoolers are so important.

As the basis for the practical activities of kindergarten teachers in the framework of environmental education, we can consider the preparation of equipment and material for the full implementation of all forms and methods of the created program.

If all the nuances are thought out when developing the programfor such enlightenment, one can count on the formation of a humane-reasonable attitude of kids to objects and natural phenomena. Realizing the importance and timeliness of such work, educators and psychologists develop special materials for conducting theoretical and practical classes in different groups of the kindergarten, which allow forming a careful attitude of children to wildlife.
